We tossed around until more than eight o'clock, and the little pineapple was finally packed. The town is not big. You can find them by looking down, so you didn't call.

Little pineapple had to take the gadget with him. The little guy was lively and noisy. If he wasn't careful, he would run away. In order to prevent the little thing from escaping, little pineapple thought of a way to tie his leg with a rope and tie the other end to his wrist.

The little thing is very resistant to the rope. It has been "squeaking" and barking. I'm afraid it will scratch the little pineapple.

"Little pineapple, leave this little guy in the room. Let's go out for dinner and come back later." I suggested.

The little pineapple just picked up the little guy, "no, I'm afraid he'll run away."

Then he held the little guy in his arms. I saw her so determined, so I didn't say anything.

A bin, they were sitting in a restaurant, not far from the hotel. They found it after a few steps.

Not many people eat here. A bin said that some people have gone to other places to eat.

We sat down in the empty seat and ordered some small dishes. During the interval of waiting for dinner, I observed these people.

They wear very ordinary clothes and look very ordinary. It's easy to make people think they are a group of ordinary people, but when you observe them for a long time, you will find that almost everyone of them is hidden.

Ji MuQing lowered her head and said to me, "it's really like you said."

I smiled. It's good as I said. Our team may grow again.

"Let's eat first."

A bin asked, "what are you going to do next?"

"Only when you are full can you have the strength to think about the next step." I didn't answer directly.

Seeing me say so, we won't say anything. The food comes up with some light and delicious dishes. They taste very good and are quite suitable for our taste.

While eating, the gadget suddenly stood up.

Before, the little guy resisted for a long time and didn't resist. He seemed to give up his resistance. He lay in the arms of a little pineapple and stood up like a gentle and clever kitten. Why did he suddenly stand up?

This is a dangerous vigilance.

It seems that the little guy found something dangerous or curious.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

The little guy jumped out of the pineapple's arms and rushed towards the door. It seemed that there was something outside the door that attracted him very much.

At this time, I saw a middle-aged man come in. As soon as the man came in, he looked around. When the little guy saw the man, he kept shouting.

I can see that this little guy should know this man.

When the man saw the little guy, his eyes widened and came towards us.

When the man was about to meet the little guy, the little pineapple picked the little guy up and said, "this is my uncle. What do you want to do?"

The man looked at the pineapple, and laughed, "my little friend, this is my uncle *"

Machu *!

This little guy is really Mau * Chu.

A god pet, it seems that this man is not simple.

I'm not going to do it. I won't let Ji MuQing take care of it. Let's see the situation first.

Little pineapple died with Mao Zhu *, "this is mine."

"Oh?" the man smiled, put his hands around his chest and looked at the little pineapple with interest. "Then dare you put it on the ground to see whether it runs to you or me."

Little pineapple * s eyes turned around, and he put his hide in his arms. "His leg is hurt, and he can not run on the ground."

"That doesn't matter. You call it, I call it, and see who it wants?"

Little pineapple can't answer. It seems that it's time for me to start.

I stood up and came to them, "brother, what do you call it?"

The man said, "surnamed Lin, Linjiang, shuangmulin, the river of the river."

Lin Jiang, the name is easy to remember.

I put out my hand. "Zhao Suo, the lock * * * lock. Lin brother, you said this Mao Zhu is yours. As far as I know, Mao Zhu is a kind of God favor. Moreover, the pictures on the Internet are different from those in the little fellow. How can you prove that it is Mazhu?"

"Brother Zhao, you are embarrassing me. For example, I asked you to prove that you are a person. How can you prove it?"

"Ha ha ha." this question is really clever. I smiled and didn't say anything.

In fact, I knew very well that this maid was the man's * but I wanted to explore the man's foundation.

This town is becoming more and more interesting and makes me feel more and more magical. First, there are a group of hermit experts, then there is a god pet, and now there is a person who nourishes the God pet. What is the origin of this town?

"We found this gadget on the road." as soon as I said something, I was pulled by the little pineapple.

The little pineapple shook his head at me and motioned me not to say.

I smiled and touched his head twice. This thing is not ours. It can't be kept. It will be returned to others sooner or later.

