Xiong Kun was also very frank and fully agreed to my request.

I thought about it and decided to locate it in the suburbs, where there was an abandoned chemical plant. Because it polluted the city too seriously, it was approved to tear it down and rebuild the building.

But for some reason, the workers have moved away for more than half a year, but the chemical plant has not been demolished yet.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the cold wind is strong.

I came to the chemical plant alone, lit a cigarette and smoked slowly.

Soon, after smoking a cigarette, I continued to take out my cigarette box.

One, two, three

At the fourth root, a slight sound of footsteps finally came to mind outside.

He walked steadily and breathed steadily. At first glance, he was the one who had practiced Kung Fu. I know that Xiong Kun came.

I didn't turn around. It's not difficult for me to judge a person. When a person's perception reaches its peak, his perception is equivalent to his eyes.

"Mr. Zhao." Xiong Kun called me.

I continued to smoke, spit out the smoke ring, and asked faintly, "say it."

Xiong Kun took a few deep breaths, as if he were making a major decision. He was the one who wanted to tell me, and he is also the one who hesitates now. This man is really strange enough.

I continued to smoke silently without talking.

Xiong Kun came to me slowly. "Mr. Zhao, I am a soldier. I think, as a soldier, no one does not admire the blood wolf team. Before I reached my current position, the blood wolf team is the driving force to encourage me to move forward and the goal I pursue all my life. I even thought that if I could enter the blood wolf team in this life, I would be satisfied."

I responded faintly, "it's normal. Who doesn't want to surpass?"

"However, in the process of my rising step by step, I knew how difficult it was to enter the blood wolf team. Our training in the military region has made us miserable, but our coach told us that any member of the blood wolf team, his ability, can throw us ten blocks."

"Ten streets? Hehe, you underestimate us. It's not much to dump you."

Xiong Kun smiled. I didn't expect that I could joke at such a heavy moment.

I also smiled because I didn't want to make the atmosphere too depressing.

Xiong Kun was silent for a moment and continued, "yes, any member of the blood wolf team can dump us for ten blocks. This hit me. I know very well that I have broken through the physical limit after so hard practice every day. How is it so far from the members of the blood wolf team?"

I always felt that there was something else hidden in Xiong Kun's sentence. I turned around and looked at Xiong Kun's face through the dense smoke.

On this face, I can't see a little vigilance and vigilance. On the contrary, it is full of regret and reluctance.

What is he regretting? Regret the defeat of the blood wolf team?

Yes, I think no one doesn't feel sorry for it.

All this is because of my wrong command.

I held the cigarette in my mouth again, and my heart was heavy.

Xiong Kun looked up and greeted my eyes, "Mr. Zhao, I have been tested in the army. My physical quality is very good, and all physical training has reached almost the limit. However, I am still much different from the members of the blood wolf team. This gap is not a physical gap, but... A height gap."

I stared at him. "What do you mean?"

"You... Haven't you ever been suspicious of your body?"

Xiong Kun suddenly said so. For a moment, I felt cold all over.

This is a panic from the bottom of my heart, a black box hidden in the bottom of my heart.

"No," I denied.

"But I've been up. I always don't understand. My physical quality is not poor, and all assessments can reach full marks. Even, I secretly asked myself according to the training indicators of your blood wolf team, but it's useless."

"What do you think is the reason why a person who has reached the standard in all aspects of physical quality still can't reach the height of others according to unified training?"

I was silent.

Xiong Kun continued, "I think there is only one reason, that is, all members of the blood wolf team, their bodies are different from ordinary people."

The smoke in my hand burned to the end and burned my fingers, but I didn't feel any pain at all. Actually, Xiong Kun's words shocked me too much.

"It's time to throw away the cigarette." Xiong Kun took the cigarette end between my fingers and threw it away.

I was still immersed in the great shock of his last sentence.

Body different from ordinary people?

I've never thought about it, but if you don't think about some things, it doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

Xiong Kun's words are not unreasonable. If our bodies are not different from ordinary people and have extraordinary talents, why do we make so much progress than others under the same training intensity?

