Chu Zhong is still angry. If you think about it, the two families are already competing in the dark. Their faces and hearts are at odds. This time, the Xiong family invited them to the Chu family for a dinner. They are still thinking about their own careful thinking. However, they didn't expect to come for my business.

Even in Chu Zhong's heart, even if the emperor Lao Tzu comes, he won't step back.

I just sat quietly without interrupting. I want to see what tricks the two families are playing.

Xiong Yabin coughed twice. He seemed to be out of strength. Next, Xiong Xiaoyun replaced him.

It can be seen that Xiong Xiaoyun's position in the Xiong family is really extraordinary.

"Uncle Chu, something has happened. Even if you kill my master, it won't help. Why don't we discuss a way to get the best of both worlds?" Xiong Xiaoyun said.

Chu Zhongleng "hum", in front of Xiong Yabin, he still restrained a little, but in front of these Xiong's descendants, he is not a soft persimmon.

"The best of both worlds, how to make the best of both worlds, can you make feng'er live and save fei'er's face?" looking at his attitude, he was clearly unwilling to give in.

Xiong Xiaoyun was not angry, but still smiled. "I've learned about this matter... Let's talk about brother Fei first. It seems that he provoked my master first and my master later moved his hand. As for brother Fei being beaten like that, alas, I didn't expect. If you want to blame him, it's his skill."

Shit, I didn't expect Xiong Xiaoyun to speak so directly.

If his skills are inferior to those of others, he can say it. Chu Zhong must have ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping by.

He wanted to refute, but found that there was no room for refutation.

Yes, it's true that his son's skills are inferior to others. Otherwise, how could I beat him like that.

But if they admit it, what is the face of the Chu family?

Once they were proud of Chu Yunfei, but their pride was so vulnerable in front of others. How can they be proud again?

For a moment, Chu Zhong's heart turned upside down. If Xiong Yabin hadn't been present, he would have turned against Xiong Xiaoyun.

He sat down angrily, and Xiong Xiaoyun continued as if nothing had happened, "as for sister feng'er, I also understand clearly that it was her own strong shelling, and the shrapnel pierced her throat. This... Can't blame my master?"

Chu Zhong listened, "ha ha" laughed, "Uncle Xiong, is this your attitude to solve the problem?"

Xiong Yabin is very old and seldom answers, but this time, Chu Zhong threw the ball to him. He can't do without answering.

"Xiao Chu, don't worry. Listen to yun'er."

ChuZhong is not in a hurry? Alas, they can only say such words. I couldn't help laughing in my heart.

My smile angered Chu Zhong. Even if the bear family didn't help their family, I, the murderer, still had the face to laugh here.

Chu Zhong couldn't bear it. He patted the table angrily, "what are you laughing at?"

"I laugh, you're pathetic." I covered my mouth and tears were almost laughing.

Chu Zhong's face trembled twice and his hands clenched into fists. "Don't be too arrogant. Don't think the Xiong family supports you again. I dare not do anything to you. Uncle Xiong, I'll leave my words here today. No matter what the boy has to do with your family, I have to take him away today."

"I'm trying to save you face, but you know that Feier and Fenger are both my children. They are dead and injured. The murderer is right in front of me, but you told me not to worry. If kun'er or yun'er encounters such a thing, can you still sit here quietly?"

"Xiao Chu, I understand your mood." Xiong Yabin said, turning to look at me, "Mr. Zhao, you really have something wrong with this matter. Make an apology to Xiao Chu as soon as possible."

"Yes, I also have something wrong. Mr. Chu, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hurt your son, killed your daughter by mistake, or beat you up and run away. I'm sorry." I bowed deeply to Chu Zhong.

Chu Zhong stared at me.

Arrogance! Too arrogant!

In the three provinces of Jiangbei, he has always been known as the existence of God, and I not only provoked their Chu family, but also so arrogant in front of him. How can he bear it?

At that moment, Chu Zhong pulled out the matching gun from his waist, and the dark muzzle of the gun was facing me.

I shrugged. "Ouch, why don't you shoot?"

All the people of the bear family sat quietly and didn't take this matter seriously.

The people of the bear family are really vicious. They are talking to me, but when something happens, no one stands up to help me speak.

Is this a test of my strength?

Or are you telling me that to deal with Chu Zhong, I have to rely on their Xiong family and want to tie me to their Xiong family?

Alas, why didn't I think of this? I was bitten by the bears.

However, as long as Chu Zhong doesn't use the dozen people in black to deal with him, I don't have to worry at all.

