My method can hide from little pineapple, but it can't hide from Ji MuQing's eyes.

"Zhao Suo, help me get something." Ji MuQing called me out of the room, gently pulled the door, and then asked me, "is black rose in trouble? I saw your car heading for the hotel just now. When we left, black rose suddenly handed us the little pineapple. I thought she might be in trouble."

Since Ji MuQing guessed it, I don't need to hide it anymore. I sighed, "To be honest, I don't know exactly what it is. Just now when I asked her, she refused to tell me. She gave us the little pineapple temporarily. I thought there was a problem, so I hurried to send you back to find her, but I was still a little late. When I arrived at the hotel, she had already left. I don't know why, I always felt that something bad had happened 。”

Ji MuQing gently stroked her chest, "I also have a bad hunch, Zhao Suo. Otherwise, go find the black rose."

Ji MuQing looked at me worried.

I stared at her, sighed and grabbed her hand in the palm. "Black rose didn't tell me, just didn't want me to know. Besides, she is an agent. If you want to avoid me, how can I find it so easily? Forget it, let's take good care of the little pineapple and don't let her have any worries. In addition, I can't bear to leave you and my son."

"How do you know it must be a son?" Ji MuQing said.

I stroked her stomach and said, "mom said. Mom also said that when a woman is pregnant, if her stomach is round, she is a daughter, and if her stomach is sharp, she is a son. Look at your belly, how sharp it is, it must be a son. The little pineapple also wants a little brother, one son and one daughter, just right."

Ji MuQing stroked her stomach. "I just like my daughter. I hope to have a daughter. The girl is my mother's sweet little cotton padded jacket."

I squatted down and put my ears on her belly to hear the sound of the child tumbling in her belly.

The little guy has been in shape for more than six months now. He kicks me every night. He's very naughty.

I took a deep breath and stopped thinking about those things.

I just want to keep our family, forever.

In the evening, after little pineapple and Ji MuQing fell asleep, I tossed and turned. I couldn't sleep, and my brain was particularly clear. Since I couldn't sleep, I wouldn't sleep. I got on the car and came to Mr. Wei. Fortunately, Mr. Wei didn't sleep either.

When I came to the house, I found that there were other people in the house. They were Mr. Wei's four disciples.

I looked at them and they looked at me.

I met them once and knew each other, so I don't need to be so polite. But when I saw something wrong with their faces, I had a bad feeling in my heart.

"How are you?"

"Qingxuan!" Mr. Wei's tone was very heavy. I found that there was a man lying behind several people. The clothes on the man looked familiar. I didn't see until I walked in that he was the king of medicine.

I quickly came to the king of medicine. There were many small wounds on his face and hands. There was a blur of blood on his chest. The blood had dried up. It seems that he has been dead for some time.

There are a lot of sawdust in the wound, as well as in the nail.

Mr. Wei sighed and said, "when they found the medicine king, he had an accident. He fell from a cliff of more than ten meters. They also found a strange grass beside him. Presumably, the medicine King fell off the cliff and died in order to pick the herb."

I looked forward to finding the medicine king. Unexpectedly, when I saw him again, there was a gap between yin and Yang.

If human life is fragile, it is too fragile.

Looking at the corpse of the medicine king, my heart was full of sadness.

For the king of medicine and for myself.

Maybe I can't break through the level of star formula in my life. If I can't break through, what's the difference between me and the medicine king?

For a time, my mind was full of thoughts, and I didn't know what to say?

"Take the body of the medicine King down and bury him," Mr. Wei said to several disciples.

The disciples answered and made concerted efforts to take the medicine King's body down. At this time, a cool wind blew from nowhere, just like the lights went out when people died.

Mr. Wei sat down on the futon opposite me and sighed, "Qingxuan, the accident of the king of medicine is really unexpected. It seems that you can only rely on the formula of stars. However, don't be impatient and don't lose big because of small things."

I nodded to show my understanding. I still felt heavy in my heart. "The star formula is obscure and difficult to understand. Even if I have the talent to do it again, I can't break through in a short time. However, the heaven and earth aura formed by the star formula increases sharply in my mind every day. I don't know when I can't bear it or when it will explode."

