The skeleton mask stared at me and didn't speak for a long time. I didn't like this feeling very much.

I don't like being stared at or guessing what others think. I say what I like. This is not a guessing meeting, so don't waste your time.

"If you haven't thought about what to say, I'm sorry. Can I go first?" I don't have time to waste time with him.

When the skeleton mask saw that I was leaving, it finally made a noise, "Xuan er."

My steps froze.


My nickname?

Why did he call me that?

Who the hell is he?

What does it have to do with me?

Why is it so close?

The skeleton mask slowly took off the mask on my face. When the face behind the mask came out, I was stunned, dumbfounded, the air seemed to be still, and even my breathing was almost forgotten by me.

That face is so similar to me. No, it should be said that my face is so similar to him.

His eyebrows, his eyes, his nose, his mouth

And the way he looked at me.

In a trance, some pictures of broken instructions flashed in my mind.

A kind face, a smiling mouth

In a trance, the kind face overlaps and separates with the familiar and strange face in front of us, overlaps and separates again

My brain seems to have been forcibly filled with a lot of gas and is about to explode.

I covered my head in pain and stumbled.

"Xuan'er." skeleton mask, no, what should I call him?

Phantom gang leader? Or, father?

He hurried to me and held me, "xuan'er, what's the matter with you?"

I don't open his hand and keep a distance from him.

I don't know what to say or what to say. My mind is messy and painful. It seems to explode.

He wanted to get close to me. I wouldn't let him get close. Every time he went forward, I would step back, "stop, stop! Don't come here!"

"Xuan'er, aren't you looking for me everywhere? Why don't you recognize me when I stand in front of you now?"

Yes, I went from heaven to earth to find him. For him, I ventured to the snow mountain and almost died there. For him, I visited Mr. Wei many times just to know a little bit about him from Mr. Wei's mouth.

Once for a small hope, I could risk and move forward at all costs, but why am I so afraid now?

I can't be happy at all. I can't laugh at all.

I want to cry, but I can't cry.

My mood is very complicated now, and my mind is very chaotic, "you let me calm down."

"OK, I'll give you time to calm down, but first, tell me what's the matter with you? You look very painful. Come on, let me help you."

With that, he wanted to come and pull my hand, and I avoided him.

I don't know why I dodged. That was a subconscious move. At the moment he approached me, I felt inexplicable panic and uneasiness.

Yes, it's panic and anxiety.

A dead person suddenly appears in front of you, or with such a magical identity, how can you not panic and be safe?

I need time to clear my mind, and I need time to accept it.

"Don't come near me, I said, don't come near me, let me calm down." it's always difficult for me to calm down, my heart beats faster and my mind is messy.

Damn it, I haven't been so overwhelmed for a long time. I'm not wrong.

He stepped back slowly, keeping a distance from me, leaving me time to calm down.

I found a flat step to sit down, but my heart was hard to calm down for a long time.

He came to me and sat down beside me. He wanted to hold my hand, but I avoided him.

"Xuan'er, my good child, I didn't expect you to be a father. The little pineapple is very cute and I like her very much. The child in Xiaoqing's belly must be very cute too. I really want to hear them call me Grandpa."



My child's grandfather died long ago.

"Mr. Wei said that all the members of the fox hunting team were spared, and you fell into the March pond with Kalu. I also found your bones under the pond, but why do you appear in front of me now?"

I don't know how much effort it took to say these words.

He took a deep breath, "when Kalu and I fell off the cliff and looked for March Lake together, we all thought that drinking the water of March lake could prolong our life. In fact, those were deceptive. I knew for a long time that even if we drank the water of March lake, we could not live long. Therefore, when Kalu deceived me into going down the lake, I didn't think about going down at all."

"At that time, we arrived at the March Lake together in three months. Another person really went into the lake. The night before, while they were sleeping, I changed our faces with a human skin mask. Kalu thought that person was me, and I was the best martial artist among the three of us at that time. Kalu naturally asked me to go down to deal with the dragon in the lake , the man didn't understand why Kalu pushed him down in the end. "

So, he killed that man, and he made that man his own scapegoat?

However, when he said these words, it was the same as saying whether you ate or drank. He was so casual and didn't care.

That's a human life. If a person dies instead of him, doesn't he have a little guilt in his heart?

I suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh. I always thought my father was a great and powerful man. He was a great hero in my mind and a light to illuminate my way to the advanced, but the reality gave me a hard slap.

I can't accept the huge contrast and the unprepared reality.

But reality is reality. Even if I escape and don't want to accept it, the reality is still like this. I won't change anything because I don't want to accept it.

It's no use avoiding, it's no use not accepting.

I never like to solve problems by avoiding.

I met his eyes and could see nothing in those dark eyes.

Those eyes are too deep. It can also be said that they are too mysterious. He deliberately covered up something and deliberately didn't let me see it.

The person sitting next to me is my closest person, but I can't feel the feeling of relatives or excitement in him.

I can't find anything in common except that we look a little similar.

My heart also calmed down slowly. It seems that I am not so excited just now.

Or maybe it's so desperate that I don't even have the leisure elegance of anger and disappointment.

"You left me just to let me recognize the kiss. Now that the kiss has been recognized, can I go?"

Staying in such a place for another second makes me feel uncomfortable all over.

Then I got up and left.

He took my arm, "xuan'er." that sound, trembling, vaguely made me think that this was an old father's longing for his children. The softest place in his heart was finally touched.

But I know that this touch comes from family affection and nature. It has nothing to do with his love for me.

I held his hand. "Sorry, my name is Zhao Suo. I'm an orphan."

"Are you blaming me?" he asked, staring at me.

I'd like to ask him, "Do I want to hold you and tell you how much I miss you? My dead and reborn father. In my impression, my father is very kind. He is a hero in the fox hunting team, my hero and the hero of the whole Chinese people. He can sacrifice himself for his task and at all costs to protect his teammates. He is glorious, great and true Worthy of everyone's respect. "

"That was before the fox hunting team was disbanded, but the fox hunting team was finally disbanded. We are useless. People no longer need us. No matter how distinguished our previous war achievements are, no matter how powerful we used to be, and no matter how much people need us, it is useless or useless."

"So, you gave up everything you used to be and became what you are now?" my retort was as sharp and cold as a knife.

I just want to ask so * naked. I just want to be straightforward. I just want to face him.

"There are many things that cannot be explained clearly in a few words." he turned his back and stopped looking at me.

That's not a reason, it's just an excuse.

If a person's faith is strong enough, he will not change because of these things.

I can't understand why he became like this.

He shaped his position as a hero in my heart with one hand and killed the hero with the other.

He gave me hope and disappointment. This gap is too big.

I tried to restrain myself, but whenever I saw his familiar and strange face, I couldn't help being angry.

"Stop talking. I don't want to hear anything. I'm leaving here now. Are you going to stop me?"

At the moment I turned around, he grabbed my wrist and felt my pulse. I hurriedly wanted to pull my hand back, but his strength was stronger than me, so I didn't pull it back.

"Your aura is very disordered."

"Leave it alone." I pushed him away, turned and left.

At this time, a dozen people of the phantom Gang rushed out and stopped me.

I don't care about these soldiers at all. They want to stop me. They don't have the ability.

I swept the hall legs, and more than a dozen shrimps and crabs were laid down in half. The rest were timid and dared not come forward.

If I go forward, they will go back. If I go forward, they will go back.

I'll just walk away. Whoever dares to stop me, I'll be rude to anyone.

"Xuan'er, you can't go. The aura in your body is very disordered. It's likely to rush into your muscles." he shouted behind me.

I pretended I didn't hear. I kept walking. I just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

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