Chu Zhong seems to be afraid of my strength and dare not shoot easily.

The atmosphere solidified for a few minutes, but Xiong Yabin broke the embarrassment. "Xiao Chu, this is a father-in-law occasion. It's too unsightly for you to dance a knife and get a gun. Sit down."

Quietly, he said it was indecent and did not ask Chu Zhong why he had a gun with him?

Xiong Yabin is a real chicken thief.

Chu Zhong's heart is on fire, but he doesn't dare not give Xiong Yabin this face. He can only pick it up very timidly and sit down angrily.

"Master, you're right. If you're sick, you'll have a good rest at home and run around." at this time, Xiong Xiaoyun suddenly said this without a head.

I'm confused.

Xiong Xiaoyun said to Chu Zhong, "Uncle Chu, in fact, there is one thing you may not know. My master is very good at martial arts, but there is a problem here."

Xiong Xiaoyun pointed to his head.

The waterfall sweat in my heart. When did I have a brain problem?

Just trying to refute, Yu Guang saw Chu Zhong's bitter melon face. I seemed to understand Xiong Xiaoyun's meaning.

I didn't speak. I looked at Xiong Xiaoyun quietly. I wanted to see what tricks she was going to play next.

"Xiao Yun, you're kidding me. He has a brain problem. I think he can't be normal anymore. He is also a designer in a cutting-edge fashion company. Can a person with a brain problem apply?"

"Uncle Chu doesn't know anything about it. The cutting-edge Ji is always his girlfriend. You say, people are all close to each other. It's no surprise that they don't speak two words and arrange a job for them. My master's brain problem is not a day or two. The key is that he has no rules when he gets sick. Once stimulated, he is easy to get sick."

"I think when he wounded brother Fei and killed sister feng'er by mistake, he must have been in a state of illness. He didn't know what he had done. Otherwise, how dare he have such an indifferent attitude? You know, in the three provinces of Jiangbei, who doesn't know the reputation of the Chu family and who dares to break ground on the Chu family? Only fools dare."

On the surface, Xiong Xiaoyun is protecting me, but both inside and outside his words are retaliating against me and satirizing me.

Fool, I'm your sister. You're a fool. Your whole family is a fool.

I whispered in my heart.

Inadvertently, his eyes and Xiong Xiaoyun touched each other, and she saw a look of complacency on her face.

I really want to take it up and deny it. I'm not a fool, but I really want to know what medicine they sell in the gourd next?

Chu Zhong smiled bitterly, "I can see that your Xiong family is trying to protect this boy in a different way. Good, good, good. Our Chu family is now a man. Even if your Xiong family doesn't help, it's still a stone in the well. It's clear that you want to run our Chu family, isn't it?"

"Uncle Xiong, this may be the last time I call you uncle. I'll ask you, do you have to protect this boy?"

I thought this Chu Zhong is really an idiot. Can you see it now? Why did you go?

I really can't figure out how such a brainless person can sit in the chair of the three provinces in Jiangbei?

Do you rely on the stupidity of their family?

Is it easy to mix the three provinces in Jiangbei?

Chu Zhong's face was torn, but the Xiong family still pretended that there was no such thing, "Xiao Chu, where do you think you're going? Our two families have been friends for many years. I must be towards your family. But if you have to use brutal violence to solve this matter, it doesn't seem to be good for your family. My uncle just wants to see if he can think of a way that can calm you down and reasonably solve the matter."

Chu Zhong's thug waved, "it's very simple. Give me this boy. I don't care whether he is ill or not. In short, I'm going to decide his life."

"Uncle Chu, why don't you listen? Grandpa, it's for your good. Besides, my master is mentally ill. According to the law, it's not illegal for a mentally ill person to kill."

Chu Zhong's resentful eyes quickly swept over the people's faces, and a cruel smile was outlined at the corners of his mouth.

Without saying a word, he clapped his hands. People with a clear eye could see that he was sending a secret signal to the next door.

However, I applauded for a long time, but there was no movement next door.

Chu Zhong's face suddenly became gloomy and murmured, "what's going on?"

Xiong Xiaoyun said with a smile, "Uncle Chu, stop yelling. Your people asked us to invite us to tea."


"Uncle Chu, didn't I tell you that I invited you to dinner and chat today? What do you do for so many bodyguards? It looks out of the way, so I asked someone to invite them to have two drinks. Uncle Chu, won't you be angry?"

This Xiong Xiaoyun is really angry. It doesn't pay for her life. It's clear that Chu Zhong's lungs are going to explode. She also deliberately adds fuel to the fire.

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