"If you're afraid, follow me to the mountain," Mr. Wei reminded.

My heart sank again.

Go to the mountain. What about Ji MuQing and little pineapple?

I went around and finally came back to this problem.

I didn't speak because I really didn't know what to say?

That night, I sat in Mr. Wei all night and thought about it all night, but I didn't have the answer I wanted.

Mr. Wei did not speak, because he knew that the decision was in my hands. No matter how I thought, the final decision was for me to make.

Early in the morning, the chirping of birds outside the window pulled me back to reality from the misty. I slowly opened my eyes. The situation in front of me had not changed much from that of last night.

I'm still troubled by that problem. There are still a lot of things I don't understand.

But I know, I should go back.

I got up and bowed goodbye to Mr. Wei. Mr. Wei didn't open his eyes, but said faintly, "go."

When I came out of the room, I saw Mr. Wei's four disciples sitting on both sides meditating.

I remember the first time I saw them, the boss was calm and had a long-term vision, which made me admire very much. The second was arrogant and no one was satisfied. The third and fourth were just like newborn calves. They were not afraid of heaven. Now they are so calm when I see them again.

It's only a short year since I last saw them. Everyone has changed so much that I have to admire Mr. Wei's ability.

When the car left the vast mountains and drove into the bustling city, the mood seemed to change dramatically.

When walking in the mountains and forests, there is always a feeling that you are outside, don't think about anything, and your heart changes with the changes of nature. But once you enter the prosperous city, the sound of car sirens, the Hawker's Hawking, the endless flow of cars, and the rush of people, you don't have the mind to meditate.

No wonder hermits and experts like to run into deep mountains and forests, because it is really a good place for self-cultivation.

When the car gets closer and closer to where we live, only Ji MuQing and little pineapple are left in my mind. I will think about what they like to eat, where to take them today, and how to make them happy every day

This feeling makes me calm and free from trouble.

At the door of the community, I bought two breakfasts. The aunt selling breakfast would add two more hams to me because I was her regular guest and often helped her. This feeling also reassures me.

When entering the community, the security guard at the door would wave hello to me. I remember that at the beginning, he looked down on me and laughed at me. But in the later contact, we all adapted to each other. This feeling also made me secure.

When I enter the underground parking garage of the community, the old man at the door will habitually shout to slow me down, because I always drive very fast. Every time I hear his cry, I feel secure.

I vaguely seem to know what I should do.

I found that I have fallen in love with this city and everything in this city. The aunt at the door, the security guard and the yelling uncle are all part of my life.

They do not play an irreplaceable role in my life, but because of their existence, they constitute my life.

I can't bear to leave them and everything here.

Therefore, I won't go to any mountains and forests. I will stay here, guard this city and our home.

After thinking through all this, my steps seemed to become brisk.

Instead of taking the elevator, I took the stairs and climbed to the 10th floor. I was sweating all over. Instead, I felt refreshed.

I opened the door just in time for Ji MuQing and little pineapple to get up and come out of the bedroom. I shook my two breakfast and shouted to them to wash and eat while it was hot.

Little pineapple grinds and squeaks her eyes. Ji MuQing coaxes and deceives her into the bathroom. Everything is so beautiful.

I went to the window and opened the curtains. The sunshine poured in, driving away the cool air of the night and bringing a piece of warmth. This feeling also made me secure.

I took a deep breath, as if even the air had changed.

Suddenly, an aura flashed in my mind. At the same time, my heart beat faster involuntarily.

Why do I suddenly have this feeling of sudden openness? Did the star formula break through again?

Once this idea comes out, it is like a volcanic eruption, which can't be controlled.

I nervously adjusted my breathing and felt the changes of the stars in my mind. There was no surging feeling like the first time, but another unspeakable feeling. It was like that I was in a vast grassland. When the wind blew, I could feel the breath of every grass on the grassland, their laughter and their dancing with the wind.

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