I can't tell. Since he wants me to stay, I'll stay.

After they finished eating, I let them go first. Lu Xiaofeng asked me uneasily, "master, why let us go first?"

I whispered, "don't you see that people want me to stay."


"It's all right. You go first. I'll stay and see what they want to do?"

When they saw me say this, they didn't say anything. After dinner, they left one after another.

Little pineapple thinks of his Xiaobai and refuses to leave. Ji MuQing tries to persuade her, and finally swindles her away.

At this time, there were few guests in the hotel, only two or three left.

My meal finally came up, and this time, it was brought up by the shopkeeper himself, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting. Here is your meal, please take your time."

The shop owner is an old man in his fifties, but he looks very energetic and energetic. He looks funny in his eyes and speaks with great strength.

I smiled and picked up my chopsticks. The shopkeeper looked at me. He was in no hurry to leave, but sat down in the chair opposite me.

"This dish is newly launched in our shop. Little brother, try it quickly and see how it tastes?"

"Boss, this is to let me taste dishes for free."

I smiled, moved my chopsticks and put a new dish he said into my mouth. Suddenly, a strong aura spread at the tip of my tongue and mouth. I couldn't help staring at the shopkeeper. I didn't understand what he meant. Why did he get me such a dish?

The shopkeeper just looked at me with a smile and didn't speak. It's hard to guess what he was thinking?

"Boss, this dish is very good." I didn't directly pierce the aura.

The shopkeeper looked at me with great interest and asked, "what's a good way?"

"It tastes good."

"Is there nothing else?"

We both lowered our heads at the same time, our eyes collided and understood, "it's very rich."

"Hahaha." the shopkeeper laughed, "I like it. Please take your time. I gave this dish to my little brother. It's a loss."

I saw the shopkeeper get up and go, and I wondered what the shopkeeper meant?

"Boss." I shouted. The shopkeeper stopped and looked back at me.

I said, "this dish is really delicious. Can you give me another plate?"

"This dish is new. The back kitchen doesn't do much. Please forgive me."

I smiled and said nothing. After the boss left, I ate without hesitation.

I always think the owner of this shop should have something to say to me, but I don't know why, but he didn't say it again. It doesn't matter. If he doesn't say it now, I'll let him talk about it later.

After dinner, I settled my account. Instead of leaving in a hurry, I found a place where I could observe the hotel.

The shopkeeper doesn't often stay in the shop. I guess he will leave later. I just have to follow him quietly.

I didn't have much time to wait. Sure enough, I saw the figure of the shopkeeper walking out of the hotel. He walked in the opposite direction to me, and I followed him quietly.

The town is not big. We have already turned the town around. Even if I don't have to be too close, as long as I can keep an eye on his direction, I'm not afraid to lose him.

The shopkeeper lives in the easternmost part of the town. There is a small two-story foreign building. Most of the houses in this town are of this shape.

He went into the house and closed the door. Everything seemed so normal, but I always felt that things must not be so simple.

I climbed to the roof of his house and wanted to observe it again.

This observation really made me have a new discovery. Not only the shop owner, but also several familiar figures, including the boss of grain and oil, the boss of steamed stuffed bun shop and the boss of tea shop.

These bosses are near the hotel, so I'm impressed with them.

The three of them waited here early, and the restaurant owner was the last to come in.

The four people looked at each other for a while, and the expression suddenly became different. It was very serious, as if they wanted to discuss something important.

"Old devil, how's it going?" this is what the steamed stuffed bun shop owner calls the restaurant owner.

The restaurant owner sat in his chair with a smile on his face. "I've tried. He's really a cultivator, and his cultivation is not low. He should be in the third level."

The owner of the tea shop said, "he is so talented that he is still so young."

The owner of the grain and oil store asked, "now that we have determined his identity, let's discuss what to do next?"

Four people stopped talking.