There are ten members of the blood wolf team. Everyone has lived together since childhood. Which army has trained students since childhood?

No, Absolutely not. Except for the blood wolf team, I can't find the second one.

But why have we been together since childhood?

We have been training since childhood.

Even if they are gifted, some children are still eating sugar when they are four or five years old, and the members of our blood wolf team have made amazing achievements on May Day at a young age.

When we are seven or eight years old, we can fight an adult, and when we are teenagers, we can participate in military exercises. Is this what ordinary children can do? Is this what ordinary talented people can do?

Absolutely not!

In addition, for each physical examination, our physical examination report is later than those of other teams. Does it mean that when they send us the physical examination report, they tampered with it and covered up some facts?

The more I think about it, the more I panic.

I looked at Xiong Kun. My eyes were full of vigilance and doubt. "Did you discover this thing yourself or did others tell you?"

"I found it myself," Xiong Kun said, "but later things confirmed that my idea may be correct."

"Oh? What's up?"

"Some, some terrible news." Xiong Kun's look suddenly became cold, and his eyes burst out an uneasy look. This cold affected me and made me nervous.

I suddenly dare not ask. I always feel that what is waiting for me will be a terrible thing.

Xiong Kun also became silent and seemed afraid to say anything more.

We were silent for a while, and Xiong Kun finally said, "brother Zhao... Do you... Do you mind if I call you that?"

I shook my head. "Whatever."

"Brother Zhao, since the fall of the blood wolf team, many people hope to re-establish the blood wolf team and continue to strive for honor for the Chinese nation. I once told my instructor about this proposal, but I was severely criticized by him. Among all the fans of the blood wolf team, I should be the most enthusiastic one."

"I have secretly vowed to reorganize the blood wolf team and return you to innocence. You know, my grandfather's reputation still exists. I once entered the highest military region in the name of my grandfather and mentioned it to the leaders. Their attitude is more severe than that of our instructors."

"It's impossible to come and go. I just want to know why it's impossible? Why it's impossible? Isn't it like rebuilding the glory of the blood wolf?"

"Later, I learned that it was not impossible, but they didn't want to. Because they knew that even if they looked for it in the whole country, they couldn't find anyone who could compete with the physical quality of the original blood wolf team. They actually targeted some young children. They secretly looked for children with different talents and wanted to learn from the original blood wolf team, Put those children together for training. "

"This confirms that all members of the wolf wolf brigade must be different from the general population. I secretly investigated that they had only found one child after a year's search, which is too weird. Only one child in the whole country is up to standard, which is unbelievable."

I couldn't help interrupting Xiong Kun, "are you sure the information you get is accurate?"

"It's true. Brother Zhao, you are the captain of the original blood wolf team. It's reasonable to say that the blood wolf team should be reorganized. They must ask you to go back. After all, no one is more familiar with those things than you. However, why don't they ask you to go back? You've been in Chengdu for so long, there will be news to walk out, and why don't they use force to catch you?"

"There is only one reason why they dare not catch you. Either your strength makes them feel afraid, or they don't want to cause panic among the citizens. Since you want to be an ordinary person quietly, you should continue to be an ordinary person. However, when we found Mi Yong, they ordered to follow the law. This... Is not in line with the law at all Common sense. "

"So, I have a bold guess. They can't tolerate all the members of the blood wolf team except you. And you must be within their scope, but there's no better way to get rid of you, so they've been standing still."

"These are your conjectures. How dare you say such a thing without real evidence?" I interrupted Xiong Kun.

His speculation is really too bold. A soldier dares to doubt his own country. It is simply treacherous.

Xiong Kun took a deep breath and lowered his head. "I don't want to, but too many facts have proved that my guess is right."

I shook my hand. "Whether it's right or wrong, don't tell me again in the future. I don't want to hear."

I stopped Xiong Kun from going on. There are too many things involved. I know that he is kind-hearted, so I don't want to involve him.

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