He and our thinking are not on the same channel at all. We are all concerned about the safety of other teams, but he perfunctory us with such reasons. How can people be convinced?

I held back my anger, "brother Lin, my friends may be in danger now. I'm worried about them. I want to see them now, but you told me that Xiaobai can't send us because he is full and can't move. Do you think we can understand this?"

I still lost my temper in a rage.

Lin Jiang was indifferent to my anger. "Don't be angry, brother Zhao. I'm not saying I can't go, that is, just wait."

Wait a minute, good perfunctory answer, when, an hour, a month, or a year?

I couldn't help getting angry and directly said to Lu Xiaofeng and them, "let's go."

I don't believe it. Without their help, we can't leave here.

Seeing that I was angry, Lin Jiang stopped me again, "brother Zhao, brother Zhao, what are you doing? Really wait a little longer..."

I noticed something was wrong and asked, "brother Lin, tell me honestly, do you have another purpose?"

Lin Jiang shook his head like a rattle, "no, no, absolutely not. Brother Zhao, believe me, I don't care about you, and I don't have a purpose. Give me another ten minutes, and I'll definitely take you to the place you want to go."

I know Lin Jiang didn't tell me the truth, and I know they must have another purpose, but they don't want to say, and I'm too lazy to ask.

I can afford to wait ten minutes.

I said, "well, just ten minutes. I'll wait for you."

Lin Jiang happily patted me on the shoulder, and then drilled into other rooms with Xiaobai. I don't know what he's looking for.

After they left, a bin came to me and said his thoughts, "we seem to have fallen into a trap."

I have to say, I also have this idea. I always feel that these people help us, as if they dug a hole in advance and let us jump.

However, it is too late to regret that we have reached this stage. Anyway, the phantom gang has been eliminated, which is always a good thing for us.

Ten minutes passed quickly, but Lin Jiang and Xiaobai didn't appear for a long time.

Everyone can't wait. A bin and Lu Xiaofeng both propose to find Lin Jiang and them.

I also have this intention. We are preparing to go to the direction where they disappeared just now. At this time, a figure came out of the door. This person is Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang and Xiao Bai came to us, like nobody else, "brother Zhao, let's go."

They walked ahead and we followed.

If I don't have any doubts in my heart, it's unrealistic. There are too many doubts and puzzles in my heart, but now, it's not the time to ask these questions.

I'm eager to get in touch with other teams now, and I don't know what's going on with others.

Sure enough, there was no signal from the mobile phone.

This place is so evil.

After we left the base area, Linjiang condensed a aura circle and asked us to stand in.

When everyone went in one after another, he urged the aura circle, which rose slowly and flew to the southeast under the control of Lin Jiang.

This direction is Zhao Feng's direction.

At this time, everyone's mood is completely different from before. Everyone is worried and quiet all the way.

A few minutes later, we arrived at Zhao Feng's base and smoothly joined Zhao Feng and them.

Their progress is also very smooth. They have eliminated all the base areas of the phantom Gang along the way. At the moment, everyone is very excited.

"Master Zhao, how are you doing there?" Zhao Fengxing asked me angrily.

It can be seen that he is in a good mood. He has passed five passes and killed six generals along the way. The more he kills, the more brave he is. Zhao Feng seems to have more meaning.

I pulled Zhao Feng aside and asked, "Zhao Feng, have you noticed anything unusual about those people?"

Zhao Feng looked at me suspiciously, "abnormal? What do you mean?"

The subtext of this sentence is gone.

Is it Zhao Feng who didn't find it, or are those people really normal?

This problem remains to be investigated.

I hope it is the latter. I hope they are not abnormal. Otherwise, I can't imagine how things will develop next.

Zhao Feng asked me what I meant just now. I was wondering whether to tell him about our situation.

If they don't tell, they have no preparation at all. What if something happens in the future?

After thinking about it, I still think it's better to tell them. At least, let them have a mental preparation.

So I simply told him about our situation.