Everyone, look at me and I look at yours. After a while, the restaurant owner opened it first, "All of us have been abandoned by the top, and no one is willing to stay here for a lifetime. Didn't you say you want to go back, the phantom gang or Zhao Suo? We have to choose one. The phantom gang has a large number of people and strong strength, and they have just been organized and developed, but this boy has a strong appeal, No Whether it's the phantom gang or them, they have great potential. "

The tea shop owner said, "but I have to remind you what the purpose of the phantom Gang is. They want to be right with the people above. If we collude with them, we will be right with the people above."

"But, Zhao Suo, after all, there are too few of them. Choosing them is not favorable for us."

The crowd fell silent again.

After a while, the restaurant owner expressed his opinion, "Everybody, let me tell you my point of view. I think Zhao Suo is more reliable than the people of the phantom gang. Although the phantom Gang is developing rapidly and has a large number of people, they want to fight against the top after all. We all know the strength of those people above. Let alone a phantom Gang, even if ten or 100 phantom gangs add up, they can't be right Hands. Although Zhao Suo has a small number of them, that boy is not small. If he can get our help, I'm afraid he will make more rapid progress. Moreover, I always think Zhao Suo is very unusual. That boy can do great things. "

The tea shop owner immediately objected, "you're crazy, old devil. You actually want us to help the boy improve quickly. What if his ability is above us and finally gets out of control?"

Others echoed, "yes, yes, this must not be."

The restaurant owner said, "do you have a better way?"

The crowd stopped talking again.

From what they meant, I vaguely understood that they should be the people above. I don't know why they came to the world. Now, they want to return to the above. This should be a kind of resistance. Therefore, they must find a reliable team to support them.

They hesitate between us and the phantom Gang, and our two teams have their own advantages and disadvantages, so they are in contradiction now.

I was supposed to be tempted by the shopkeeper in the hotel before. Now they have determined my ability. In order to achieve the goal, the shopkeeper even wants to help me improve quickly.

The owner of the tea shop said, "I don't think so. Let's test the people on both sides before making a decision. Anyway, we're not in a hurry to meet at this moment and a half."

People nodded, "I think this method is feasible."

Seeing that they had finished their discussion, I was ready to leave. I accidentally touched the steel wire rope and the sock hanging on the rope fell. I quickly reached out to grab it. I finally caught it one second before the sock fell, but it was found by the people inside.


Listening to the footsteps, the four people came to the window to check. Since they were found, I wouldn't hide it.

I jumped up, turned over and jumped down from above, and said respectfully to several people, "Hello, everyone."

"Is it you?" the restaurant owner looked at me in amazement and couldn't help taking a breath. "Why are you here? Are you... Following me?"

"It's not tracking, it happens to happen, it happens to happen," I explained tactfully.

In fact, we all know what the truth is.

The owner of the tea shop chuckled, "it's amazing. I've followed the old ghost and haven't been found yet. Little brother, you're really great. You must have heard our conversation?"

I nodded. "I heard it all."

The owner of the grain and oil store was very alert to me. "What are you trying to do with the old ghost eavesdropping on us?"

"Please don't get me wrong. When I was in the hotel, the old man tried to test me with a dish with aura, but then he didn't say anything. I was just curious for a moment, so I came to have a look. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation."

What else do people want us to say? The restaurant owner interrupted, "it's no use arguing about those now, little brother. Since you have heard our conversation, you should know what we are."

I said, "I see, but I still want to make sure whether the people in this town are the same as you?"

The restaurant owner didn't hide it and said directly, "yes."

"Including Lin Jiang?"

"That's a wonderful flower. We are still a mystery about his identity, but one thing is certain that he also comes from above."

I nodded and had a foundation in my heart.

I expressed my attitude, "guys, I know you are hesitating between the phantom gang and us. What I want to say is that the phantom gang will die sooner or later. You don't have to think about it at all."

The restaurant owner laughed, "very confident. It's good for young people to have self-confidence, but sometimes if they are too confident, they are arrogant."

I stretched out a finger and shook it. "I'm confident or arrogant. I believe you already have an abacus in your heart. If I can organize all passers-by to fight against the phantom Gang, I will have this determination and perseverance to kill them. What if there are a large number of people, they don't get popular support. It's like a plate of loose sand, which can be dispersed by a gust of wind.

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