Zhao Sheng and little pineapple, I can finally rest assured. It seems that I have settled a worry. The whole person feels a lot easier.

If you don't think about anything else, Ji MuQing and I can enjoy the flowers and see the sea leisurely now. We have nothing to walk around. In fact, such a day is also very good.

But life is always stumbling. How can there be so much beauty.

"You two listen to teacher Meng and don't make trouble, remember?" before I left, I still felt uneasy. I called Zhao Sheng and little pineapple to me and told them.

Little pineapple is very unhappy because she also wants to go with us. I don't agree. The reason is that Meng Du has managed to establish authority between them. If she is allowed to mess around at this time, it will be very unfavorable to Meng Du's management.

Besides, there must be something that can control her. No, she has become a big girl. If you can't be charming, I have to coax you and let you go. Adults should have the responsibility and consciousness of adults.

"No, when you break through the five fold, I'll allow you to go down." I said, with a firm attitude, no doubt.

Little pineapple put her hope on Ji MuQing again and shouted, "sister Xiaoqing, please help me speak."

I reminded Ji MuQing before coming. No matter what the girl plays, don't waver. It's also for her good.

Ji MuQing also knew the purpose of what I did and stood on the same front with me, "little pineapple, you're right, Barbie. Now is not the time to take you down."

Little pineapple's face immediately shrugged and pulled down, "even you don't help me. It must be what he told you. I hate it!"

I don't deny that I said it. If this girl wants to hate me, just hate me. Don't blindly remember people.

Zhao Sheng didn't say a word. I even suspected that he was eager for me to leave early. When I left, no one would care about him, so he could do whatever he wanted

There were still some things I wanted to say to him. Let's forget it. Men are like this. Some words clearly want to say, but they may not be able to say. These are two different things.

After saying goodbye to little pineapple and Zhao Sheng, Ji MuQing and I were ready to return to the world. We looked at each other and were a little excited.

Finally going back!

I don't know how those people are doing, whether those scenes have changed, whether they used to be everything or not?

I hold Ji MuQing's hand tightly. It seems that if so, my heart can be more secure.

"Whoosh -"

A white light flashed from our eyes. When we slowly opened our eyes, we saw the green and dense mountains and forests. The breeze blew gently and the leaves shook gently.

In front of us is a blooming yellow flower, a very small one, but its color is so bright, it is so vitality.

They were used to seeing the sea of flowers there. They were fragrant and competing for beauty, but those beautiful flowers were eclipsed by the small flower full of vitality in front of them.

There is also a white butterfly flying around it

And the blue sky, white clouds, dazzling sunshine

You can't see these things there.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It's so familiar.

After leaving for so long, this taste is like a seed buried in the depths of memory. I don't feel anything when I don't look. When I was turned out one day, I found that they were so deep-rooted.

Into the memory, into the heart!

This is Castle Peak,

I used to be familiar with this place. I went here several times, either to find fairy grass Ganoderma lucidum or Oriole

In short, as soon as I see the surrounding scenery, I can judge at a glance that this is the part of the green mountain.

No matter how time passes, no matter how people around change, nature seems to be like this, vibrant and always trying to grow.

I looked at Ji MuQing beside me. Obviously, it was still this face and that smile, but I felt as if I had a different feeling again.

I subconsciously shook Ji MuQing's hand, and Ji MuQing also shook my hand in response.

"Let's go." these two words came out of my throat. It felt like someone who had been wandering for a long time wanted to go home.

Go, go home and have a look!

That's the feeling.

We walked leisurely in the mountains and forests, flowers and trees beside us, blue sky and white clouds above our heads, the chirping of birds around us, and flying butterflies

Oh, I suddenly feel that this scene is very similar to the kind of life Ji MuQing and I have always imagined?

I'm surprised. Did you?

I have always dreamed of such a day, but I didn't expect it to appear in this way.

Surprise and surprise!

Now that the dream has come true, you should naturally enjoy it, otherwise you won't be sorry for yourself.

I slowed down, took Ji MuQing's hand and asked her to slow down.

