My ceo wife

Chapter 3

After breakfast, Shen Lang left his apartment and just got downstairs. I saw a car on the side of the road. A man in a suit. Half reclining on the machine cover of the car. Looking at the waves with a calm face.

"Are you Shen Lang?" The suit man is in his thirties. He has a Chinese character face and a crooked nose. At first glance, he knows that he is a shopping mall veteran.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm Chen Ziyang, manager of Qiao Nanguo. Mr. king told me about you. " The man in the suit handed in his business card. Then he took out a box of cigarettes. Give Shen Lang one.

Looking at Chen Lang's business card, he said with a smile, "thank you."

"You're welcome. Call me brother Yang in the future. They all work for others

Yesterday, Shen Lang heard Nana talk about Chen Ziyang. Usually, boss Jin doesn't come to the company very often. He is the manager in charge.

Responsible for the daily turnover of hundreds of thousands of catering companies. Chen Ziyang has made a living in the pedestrian street. He has developed the ability to talk about people and ghosts, and his contacts are unimpeded.

When there was an accident last night. Chen Ziyang happened to be away, and then boss Jin called him. I went to the public relations department to take charge of the internal security work.

I saw the waves this morning. Chen Ziyang suddenly realized a problem, this boy just arrived, promoted so fast. Will this little employee ride on his head one day?

"Brother Yang. The soot is on the clothes

Chen Ziyang was relieved. He dusted his cigarette and said, "I'm good. I've been appreciated since I came here. "

"Brother Yang means boss Jin?"

Chen Ziyang opened the door to signal him to get on the car and speak.

"The security of South Beauty is dispatched by the security company, but every company has internal security. What security can't do is to work hard."

"Ha ha, I'm afraid that if I can't do it well, I'll make trouble for brother Yang."

"Don't worry, it's not what you think. Somebody with a head and a face knows this is Jin Xiangyu That's the company of president Jin. Who's going to make trouble? Even if there is, it is also the top management of the restaurant. "

Through Chen Ziyang, the manager, Shen Lang learned about the situation of boss Jin.

The name of boss Jin is Jin Xiangyu, a senior executive employed by southern high salary. He is less than 30 years old and has her shares in the company. She is also a woman who is the chairman of the board of directors of major shareholders, and she is called a mistress.

"Qiao Nan Guo company is not big or small. Several shareholders have invested 40 million or 50 million. The biggest shareholder is also the chairman of the board, named Luo long, who is a hotel chain. The restaurant is just a sideline. There are also two shareholders, one is Jin Xiangyu, who is also the general manager; the other is Luo Long's father-in-law, Han Laozi. Ha ha To tell you the truth, they've invested $18 million in my uncle's business, and they don't care about it. "

"Brother Yang, what do you mean by saying this to me?"

"That is to say, the real boss of South Beauty is Luo long, and Jin Xiangyu is just the second wife who plays the rest of the game, so she always gets the most shares from the company as much as possible."

Chen Ziyang is very good at looking at people. If Shen Lang is a gangster, then even if he talks nonsense, if he is really hiding dragon and crouching tiger, he should be warned: stand in the right team.

Shen Lang deliberately understood, but he finally understood that the high-level relationship in South Qiao was very complicated. Jin Xiangyu was just a plaything and a chess piece.

But Jin Xiangyu seems to have the ambition to swallow the company alone, which also explains why the so-called boss Jin hired bodyguards on the black market.

Chen Ziyang, on the surface, respects Jin Xiangyu. In fact, he has long been on the side of Luo long. Because of Luo long, the chairman of the board, he is not afraid of Jin Xiangyu.

"Shen Lang, work hard. The company is in a mess. Ah..."

"I don't know anything. I'd better learn from brother Yang." Shen Lang said with a fake smile.

Chen Ziyang noncommittal smile, still calculate this boy clever. Jin Xiangyu has been secretly looking for a chance to clean herself up, but she doesn't dare. The reason is that she holds the customers and contacts of the restaurant, and even the waiters are her own people.

Looking at Chen Ziyang's gloomy face, Shen Lang spits out his cigarette. When did I say it's your man?

