My heart is a little empty. Ji MuQing asks, does it mean something else?

But my son was bent on avoiding stubble. Ji MuQing is a woman whose eyes can't hold sand. If I tell her the truth, I will be finished.

So I said, "Yeah."

"Zhao Suo, you let me down." Ji MuQing's tone became very lost.

My heart suddenly hung up, "Xiaoqing, you... What's the matter with you?"

"Last night, I called you and you didn't answer. I was worried about your accident, so I went to your place to find you. I waited at your door until the early morning and didn't see you." Ji MuQing said with a sob in her tone.

I suddenly felt distressed. Ji MuQing stood alone at my door and waited for me anxiously. She was so upset and worried that she called me from time to time. Every time she missed, a heavy hammer fell on her heart, and I slept soundly in the bed of other women.

I hurriedly explained, "Xiao Qing, listen to me..."


The phone was hung up.

I quickly dialed it. Ji MuQing turned off the phone.

She must be very sad. She must be very disappointed in me.

I couldn't think of anything, so I ran out. Bai Jingyi stopped at the door and blocked my way. I didn't care about anything. As soon as I stopped her, Bai Jingyi didn't stand firm, lost her center of gravity and fell to the ground.


I only thought about Ji MuQing and ignored whether Bai Jingyi fell seriously. I just wanted to find Ji MuQing as soon as possible and explain everything to her.

When I came out from Bai Jingyi, I ran to the cutting-edge with my head depressed.

Ji MuQing must have gone to the company at this time.

I rushed to Xinrui in a hurry and saw Ji MuQing's car slowly entering at the gate. Ji MuQing was absent-minded and didn't notice me.

She drove into the garage and I followed her to the garage.

She was in a bad mood. She stopped several times and didn't stop at the position. I looked more and more distressed.

I opened my arms and stopped at the front of the car, hoping that she would come down and listen to me explain.

Through the window glass, I saw tears flashing in Ji MuQing's eyes. At the thought of her heartache, I deeply blamed myself.

I tilted the glass window and asked her to lower the window. Ji MuQing seemed to want to hear my explanation, and finally slowly lowered the window, "Xiao Qing, listen to me. Yesterday, after I led my colleagues to hand over the final procedures, I went to drink with them. Later, they talked that Tengda was dying and everyone wanted to change jobs collectively. A friend of mine, Mao Dawei, who often stays with me, hasn't he always had a crush on our general manager Bai Jingyi?"

"He was worried that Bai Jingyi would suffer losses in the company, so he wanted me to persuade her to leave Tengda. Then I went to find Bai Jingyi, and then..."

Ji MuQing looked at me and waited for me to continue.

I thought in my heart, I'm not sure what happened last night. In short, Ji MuQing can't know. If she knows, there are a hundred mouths that can't explain clearly.

I turned my head and lied, "after persuading Bai Jingyi, I went to Lao Mao's place and had two more drinks with him. As a result, I drank too much. I rested at his place."

Ji MuQing finally had less resentment in her eyes, but she was still angry. "In that case, why didn't you tell me the truth at first? Why did you lie to me?"

I quickly explained, "I'm not afraid you say I'm delayed by drinking. I'm really sorry to make you worry about me all night. I swear, I'll never drink again. Don't be angry, will you?"

Seeing Ji MuQing's anger getting smaller and smaller, I quickly said, "come down and I'll stop. I'll do this little thing later."

Ji MuQing pushes open the door and gets out of the car.

Maybe she's in a bad mood. She dresses casually today and buttons are wrong.

Seeing her look so embarrassed, I felt a burst of joy for no reason. I knew Ji MuQing had me in her heart, but I didn't think she cared about me so much.

Just as I was about to get into the car, Ji MuQing suddenly grabbed my arm, "wait, what's this?"

Ji MuQing came up to me and pulled out a woman's hair from my collar, very long, very long.

My heart suddenly hung to my throat. Damn it, when did a woman's hair clip in the collar?

The anger in Ji MuQing's eyes came out, "Zhao Suo, aren't you with Mao Dawei? Where does this come from with a woman's hair?"

"This... Isn't this yours?"

Ji MuQing threw her hair on my face, "mine? Look clearly. This thing is curly. My hair is straight. Is this mine? Zhao Suo, I really thought you were a hypocrite. Ha ha, I really saw the wrong person. Get away, get away."

