My ceo wife

Chapter 19

Shen's eyes and eyebrows are all fake. He must be a big four headed man. How young his wife can be. So get vaccinated in advance. Resist all kinds of dinosaur face attacks.

But who would have thought that when the white windbreaker turned and stood up, Shen Lang was silly. Tall and graceful. It's not that Shen Lang has never seen a beautiful woman. Frankly speaking, Luo Long's wife is not a beautiful woman.

But it's the noble spirit of wind capital. It's really beyond the average little girl. Even she is different from Jin Xiangyu. She is short of worldly vicissitudes, and the more is called fullness. It can be said that Luo Niang is still half old. Especially the hip and chest circumference, even if you put on the windbreaker, you can feel its beauty.

"Big..." Shen Lang can't help but tell the truth. It's really big enough. "Big sister."

"Oh. You're really in Yansha. The waiter will have a cup of coffee. " Luo Long's wife is very cheerful, not a bit unnatural.

Two netizens. When you sit at the coffee table, the first thing you do is look at each other.

Shen Lang guessed that she must have a good maintenance. It seems to be in his twenties, but according to Luo Long's age. At least 40 years younger.

Shen Lang scolds Luo long that son of a bitch from the bottom of his heart. He is very lucky. Guarding his beautiful wife, there is Jin Xiangyu outside to earn money for him.

"What do you think? Is it a bit of a disappointment Women love beauty. Luo Long's wife is no exception, very concerned about a man's evaluation.

Shen Lang said with a smile, "I think again. Should I call you sister or sister? "

"Smelly boy, you'd better keep your sweet words to cheat the little girl."

"I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, ask the waiter."

Luo Long's wife chuckled. Although the words were a little fake, they were very nice.

"Don't get entangled with my sister. My name is Han Bing. Just call me sister Bing. I don't know what your name is?"

People come and go in the shopping mall, and they just say something to each other.

"Don't you want to buy shoes, I'll help you choose them?" Han Bing stood up and said.

Buying shoes is fake, approaching you is real, but Shen Lang can tell from Han Bing's words, at least she doesn't resent herself.

Shen Lang takes the initiative to pick up Han Bing's shopping bags. Han Bing copies her windbreaker pocket and goes shopping side by side.

"Are you nervous? When you go shopping with an old woman like me, I'm afraid you'll be run into by acquaintances."

"If you don't believe me, I'll tell you you're my sister."

"You're very honest. It's like touching honey." Han Bing laughs wildly.

When Shen Lang came to Yansha for the second time, she was the same as Luo long. There are tens of thousands of clothes here. They really don't match Shen Lang's clothes.

It's a little different from Jin Xiangyu. Jin Xiangyu enjoys tens of thousands of dollars after suffering and having money.

Han Bing was born with a golden key in her mouth. Spending money means going to work. Fashion and high-end are born with her. If it wasn't for Luo Long's help, wechat would create such a "fate" coincidence, which is hard for women like Han Bing to approach.

However, rich people also have troubles. They can't lose their value by wearing clothes. Shen Lang soon found that Han Bing was a little tired after stepping on high-heeled shoes for a long time. When he shuttled through the shoe cabinets, he always had to find time to rub his feet.

Shen Lang's eyes fell on a man's blue and white jogging shoes. The price is moderate, and the money in his pocket must be enough.

"You're such a nerd. How do you wear these shoes?" Han Bing helped Shen Lang to try Italian leather shoes several times, but he was not satisfied.

"Sister Bing, it's comfortable to wear shoes on your feet. I'm always standing at work, just sneakers. "

Han Bing, who has seen this before, has seen Shen Lang put on his jogging shoes like a strange thing.

"Here they are. The waiter will help me wrap them up."

The waiter nodded with a smile, packed the white sports shoes that Shen Lang had taken off and washed, and went to the counter to issue the invoice.

Han Bing leaned on his waist and said with a smile: "both pairs are packed. Do you walk barefoot?"

With that, Han Bing's face turned unnaturally red.

The assistant in the shoe cabinet also laughed because Shen Lang bought two pairs of shoes. A pair of blue and white jogging, a pair of pink and white jogging of the same type, this is a pair of couple shoes.

"Beauty, the surprise your boyfriend gave you, I haven't seen anyone put it on and take it off yet." The assistant is very good at business. He handed the pink running shoes to Han Bing and asked her to try the size.

Han Bing puts on her jogging shoes. Although the shoes don't match her lady's dress, a woman who wears high-heeled crystal shoes all day long will have the impulse of longing for the ordinary once she steps on comfortable and soft sports shoes.