Now that you've come down, you can have a good play. It's not worth it.

This real beauty can be seen everywhere in the world, but it is so rare and precious.

The beautiful scenery is always short, and the road to enjoy the beautiful scenery is always the easiest to come to an end.

Soon, we could see the villages and farmhouses under the mountain. I stopped and asked Ji MuQing if he wanted to go around again?

Such valuable time is rare. I don't know when I can enjoy it again when I go down here.

Ji MuQing is obviously reluctant to leave here. However, she shook her head, "if you want the beautiful scenery to last forever, you can only stay in your heart for a long time."

Yes, she's right. Even if you walk ten times and a hundred times, you will already feel sorry. Even if you see too much, you lose the meaning of the beauty.

Only hiding them in your heart is the way to keep them long.

I naturally agree.

"It's going down the mountain!" I don't know why, but I sigh like this. I seem to be a little expecting and a little uneasy.

the things are still there , but men are no more the same ones!

The word means too much.

We finally went down the mountain, walked through the familiar roads and saw the familiar scenery.

When this pair of feet swimming on the top of the cloud step into the familiar asphalt road, when watching the busy cars running past one by one, when watching the tall buildings standing in front of us, when

The whistle of a car.

The sound of advertisements on the building.

The long sound of high-speed rail passing by.

This is the taste of the city!

So familiar!

An unspeakable feeling spreads from the bottom of my heart, like a hot spring, moistening every inch of skin and cells.

I felt a warm current flowing all over my body. It was a strange feeling, which was difficult to describe clearly in words.

I looked at Ji MuQing and saw the expression of unknown reason on her face. It seemed that she also had the same feeling as me.

Curious, why do you feel this way?

When this feeling is slowly integrated into my body, I will feel as if I have never left here, as if I have always been one with the city.



Ji MuQing and I spoke at the same time and wanted to ask each other what.

I let her say it first.

Ji MuQing frowned at me. "Do you also have a strange feeling, as if the distance between us and the city has been much closer all of a sudden?"

I nodded!

Yes, that's the feeling!

I guess I'm right. Ji MuQing is the same as me.

What's going on?

At this time, I was shocked to find that a dark cloud appeared on our heads. It was strange that other places were good, that is, a dark cloud floated on our heads.

Moreover, the passers-by didn't seem to notice the dark cloud. Could it be that only the two of us could see it?

I looked up and stared at the dark cloud. I felt more and more familiar. Suddenly, I remembered that this dark cloud was not the one that we attacked Linjiang in the heaven, earth and sea, and sucked away all the brothers who followed me.

It's him!

He hasn't appeared again for so many years. Why does he appear at this time?

I can't help frowning and a bad feeling rises in my heart.

Can it be said that in recent years, because of my identity, he could not enter the heaven, and now that I came down, he appeared?

What does he want to do?

"Zhao Suo." Ji MuQing subconsciously leaned against me, frowned and looked at the dark cloud.

The dark cloud was rolling and surging, with a huge "mouth" in the middle. The mouth opened slowly, but there was a voice from it, "long time no see!" it was hoarse and trembling.

I glared at it, undaunted, "what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, just want to see you, that's all. Don't be afraid and don't be nervous. I won't hurt you or embarrass you." it floats like a ghost.

I won't believe him at all.

Good suddenly came out, and then told you that I just wanted to see you, and the devil believed it!

"Hey!" he sighed, "I know you hate me, don't want to see me, and won't forgive me. I didn't expect you to call me a father, and I didn't dare to think like that. It's too extravagant. I just want to see you, that's all!"

"Have you seen enough now?" I asked coldly, with an obvious attitude.

He didn't seem to care about my attitude. "If you don't see enough, you'll never see enough. My child, you've grown so old in the blink of an eye. Time flies. In the blink of an eye, you've been crying from wow to now."

I really feel disgusted at his emotion from the bottom of my heart, "enough!"

I don't want to hear it. It's too hypocritical. It's like watching a performance full of loopholes. It's unbearable.

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