I ran with Ji MuQing on my back. At my speed, those people couldn't catch up. I guessed that the fat boss said hello to the bottom. Without running a few steps, more than a dozen people rushed towards him, each with a guy in his hand.

I directly kicked open the box door next to me. There was no one inside. Carrying Ji MuQing on my back, I stepped on the stool, jumped up and landed on the table. I looked back. The fat man and those people just came to the door. I kicked the stool. The stool rushed out like a bullet and stuck at the door.

"Bye, everyone." then I kicked open the glass behind Ji MuQing's back and got out of the window.

Ji MuQing screamed "ah" and subconsciously hugged my neck with both hands.

Jumping from here is only about three meters high. It's not difficult for me.

But Ji MuQing was afraid. She hugged my neck and ordered, "Zhao Suo, stop for me."

I took back my steps, slightly turned my head, looked at Ji MuQing and said, "Mr. Ji, you climb on my back. Even if you fall from here, I'm the one who has an accident. What are you afraid of?"

"You put me down." Ji MuQing ignored my problem and struggled to get down.

I grabbed her leg, padded it up and padded Ji MuQing back.

At this time, those guys climbed over the stool and entered the box one after another. They were about to catch up.

"Are you sure you want to go down?" I said half jokingly.

Ji MuQing looked back and saw that those people were approaching. She twisted her body and the two peaks rubbed against me. It was so cool.

I wish those guys could come in slowly and let me enjoy a few more minutes. But Ji MuQing was frightened and lost her color. She grabbed my hair and shouted, "jump, jump, they're catching up..."

Shit, I'm almost out of my hair.

I opened my legs and jumped, and the two people did free fall one after another.

"Ah -" Ji MuQing was so frightened that she broke her voice.

I landed firmly on the ground. I wanted to pat her on the leg with my hand, but I didn't expect to pat her ass. it's full of elasticity. It's really a good ass.

Fortunately, Ji MuQing hasn't recovered from the panic, otherwise I won't be late to go.

The fat boss climbed in the second floor window and shouted at us, "chase, chase me..."

It's haunting!

I secretly scolded and ran away with Ji MuQing on my back.

Seeing that I was about to arrive at the parking lot, my head suddenly felt as if it was going to explode, and my sight suddenly became blurred. I didn't see things very clearly.

I stopped and shook my head to recover as soon as possible.

Finally, the sight became clear, but the headache was still there.

Ji MuQing asked me anxiously, "Zhao Suo, what's the matter with you?"

"No... nothing." I bit my teeth. In fact, my head seemed to be pried open. I was almost stunned by the pain.

I carried Ji MuQing on my back and reached her car as fast as I could and put her on the ground.

The headache worsened again. I covered my head in pain and wanted to crash the car away.

Ji MuQing hurriedly opened the door and helped me sit on it. Then, she got into the driver's seat, started the car, gave a hula, and the car rushed out one second before the people came.

After driving a long way, my headache relieved. I leaned my head against the back of the chair to ease myself.

Ji MuQing pulled over and asked me anxiously, "are you okay? Do you want to take you to the hospital?"

"No." my headache problem has been with me for a long time. I didn't know the reason before. Now I know. I always thought there was more time, but now it seems that the frequency of headache is becoming more and more frequent. Does it mean that my headache has reached the limit?

I put my hand into my pocket and took out the note that abin gave me.

Go or not?

"What is this?" Ji MuQing said involuntarily, taking the note in my hand. "Eh, do you know Mr. Wei?"

"Mr. Wei?" there is an address on this note. There is no name. How does Ji MuQing know who it is?

I sat up and looked into Ji MuQing's eyes. "I don't know Mr. Wei. This note was given by a friend. I have a headache. He said I'll find it at this address and someone can help me."

Ji MuQing returned the note to me, "Mr. Wei is my master. He lives at this address."

The address given to me by a bin is the address of his master. Now Ji MuQing says that Mr. Wei is her master. Does Ji MuQing know a bin?

Is Ji MuQing also a member of the family?

No, if she was practicing family, why didn't I feel the real Qi flowing in her body when I ran away and carried her on my back just now?

Seems to know the question in my heart. Ji MuQing took the lead in saying, "Mr. Wei is my father's good friend. I have been weak and sick since I was small. My father asked Mr. Wei to teach me a set of boxing, saying that I can strengthen my body."

i see!