At the regular staff meeting, Chen Ziyang made a formal introduction to Shen Lang. Shen Lang is a new face, but it's enough for other employees to fear. They all speculate about Shen Lang's background. It's boss Jin who can promote Shen Lang when he first comes here.

In the evening, Shen Lang turned around upstairs and downstairs. He was bored and sat at the front desk chatting with the cashier. Looking up, I suddenly saw a man standing at the entrance of the stairs waving his hand. Although the neon light of the western restaurant was very dark, his thighs were still so bright.

There is an office area on the third floor of the restaurant. After the waves go up, Jin Xiangyu is waiting for him with the door open.

"Sit down." Jin Xiangyu is sitting on the office chair, holding a glass of red wine. Her lips are red and gorgeous, with moderate thickness. It seems that she is waiting for someone to pick them.

There is a sofa and mattress in the office, which is luxurious and exaggerated.

Shen Lang suddenly thought of an evil scene. Jin Xiangyu is the Canary raised by the boss. He comes here once in a while. It's supposed to be a battlefield."Has Chen Ziyang arranged the work for you?"

"Thank you for your promotion."

Jin Xiangyu came with the fragrance of a mature woman, and sprayed it on Shen Lang's face. It was itchy and sweet, and made people feel numb and crisp.

At this time, Jin Xiangyu sat down next to Shen Lang, and said with a charming smile, "man, take a long-term view. Do you want me to promote you again?"

"Ha ha, I'm new here, but I don't want to be a rookie hit by a gun."

Jin Xiangyu chuckled, patted Shen Lang on the shoulder, and said with profound meaning, "work hard, I'll take care of you."

Shen Lang left the office and sat in a seat by the window. There must be something fishy in Jin Xiangyu's words.

Elegant light music, with the candlelight dinner in front of every dining table, is easy to make people feel comfortable.

As far as I could see, there were several waiters outside the box of the second floor lounge. Thinking that something was wrong, he went up.

It turns out that the guests in the box are playing cards, and there is a thick pile of money on the mahjong table, which seems to win a lot.

"Give me a light, man." Shen Lang reminds a few busy waiters.

As soon as several waiters looked back, they saw that they were the new foreman. They all went to work cleverly.

The rest of the box attendant was a young man with yellow hair. He had a Skull Necklace in his overalls and took out a lighter from his pocket to light a cigarette.

"Brother Lang."

Shen Lang said: "don't let Chen Ziyang know."

"Don't worry, I understand. I'll leave your share in a moment."

This kind of business suite, whether the guest is to talk business, or to find a place to play cards, so will let the waiter help "keep an eye on", others will reward a few "happy money" after playing cards.

This kind of thing, the company does not know, just turn a blind eye. A company has no characteristics and background, and is eliminated in a month. It is precisely because old customers trust the company that they come here to play two cards.

Huang Mao found that the foreman spoke very well, and he was a bit like-minded, so he asked Shen Lang, "by the way, I heard that you were called to the office by president Jin just now?"

"Things at work." Said Shen Lang.

Huang Mao, with a smile, came up to him and said in a low voice, "brother Lang, Jin can't provoke. Luo Long's woman, the boss, is in trouble when it comes to relationships."

"Where do you want to go?" Shen Lang said helplessly

"It's all from the past. Who doesn't understand? It's said that boss Luo's physique is not very good. Zizi Poor president Jin, I think he has a crush on you... "

Shen Lang frowned and pretended to be displeased: "you can't talk nonsense. I'll just listen to it. When it comes to other people's ears, you'll weigh it and do it."

Huang Mao stood there awkwardly. Suddenly, he felt that this guy was not as easy to talk as he appeared. He quickly changed his words: "ha ha, I'm kidding..."

While talking, waiting for the guests in the box to finish their work.

At this time, I suddenly found a lot of people around the bar, arguing with the front desk on the first floor.

Shen Lang just wanted to go and have a look.

Huang Mao held him: "brother Lang, you are new here. Don't join in the fun."

"What's the matter?" Shen Lang asked.

"It's often the case that the waiters fly orders and let the guests grasp them. If they get involved, they are all coquettish. Someone in the public relations department will deal with them."

Huang Mao had been working in a bar since he was 15 or 16 years old. He had worked as a waiter, a doorman and a security guard. What he did in the company was very clear.

"What is a flyer?"

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