My ceo wife

Chapter 29

At noon the next day, Jin Xiangyu released Jiang Min and Shen Lang on bail, and it was necessary for them to go up and down.

Shen Lang and Jiang Min were arrested by the police on the street in the middle of the night. A few words went out.

Shen Lang slept for a while. He was called by Jin Xiangyu's phone.

In the office. Jin Xiangyu poured a glass of wine for Shen Lang.

"Mr. Jin, are you in a good mood?"

"Hum, don't pretend. Here's our chance. " Jin Xiangyu couldn't suppress her joy.

"What chance?"

"It's clear that Chen Ziyang did it, but I didn't expect you to catch up. The two bones in the bureau are very hard. I want to fight for Chen Ziyang. But... " Jin Xiangyu cocked her legs. The long white legs are half covered and half exposed to the waist.

"But what?"

"But in Jiangling, as long as one person comes out. Even if he only needs to say a word, the two boys in the Bureau will immediately give Chen Ziyang a confession. "

"That's it?" Shen Lang twists Jin Xiangyu's lady cigarette.

Jinxiang Yujiao said with a smile: "of course, you are not here these days. I paid off a few waiters. They are willing to expose Chen Ziyang's internal and external affairs. "

Shen Lang stood up, went to Jin Xiangyu and looked at her. Light said: "Mr. Jin, you really have a lot of means."

"I'm flattered."

"In the Three Kingdoms. You're going to have to go into the dark, aren't you

"And then there's the bottom line, clucking." Jin Xiangyu said with a smile.

"Ha ha..."

Shen Lang laughed twice and suddenly stuck Jin Xiangyu's chin. Word by word, he said: "don't pretend to me. It's you who want to harm Jiang Min! And then it's Chen Ziyang. "

"So what?" Jin Xiangyu said with her head up.

Shen Lang's eyes became sharp. Every word warned Jin Xiangyu: "Mr. Jin, whether you and I are grasshoppers on a rope or not. I will never allow anyone to play with my friend. Do you hope that what happened to Xiaoli and Yan'er will happen to Jiang Min again? "

Jin Xiangyu in order to get rid of Chen Ziyang this disaster. This week is not less busy, above the maintenance of the relationship, as close as possible to the hands of Chen Ziyang customer resources. In the dark, and constantly bribe the waiter to create friction.

Among them, Jiang Min's experience last night was all planned by Jin Xiangyu. This woman is a scheming goblin, behind the scenes personally designed Jiang Min was hijacked, and then rescued, deliberately turned the police's attention to Chen Ziyang. Irrefutable evidence, Chen Ziyang is now convicted of being a criminal suspect,


Jin Xiangyu looked at Shen Lang in surprise and asked for a while, "don't you like Jiang Min?"

"I said, she's my friend." Although Jiang Min is a little natural, Shen Lang always treats her as a friend in his heart.

"This Well, not again. "

"Ha ha, you are glad Jiang Min didn't have an accident, otherwise I don't know what I will do." Said Shen Lang.

Jin Xiangyu is very embarrassed. How could she know that an employee of South Beauty is so important in Shen Lang's heart.

Stiff for a while, Jin Xiangyu still handed the wine to Shen Lang.

"Well, handsome, I know I'm wrong."

"By the way, who is the man you were looking for?"

"Ma Xuejun, deputy secretary of Jiangling!" Jin Xiangyu said here, feeling a little excited: "as long as Ma Xuejun gives this face, the two thugs in the Bureau will not carry the case for Chen Ziyang."

Shen Lang's eyebrows pick, and it's Ma Xuejun.

Shen Lang took a sip of red wine and said, "what should I do?"

"Remember the last time angel did? You beat his younger brother Ma Xuewu. I'll treat him to dinner on this opportunity. He won't lose face if you mention it at the dinner table. "

"When are you going?"

"The sooner the better!"

What is a friend? The definition of Shen Lang is very simple. They are not interested in each other. Working with such a beautiful landlady as Jin Xiangyu, I need to be on guard all the time.

They first went to Linfang to find Ding Bao, and they had to let the watchdog lead the way to see Ma Xuejun. Ding Bao heard that Shen and Jin made an apology to their eldest brother. He felt that they had a lot of face. He took the credit to himself and hung up with Ma Xuejun.

Jin Xiangyu has a small bag with a gold card of Suhe golf. It has a memory of one million yuan. Before, it was prepared for a department leader by Qiao Nan Guo. Later, Luo long felt that the gift was too small, so there was only one left.

"Yes, yes! Ma Xuejun asked you to meet him at this address... " Ding Bao took out a small piece of paper and put it on the pole. She wrote a string of addresses.

Jin Xiangyu looks at Shen Lang excitedly and gets on the car with her bag.

Just as Shen Lang was about to get on the bus, he suddenly thought of a very interesting thing: "brother Bao, is Ma Xuejun your boss?"

"That's natural." Ding Bao said triumphantly.

"Then why do you call him by his first name?"

"You care so much. That's the rule."Shen Lang said nothing with a smile. He drove to Ma Xuejun's nest with Jin Xiangyu.

"Mr. Jin, do you know Ma Xuejun?"

"I met him at the Jiangling chamber of Commerce. I think I know him, but he doesn't know me."

Shen Lang nodded and continued to drive. It seems that there are many people asking for Ma Xuejun, but not everyone can see it. Lin Chaoxian, boss Lin, met Ma Xuejun through Ding Bao, which was enough to see his weight.