No wonder Ji MuQing is fearless when he sees bad people. Mr. Wei is everyone. His apprentice is naturally not a layman.

Ji MuQing said and looked at me anxiously, "Zhao Suo, tell me honestly, who are you?"

"I'm a poor worker."

Ji MuQing looked at me with a sneer. "Poor workers? Will poor workers have such good skills? Can they speak several languages? Even know foreigners?"

It seems that she believes I know REM now.

This woman is smart. She knows a lot at a glance.

I leaned my head against the back of the chair and sighed, "Mr. Ji, can we not talk about this topic?"

"Aren't you looking for Mr. Wei to cure your headache? I don't know you clearly. How dare I take you to see your master?" Ji MuQing said.

I responded faintly, "I appreciate your kindness. If I want to go, I will go myself. I won't worry about it."

Ji MuQing was stunned. She probably didn't expect me to refuse her.

She turned her head, started the car and said coldly, "whatever you want."

After a long silence, after I adjusted my breathing, the symptoms of headache finally relieved a lot.

In fact, it's not that I don't want to go to see Mr. Wei with Ji MuQing, but that I still have some things to solve here and can't leave.

I'm afraid I won't have a chance as soon as I leave.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at Ji MuQing's residence. We walked back side by side. I could clearly feel Ji MuQing's indifference.

She must also be angry about her kindness to help me but I refused.

I quickly caught up and said with a smile, "Mr. Ji, let's start designing tonight."


"Does Ji always have any good ideas?"


"Ji always be careful." a black cat suddenly jumped down from the tree and slipped in front of Ji MuQing. If I don't stop her and she takes another half step, the black cat's claws will scratch her face.

Ji MuQing patted her chest with lingering fear and looked into my eyes. Finally, she was much kinder.

I took the opportunity to say, "Mr. Ji, I remember your kindness in my heart, but I can't leave Chengdu for the time being. I still have some things to deal with. When I deal with them, I'll trouble Mr. Ji to take me, OK?"

Ji MuQing looked at me suspiciously. A moment later, she nodded and agreed to my request.

I took the key from her hand and opened the door. Pangpang rushed out and rushed into Ji MuQing's arms.

Ji MuQing held Pangpang for a while and patted Pang's head. "Play by yourself. I'll go to work."

Pangpang walked away and found a toy to play with.

The man is so beautiful that his pets look smart and clever.

As a pet owner, Ji MuQing's pangpangpang is much more sensible, while Niu Mengmeng's black beans are much more naughty, just like its owner.

I changed my shoes and went to the bedroom to change my expensive suit.

This dress is higher than my one-year salary. If it's scraped and worn, I'll feel much distressed.

I put on my usual clothes and came out. I felt much more comfortable all over.

Ji MuQing has started the draft paper and is preparing to draw a picture.

"Mr. Ji, don't work so hard. Take a bath and relax first." I kindly reminded him.

Sometimes the design of this thing depends on inspiration. It is useless to rely on effort and hard work alone.

Ji MuQing shook her head. "No, I'll design some styles first and take a bath later. Anyway, I sleep late every night."

"President Ji, can I ask why you have insomnia? High pressure? I don't think you are like ah, because of... Emotional things?" in addition, I can't think of anything else.

Ji MuQing put down the pen in her hand and looked dignified, "yes, it's not."

This answer is ambiguous. What does it mean to be, not to be?

I was going to take a bath, but now I'm better. What does that mean?

"Talk about it." I can't hold any curiosity in my stomach like her.

Ji MuQing looked at me and said, "don't you always think your supervisor Huang is my fiance? Do you think Huang Tianfu and I are the same people?"

I shook my head like a rattle, "no, definitely not. But that was what Huang Tianfu said. And when he toasted you at the reception that day, you talked and laughed. I thought you were really that."

"I don't think you're a brainless person. Why can't you see such a simple thing?" Ji MuQing said sarcastically.

I scratched my head in embarrassment. Who said I had no brain? I reacted afterwards. Mainly, as soon as Huang Tianfu said her name, I was so excited that I didn't think about it elsewhere.

But what can I do about this meeting? It's impossible to say that I've long wanted to go.. You're tired, so you don't think so much, do you?

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