My ceo wife

Chapter 26

The next morning, Han Bing called. They had been waiting at the gate of South Korea for a long time. Ask Shen Lang why he hasn't come yet.

Shen Lang put on his clothes in a hurry. Carrying a bag and rushing out of the house.

There is a Land Rover at the gate of South Qiao country. Han Bing leans on the co pilot with big sunglasses. On the steps, Jin Xiangyu and Chen Ziyang are also here. Actually, they will not expect any results from this market research.

"Isn't Mr. Jin sending a waiter, where are the people?" Said Shen Lang, holding the door open.

Jin Xiangyu said with a smile, "I discussed with manager Chen. It takes a smart person to take care of Miss Han, and you are going to investigate. You have to have a little degree. toss about. I think Lin Huina is suitable. "

"Na..." The waves stammered.

If it's Nana, it's a fart. Originally, I was going to take a waiter casually, which would not be too embarrassing and would not affect the task of picking up girls. But if Nana goes. Don't we just talk about everything. It's better not to go.

Looking at Jin Xiangyu's eyes, Shen Lang thinks it must be her intention.

"What are you looking at? Help me open the trunk Nana also carried as like as two peas.

Shen Lang began to worry about the difficulty of the investigation. When the Land Rover drove out of the pedestrian street. Han Bing is going to Yansha on the way to buy something.

"Mr. Han, do you want me to go?"

"Hum, a woman's private thing. Are you going, too? " Han bingjiao said with a smile, there is no taboo about Nana sitting behind. I went to the mall twisting my back.

In the back seat of the car, Nana murmured, "I'm a man of forty. It's still so weird. "

"Sister Na, your mouth is really powerful. You dare to criticize the boss's wife."

"What is that. I'm just saying no. Some people do not say, or you are good Nana had a jealous sneer.

He said. Nana patted on the shoulder of the waves and said to Han Bing, "believe it or not, this woman is usually short of love. As soon as she starts, she promises to throw herself into her arms."

Shen Lang made Nana feel guilty: "this Can you see that? "

"Nonsense, otherwise Jin Xiangyu would let me be a light bulb."

When speaking, Han Bing comes out of the shopping mall and sits on the co pilot, which is a pungent and mature aroma.

With Nana present, we can only talk about things that don't hurt or itch along the way. The so-called business research study has become a tour group of two women and one man. Although South Beauty has shares in Han Bing, it looks more like she's coming out to play.

"Why? Sister Na, isn't the watch you're playing with Jiang Min's? " Shen Lang drives and looks back in the rearview mirror.

Nana is a famous Iron Rooster in South Qiao country. She has no spare money to play fashion. Fortunately, she is in good shape. She has worn all her sisters' clothes and shoes in her bedroom. However, this watch is indeed Jiang Min's treasure, even wearing a bath.

"It's her. If Jiang Min hadn't encouraged me to go to Mr. Jin, I wouldn't bother to talk to you Well, let's investigate. " Nana almost said slip, vigilant looked at Han Bing.

"What are you two up to?"

"Jiang Min asked me to go to Songjiang to find a man named Liu Yong and return the watch to him."

Shen Lang holds the steering wheel in one hand and drinks coke in the other. Songjiang is the hometown of Jin Xiangyu and Jiang Min, where Luo long got them to Jiangling.

"Oh Is this the token of love in legend? " Shen Lang said with a smile.

"First love." Nana plays with her watch.

"Ha ha, I can't see that Jiang Min has such a romantic youth history."

"Romance is a fart. It's not that man, and it won't cheat Jiang Min into coming to work in Jiangling."

Jiang Min's first love boyfriend came out from the countryside to work with her. Later, the boy became addicted to drugs and didn't make enough money, so he cheated Jiang Min to go to work.

Nana said that later, she didn't know what happened. Anyway, they were separated.

Shen Lang sighed: "why does Jiang Min still think about him?"

"So now we have to pay off the favor. When Jiang Min was down and couldn't eat, he had been eating and living in the man's house. It was later that the man got worse."

Han Bing leans against the window like a ripe peach. The story of the bottom of society is too far away for her.

After getting on the highway, it was night soon. Nana was dozing in the back with her heavy coat.

Shen Lang took a cigarette to cheer up. As soon as he rolled down the window, he put a warm arm on his leg.

"I'll drive it?" It turns out that Han Bing has been pretending to sleep.

"You'd better rest. You'll arrive early tomorrow morning."

"It's easy for you to have an accident if you are so absent-minded, or I'll help you lift your spirits?" The heat of Han's shoulder is blowing.

Shen Lang knew that the young lady liked excitement, so he glanced back awkwardly.

Han Bing cleverly turned off the ceiling light and put his shawl between them. One hand began to be dishonest.

Shen Lang didn't know what he was inspired by. He stepped on the gas pedal and laughed so that Han Bing fell back and forth. He was embarrassed to make a sound. He laughed for a while and put Shen Lang's hand on his leg Shen Lang suddenly understood that Han Bing didn't go shopping at all before departure, but went to the bathroom of the shopping mall to take things off.It's hard to stay up and down all night. It's like a plane takes off but can't find a place to land.