Ji MuQing beat me on the chest as she said.

I wanted to hold her hand, but she didn't give me a chance at all. She stepped on my foot with high heels. The car didn't care and left angrily.

I thought it was really over. There was a big misunderstanding. Even if I had a hundred mouths, I couldn't explain clearly.

I quickly pulled out the car key and ran after it.

The instep hurts, but I can't care so much.

"Xiaoqing, listen to me..." I tried to grab her arm and she threw it away at once.

Her feet were not as fast as mine. Soon I ran in front of her and stopped her with open arms.

Ji MuQing's anger didn't subside at all. She stared at me angrily, "get away."

Her voice was loud and angry. It was the first time I saw her like this. I must be really sad.

I dare not touch her, so I can only keep explaining, "Xiaoqing, i... let me tell you the truth, it may be Bai Jingyi's hair, but I really don't know how she got into my clothes."

"Stop talking. From now on, I won't believe a word of your words." Ji MuQing pushed me with her red eyes. Without pushing, she ignored me and left with high heels.

I want to go after her, but there will be cars coming in from the garage. I'm afraid it will have a bad impact on her, and I don't dare to say anything. I just follow her silently.

Ji MuQing doesn't know either. She goes all the way.

The elevator she took was a high-speed elevator. By the time I reached the building, she had entered the office.

As soon as she entered the door, Ji MuQing closed the offices and wouldn't let me in.

I can only stand outside the door and explain to her, "Xiaoqing, I didn't mean to cheat you. I'm afraid you'll misunderstand."

There was no movement inside.

I continued to explain, "Xiaoqing, don't be angry. You can beat me and scold me. Don't stop talking. It will suffocate you."

There's still nothing inside.

I took a deep breath and continued, "you don't believe me at all, do you?"

"How do you want me to believe you?" she cried with a sob in her voice.

If it goes on like this, the misunderstanding will only get deeper and deeper. No, we have to find a way to solve it.

I think of some bridge scenes on TV. Every time when men and women quarrel, the man gives the woman a kiss, and then all the problems are solved.

It seems that it's time to take out my mace.

I kicked the door open. Ji MuQing, who was crying, looked at me foolishly. Her hand, which was wiping tears, was frozen in the air.

She would never have imagined that I would make such a crazy move.

I strode over, grabbed her wrist, pulled her up, put my other hand around her waist and kissed her hard.


Ji MuQing reacted after being stunned for a few seconds and kept hammering at my chest with both hands.

I grabbed her wrists with one hand and made her unable to move. The other hand held her head, leaving her nowhere to hide.

I kissed hard. When she answered me, I'll let go.

Ji MuQing struggled at the beginning and kept twisting her body to resist me, while I held her tightly and made her unable to move.

A few minutes later, she finally stopped resisting and slowly began to respond to me.

I breathed a sigh of relief, put her on my desk and kissed her more aggressively.

I thought Ji MuQing had surrendered to the attack of my lips, so I released her hands. Unexpectedly, when I was kissing, suddenly, a hard thing hit me on the head.

"Ouch." I covered my head and looked at Ji MuQing, "you... How are you willing to hit me?"

"I can't bear to deal with a rascal like you."

Ji MuQing said, stepping on my chest to prevent me from jumping up again.

At this time, what I think in my heart is that if she wears a skirt today, this posture can be... Hei hei.

However, at present, it's easy to comfort and remember that MuQing is the most important task. I said pitifully, "I'm a hooligan. It's all for you. You won't listen to me. What can I do? I can only do so."

"Hum, I'm afraid you can't use it less for other girls?" Ji MuQing looked at me angrily.

I made an oath of departure, "no, absolutely not. You are the first. Because my previous women took the initiative to pursue me, hehe."

"You..." Ji MuQing raised her pen holder and tried to hit me again.

I quickly begged for mercy, "I'm wrong. I'll never say those bastards again. My Lord, please don't be angry again, okay?"

I held Ji MuQing's legs and swayed from side to side like a spoiled child.

Ji MuQing asked me to loosen her. "If you do this again, I'll call security."

"You shout and let the security guard catch me. Anyway, you won't forgive me. Let them beat me up, as long as you can get your forgiveness."

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