Zhao Feng was stunned, his eyes were wide open, and his mouth was wide open. "No, no, Xiaobai eats people. It's incredible."

"Are there few incredible things we've encountered recently." no matter what, it's so incredible. "I'm telling you this just to let you stay more snacks. I'm afraid these people have no purpose."

Zhao Feng's look suddenly became serious. "Master Zhao, no wonder you asked me if those people had any problems just now. To tell you the truth, I really didn't find anything unusual along the way. Maybe they really didn't have a problem, or maybe I didn't notice it. But as soon as you say it now, I will certainly leave more snacks in the future."

"I have contacted other people, and their progress is also very smooth. The phantom gang has been basically eliminated by us now. Master Zhao, what shall we do next?"

What's next?

I've been thinking about this problem, but up to now, I haven't come up with a definite way.

I always think these people can't be contacted all the time. It's good to have less contact if they can.

So I said, "go back to town."

Let's make a request to go back and see what those people will say.

Zhao Feng nodded, "OK, master Zhao, I'll listen to you. Then I'll talk to others so that they can be prepared."

I nodded my acquiescence.

Zhao Feng and I returned to the team. Lin Jiang and the man named Lao he stood on both sides, and they didn't talk much.

He is the owner of the tea shop. He was very opposed to working with us at the beginning.

I will explain, "everyone, thank you very much for your help. The phantom gang has been completely eradicated now, and we can finally go home and reunite with our family."

"Master Zhao, don't hurry back. I just informed the old ghosts that they will come in a minute." Lao he said.

A bad feeling welled up in my heart. I hardened my head and said, "what are they doing here?"

"Discuss the next action." Lao he touched his beard on his chin and said, "master Zhao, don't forget what you promised us before."

Of course I won't forget, but, "do you have to say it here?"

I had sensed the threat in his words.

This is a remote place. They deliberately gathered us here to discuss things. Isn't that a disguised threat?

If we disagree, they can abandon us here.

This place is far from our home. It may be a blink of an eye for others, but it is difficult for us to go to heaven.

I should bear the original thing, and I should bear it alone, so I said, "I promised you at the beginning. I'll stay and let others go back."

Lao he ignored me. "I'd better wait until they come."

This is clearly shirking.

I looked at everyone, and everyone looked at me with worry in my eyes.

A bin said to me secretly, "these people really have a different purpose. We were fooled."

When I look at Lin Jiang, I always feel that Lin Jiang and the old ghost have different purposes, and they are likely to violate each other. However, it has been difficult to guess this person's mind. We must choose to stand on one side now. It is likely that our current choice will determine our future destiny.

For a time, I was a little overwhelmed.

In that case, wait and see what the old devil will say when they come.

After waiting in a panic for a few minutes, several black spots appeared in the sky. It was the old ghost and them.

They were very fast and soon came in front of us.

The other three people were brought here. So far, all the people before departure were gathered again.

Many people are still immersed in the joy of defeating the phantom gang. As soon as they meet, they greet and praise each other. The scene is very lively.

People who know the truth can't be happy anyway, and their hearts are full of melancholy.

"Master Zhao, Congratulations!" the old ghost came to thank me excitedly.

I answered with a smile. As soon as the conversation turned, I directly touched on the theme, "the phantom gang has been destroyed. Your credit is indispensable. I thank you on behalf of all people. I will do what I promised you before. Everyone has been tired for a day. Let's go back early and let them reunite with their families."

"Don't worry, don't worry." the old ghost reached out and patted me on the shoulder twice, took me aside and said, "master Zhao, we agreed to help you before. You help us, but now things have changed. You alone may not be able to help us. Now we need the help of all of you."

I have a feeling of being teased.

Holding back my anger, I said, "they are a group of people under cultivation. What can they do for you? Let them go back. I can stay alone."

"Although they are not as good as you, they still have other uses. Red flowers need green leaves to set off." the old ghost smiled darkly.

Speaking of this, it's no different from tearing my face. Simply, I won't hide it.

I asked directly, "you've been calculating us from the beginning, haven't you?"

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