After walking through the streets and entering the old city, the car navigation didn't make any mistakes, but both of them felt uneasy. Why did they make an appointment in such a place?

The car stopped outside a farmer's market, and a tricycle dashed past, pressing vegetable leaves and sewage out of the ground. Students who come home from school and women who buy vegetables have a leisurely life.

They were looking around when a man's voice came from behind.

"Are you Mr. Jin?"

Looking back, Shen Lang saw a thin but gentle man with a white shirt, a pair of cheap black cloth trousers, a pair of cloth shoes at his feet, and a vegetable basket, vegetables, fish and pork in his hand.

"Brother Ma, no, boss ma..." Jin Xiangyu has known her for a long time.

"Ma Xuejun." The man politely stretched out his hand, suddenly feel embarrassed, hands also stained with fishy.

Shen Lang was stunned. Ma Xuejun's dog drove a luxury car and lived in a luxury house. When he got out of the house, his younger brother installed several cars. It can be seen that the real man was actually like this. He was no better than himself.

Jin Xiangyu awkwardly introduced to Shen Lang: "this is Ma Xuejun."

The two men nodded politely to each other.

Jin Xiangyu said, "what are you doing?"

"To buy a la carte and cook, Ding Bao called and said you would come. I'll cook for you myself."

"That's funny. Boss Ma, let's go out to eat." Jin Xiangyu really doesn't know how to call Ma Xuejun.

"No, it's clean at home. Don't you believe in my cooking?" Ma Xuejun said with a smile.

Looking at Shen Lang's eyes, Jin Xiangyu had to say, "I'll give you more trouble. Today is not a day for nothing. I'm full of food, ha ha..."

"It's the same as going to your own home. Mr. Jin is welcome. Please sit at home."

Instead, Jin Xiangyu was embarrassed and said to Shen Lang, "I'll drive."

Ma Xuejun said: "it's not a few steps away, just the community behind the farmers' market."

The vegetable market is not very big. Along the way, Ma Xuejun just said hello to his neighbors. When he saw that everyone was polite, there was a tricycle selling fruits. When the tricycle broke down, Ma Xuejun went under the car to help people repair it, and he was covered with engine oil.

If Jin Xiangyu had not known him, he would not have been sure that he was the legendary "deputy secretary" of Jiangling.

After walking for a while, Jin Xiangyu couldn't bear the burden of high heels. She was angry that she should have driven just now.

Downstairs, Ma Xuejun changed another can of gas, and Shen Lang helped him carry it.

"Boss Ma, you are really stingy. The business is so big that you can't let others do it at ordinary times." Jin Xiangyu followed the last step up the stairs.

"Jin always knows something. People live in the neighborhood. When people come in such a mess, life is very uneasy. "

"Then you won't live in a spacious place." Jin Xiangyu said with a smile.

"For what, the Golden Nest and the silver nest are not as good as their old nest. They have feelings when they live in the habit."

Jin Xiangyu can't help admiring Ma Xuejun in her heart. If you want to talk about Ma Xuejun, it's not too much for Wang tu. as far as she knows, Ma Xuejun is a shareholder in many hotels and real estate chains in Jiangling. She walks into a mansion with her eyes closed, that's her own home. If she is hungry, she will have her own shares. And Ma Xuejun himself, actually so simple dwelling here, but also to buy their own cooking.

Now they understand why Ma Xuejun didn't let the car in. They just didn't want the neighbors to know that Ma Xuejun knew the rich. And the truth? I'm afraid it's not enough to sell South Beauty to Ma Xuejun.

After entering Ma Xuejun's house, it matches the old building very well. It's all old furniture. Only then can we know that Ma Xuejun lives with his mother.

In the kitchen, Jin Xiangyu helped and soon the food was ready.

"Let's eat together when Auntie comes back." Jin Xiangyu said.

Ma Xuejun finished his meal, took off his apron and said with a smile, "my mother has gone to play mahjong, so I don't have to wait for her. I'll do it later. Let's eat first. "

After a meal, Jin Xiangyu and Shen Lang gave each other a look.

Ma Xuejun ate two bowls of rice, and then went to eat. He belched and said, "I used to be afraid of starvation. Only when I have enough rice can I feel at ease."

"Boss Ma, I had a little conflict with your brother in South Qiao a few days ago. You should have heard about that?"

Ma Xuejun looked up at Shen Lang and said, "I've heard that it's really my brother's fault. It's troubling you. I'll accompany him face to face."

"Boss Ma, what do you mean? It's clear that we in South America can't take care of it. " Jin Xiangyu said quickly.After finishing the third bowl of rice, Ma Xuejun wiped his mouth and said, "Mr. Jin, it's not me who's playing tricks for you. You are in a business with a business license. My brother is wrong to bully others. "

"Don't say that. It's like we're here to ask for a crime..." This situation is totally beyond Jin Xiangyu's prediction.

Ma Xuejun waved his hand to show you are welcome. He stood up, pulled a chair, stepped on a small thing from the cupboard, turned and threw it to Shen Lang.

The heavy waves were caught in the air.

"My friend, it's my brother's fault. Ma Xuejun must admit it. This gadget is a gift for you. Don't think I'm ashamed, because there's really nothing to give at home. "

Shen Lang unfolded his hand and saw that it was a bullet head with some copper rust, showing an elusive smile.

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