At noon the next day, he arrived in Songjiang City, where Jin Xiangyu met Luolong.

I found a hotel from the navigation. As soon as the car stopped, the doorman came out to pick up the luggage, and the three went directly into the lobby.

"Two rooms?" Nana asked.

"Three rooms." Han Bing talks with you.

Money is the public expense of Qiao Nan. Shen Lang and Nana have to weigh Chen Ziyang's face, but Han Bing doesn't.

The three rooms are connected. Nana is in the middle. I don't know if it's intentional or Jin Xiangyu's advice.

After driving all day and all night, Shen Lang was sleepy and tired. After taking a bath, he turned to bed and went to sleep.

After sleeping for more than two hours, I was woken up by the phone. It was Jin Xiangyu.

"Hello, Mr. Jin."

"Have you arrived yet?"

"Oh, I'm so tired. I forgot to let you know." Shen Lang turned over and lit a cigarette from the head of the bed.

"Don't say that. My friends and I have taken care of Songjiang. They know you're here to investigate, but Don't touch some things. "

"What?" Shen Lang became interested.

"Drugs and gambling." Jin Xiangyu lowered her voice and said, "it's a big game over there. Don't touch it."

Shen Lang said yes.

"There's no one next to you, is there?"

"Guess..." Shen Lang sold a pass, Jin Xiangyu is too ghost, is likely to see that he and Han Bing have problems.

"You have to remember what I told you. It's not that Songjiang's poison road sells well. Some people have secretly found Luo long several times, want to arrange some game machines and skating, Luo long did not give face

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to light a fire. You're not calling because of this, are you? "

Sure enough, after a pause, Jin Xiangyu said the hidden danger in her heart:

"what worries me most is Han Bing, let alone Qiao Nan Guo. She never interferes in such a big business of her family. How can she be so active this time? It's unusual."

"People say it's for fun. Why do you worry about it?"

"Maybe I was worried too much..." Jin Xiangyu pondered for a moment and said, "there's another episode. You just left. Many employees have come to my office to complain about you."

"You didn't do it." Shen Lang said with a bitter smile.

"So, when you come back, whether it's reform or innovation, I'm going to fire a group of people, led by Chen Ziyang, and don't think about it!"

"Well! You plan slowly, and I'll go back when you've cleaned up. "

Hang up the phone, Shen Lang half leaning on the head of the bed.

Is the plan to cheat on Rolon's wife too smooth? Really do very hidden, Han Bing will not notice, but always feel where not right.

Can a well-informed lady of the upper class travel a long way because she wants to hang out with a hairy boy?

Speaking of Cao Cao, Han Bing knocked on the door.

When the door opened, she only wore a simple dress and seemed to have just woken up.

"Bang!" Han Bing came to the door with a charming smile and said, "the waiter named Nana is not here. Do you have anything to say to your sister?"

"Can it be replaced by action?"


Before laughing, Shen Lang showed her tusks and forced her to the door.

Han Bingyin gave a sound, and looked at him vaguely. They just looked at each other and hugged each other. No one said anything.

Shen Lang thinks that it's not only mean to cheat Han Bing by this means, but also physically able to get what he needs. But in this way, Luo Long's plan succeeds.

Helping Luo long does harm to Han Bing. Although I don't know what's going on between them, the weight of Shen Lang's balance is obviously biased towards Han Bing, but the problem is that Luo long is his own boss. During the period of contact with Han Bing, the woman was a little more extravagant and arrogant, but she was pleasant and didn't hide bad.

"Xiao Shen, is it for women to see?" Han Bing loves to challenge the limit.

"My sister looks like an egg. It's hard outside, pure inside, but yellow inside." Shen Lang said with a smile.

"Then you are mango. It's very yellow on the outside, but it's more yellow on the inside."

"Sister, your heart seems to beat very hard." Shen Lang's hands are obviously not on his chest.

"Your heart It's better than that

Two people say a word, is not to pick the last layer of bed on the window paper.

"Xiao Shen, I heard that there are only two cases of heart rate acceleration. The first is to see the person you like; the second is I lied. What kind of person are you? "

Shen Lang felt the aggressive momentum in Han Bing's eyes for the first time, and his heart beat faster.

If you savor Han Bing's words carefully, you can enjoy philosophy. Will Shen Lang like her as a teenager? If so, Shen Lang's heart beats faster; if not? That proves that Shen Lang was lying to Han Bing from the beginning.Shen Lang looked at her for a moment.

Han Bing said with a smile: "good looking?"

"Good looking."

"Gorgeous high heels are good-looking but not practical; your jogging shoes are not good-looking but comfortable to wear. Xiao Shen, how do you teach your sister to choose

This also implies that Han Bing said that his life is not happy and he is very happy with Shen Lang. No doubt I'm asking Shen Lang a difficult question, which translates into: I divorce Luo long, is it OK to be with you?

A silent effort of a cigarette.

"Dangdang..." There was a knock at the door.

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