After checking out of the mall, Han Bing, like a child who has just learned how to walk, even runs and jumps up, fast or slow.

"Son of a bitch, who let you make your own decisions."

Shen Lang said with a smile, "I'm afraid sister Bing will wear high heels and sprain her feet when she runs."

"When did I run away?" Han Bing doesn't answer.

Shen Lang suddenly turned his head to her side and said, "sister Bing, you are so beautiful."Han Bing frowned, reached out to push him, but the waves flashed fast, ran out, carrying a shopping bag in both hands, and ran along the sidewalk.

Han Bing Leng for half a second, know was molested, don't want to catch up, and the foot is wearing a pair of comfortable jogging.

Such an ordinary and simple process, in the eyes of ordinary people can not be more ordinary.

When Shen Lang ran to a park and sat on a bench to rest and beg for mercy, Han Bing burst out laughing.

A woman of the upper class, who has seen so many precious things, has experienced the most ordinary pleasure for the first time, which in Han Bing's eyes is a bonus to Shen Lang.

Outside of the music fountain in the park, there are a group of square dancers. Shen Lang chooses a quiet meadow area to watch Han Bing smile with his waist beside the fountain, but Shen Lang frowns.

"The fish is on the hook." Shen Lang sent this message to Luo long.

"Keep up the good work!" Rolon's second.

"Waves! Come here At sunset, Han Bing waves at the music fountain.

Shen Lang put away his mobile phone and ran with a lot of shopping bags.

"Sister Bing, I told you the truth. You have chased me for more than three stops. " Shen Lang smiles bitterly.

Han Bing was also out of breath. Her heart fluctuated violently. Her face turned red as if she had applied rouge.

"I'll forgive you if you let me fight." Han Bing said.

Shen Lang shrugs his shoulders, but he can't meet other requirements. He is satisfied with this, as long as he doesn't hit you and your hands hurt.

"Close your eyes." Han Bing said suddenly.

Shen Lang said with a smile: "ice..."

"Don't talk. Close your eyes." Han Bing is playing coquetry.

Shen Lang had to close his eyes, heart does not jump, of course, is false, waiting for the arrival of a kiss, secretly want to look like the text message to Luo long sent early.

When Shen Lang is distracted, he is suddenly pushed by Han Bing.


Shen Lang didn't pay attention and didn't take precautions. He was pushed directly into the music fountain by Han Bing.

With the rhythm of square dance music, high water rose and poured down like a downpour.

Shen Lang is still carrying hundreds of thousands of luxury accessories and clothes in both hands. As soon as he sees that the girl is not ready to play, he raises a bad smile at the corner of her mouth and tears her wet hair.

"I'm wrong, wrong Ah... "

How could the waves let her run away and pull her directly into the fountain.

The cool fountain, the popular dance music and the setting sun make Han Bing dizzy. I don't know whether it's a rainbow or something.

They were drenched in water. Finally, Shen Lang saw a devil I'm in a good shape.

It was supposed to be a step further when the park guard came in.

"Well, you two, don't you hear me? Come out!"

Han Bing takes a look at the waves. They don't want anything on the ground. They turn around and run.

As night falls, Han Bing is half lying on the lawn, and seems to be aftertaste.

"Sister Bing, let me take you home."

On hearing this, Han Bing frowned, sat up and said, "today I feel like a dream."

"Ha ha, if Bingjie is willing, she will often come out to play when she doesn't go to work."

"Aren't you a student?"

"Yes, working part-time outside."

Han Bing Oh, and asked: "which company?"

"Qiao Nan Guo," said Shen Lang with a smile.

Han Bing smiles silently. Shen Lang guesses that she must be very proud, because Qiao Nan Guo is one mu three Fen of her family.

"You're off today."

"What do you mean?" Shen Lang pretends not to know.

"Today you give your sister a chance, and my sister also gives you one. I am familiar with many company owners in pedestrian street. However, I know Qiao Nan best. " Han Bing said with cadence.

Shen Lang asked with a smile, "is sister Bing in business?"

Han Bing wrung the corners of her clothes, emptied the water out of her shoes and said, "is your boss Luo long?"

"Yes, how did sister Bing know?" Shen langdun said: "Luo long is the big boss, but he doesn't come often. The second boss is Jin Xiangyu, general manager Jin."

Han Bing snorted: "general manager Jin? It's Jinxiangyu. Well, I'll tell you, she's just a general manager. The chairman is Luo long, my husband. "


The waves rose to their feet.

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