* * * *, brother Lin, since you say this gadget is Mau Chi, and I know that Mao Zhu is a kind of God favors, so how does Lin brother get this piece of bamboo? What is Lin brother's identity and what is this relationship with Mao?

I asked directly.

Everyone is smart. There's no need to beat around the bush.

Lin Jiang looked at me with a smile in his dark eyes. "Brother Zhao, you have so many questions. I can only say that I can't answer these questions for the time being. You see, the little guy wants to come to me very much. Since brother Zhao has admitted that this little thing is mine, please give it back to me."

This Lin Jiang looks very mysterious, and I can't find a reason to refuse.

It is natural to pick up something else * so I let the pineapple return it to the others.

The little pineapple was very reluctant, "no, I found this little guy."

"But Uncle Lin is the master of Mao *, your teacher must have taught you that what you pick up from others is to be returned to others."

Ji MuQing also came over and squatted down to comfort, "the little pineapple is a good child, isn't it? No matter how much you like it or how reluctant you are, when someone else's owner comes, we always have to return someone else's things to their original owner, don't we?"

Little pineapple looked at the * in her arms, her eyes red.

After a short interval, she finally gave me Mao *, and I undid the rope on her leg and gave it back to Jiang Lin.

Lin Jiang took the little thing and bowed politely to us, "thank you for taking care of it for me all night."

Then he turned to go.

The little pineapple caught up and I pulled her back.

"Woo woo, I can't bear it, daddy. Can you buy me one too?" the little pineapple cried with my leg in his arms.

Buy it. It's God's favorite. It's rare in a hundred years. Where can I buy it.

I comforted little pineapple for a while and asked Ji MuQing to take her back to rest first. "Little pineapple is obedient. Go back with sister Xiaoqing."

Waiting for Ji MuQing to take the little pineapple away, I turned and came to the table, * * you see, just now, that Mau Chu was picked up by the roadside when we took a walk last night. No, I should have caught it accurately. At that time we heard a strange noise. Little pineapple thought it was a puppy. No one of us thought it would be a Mao Chu, so I grabbed it.

"I think it's very clever. I'm going to let the little pineapple keep and play. Unexpectedly, it's a pet."

Lu Xiaofeng interrupted me, "God's pet, God's pet? So, Lin Jiang is an immortal? Hahaha, master, is there really an immortal in this world?"

Not only Lu Xiaofeng, I believe many people have doubts. Are there really immortals in this world?

"Whether there is it or not, the Linjiang river is definitely not simple. And the people in this town are not simple either." I inspected it and said.

Everyone's expression became dignified. Pei Xiaofei asked me, "master, what are you going to do?"

"You see, it's very close to the base of the phantom Gang, and these people are hidden experts. They can't be unaware of the phantom Gang's massive actions. Why didn't they take any action?"

After thinking for a while, Lu Xiaofeng said, "maybe they don't want to take care of it, and they don't bother to take care of it?"

"If you are really an expert in the world, why don't you find a seclusion in the deep mountains? You see, this area is the only way to the base of the phantom Gang, and it's also the only way."

When I said this, everyone's expression became more dignified.

In other words, these people are here deliberately. What is their purpose?

Is it to block the way of the phantom Gang, or something else?

Since they are all hidden, why not do it directly?

Their purpose of staying here has become confusing. If we don't understand this, our actions will become difficult in the future.

Seeing that everyone was silent, I said, "let's not talk about this problem. Let's look at the second point. Are all the people in this town a group of hermit experts, or are there many people like Lin Jiang who may be immortals?"

As soon as this remark came out, the people sighed again, "master, do you mean that the people here are likely to be immortals?"

There are no immortals in this world. If the people in this town are all immortals, it will really refresh everyone's understanding.

The word immortal is too far away from our life.

Some people may say, aren't you a cultivator? How can you be surprised by the immortal.

Cultivators and immortals are two different concepts.

Immortals exist in myths and legends, but practitioners really exist.

Cultivating is a kind of Qi, a kind of consciousness, a kind of self breakthrough, just like the Enlightenment of Buddhism.

But in any case, this is a real thing, not as ethereal as the fairy said.

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