My ceo wife

Chapter 338

Today, Murong family and Wangyue family are very close, and Shen Lang is the link between them, even an indispensable link.

Mufeiyan nestles in her familiar and friendly arms. Cute beauty is always lazy. The graceful ones are a little fat. But the fat one is just right. A holy face, without any makeup light wipe, fiber onion ten fingers. But can play the rhythm of conquering the world.

"How have you been sleeping?"

"Very good."

"It's good. I'm still so lazy. I have more time to go around."

Full moon brother and sister are in the front row. Shuiyue is holding a meeting with a family in Japan. The full moon and her family are estranged. In boredom, they can only criticize the storm of the universe. With a fiancee like murongyi, he doesn't care much, but he defiles his goddess mufeiyan.

Murongyi is the founder of Jiangling in China. Mufeiyan belongs to the world. This is the basic knowledge of the Murong family.

"Fart boy, stop the car." Murphy called the full moon to stop.

The full moon stops the car obediently, if someone else orders a high-level killer of shadow group. Now he is dead, but as the brain powder of mufei smoke. He wants to be a driver every day.

It turned out that there was a folk artist playing erhu beside Xuhui square. He's blind, and he makes a living. But in front of the plate is very shy lying a few coins.

Busy cities are fighting for money and fame. Few people stop to listen, even some. I just wait for a taxi by the side of the road, listen to it for a while, and even find out a coin that no one cares about to live for the blind because I'm too lazy to take out my wallet.

"Hello, may I use your erhu?" Mufeiyan said.

The blind man's song just finished, and he handed the erhu to mufeiyan.

Mu Feiyan sat down on the ground, adjusted the strings, recalled the melody she had just heard, and pulled up erhu, a folk musical instrument that had been left behind.

Blind people think that this is just a rich woman, want to experience it, forced to make a living, he can only speak erhu to her.

But when mufeiyan's Erquan music sounded, he almost opened his blind eyes in amazement, and his dead tree like hand touched mufeiyan's hand.

"A little higher."

"Thank you for your advice."

"It's good. Without many years of experience, it's impossible to have such attainments."

Passers-by stop to listen, mistaking it as the sound of nature. Only Shen Lang laughs but doesn't speak. Mufeiyan is a layman, otherwise the blind man won't tell him. As for why passers-by stop to listen, they are just attracted by mufeiyan's beauty.

It can be seen that the blind people who are obviously better at erhu are very unjust.

The full moon held the dead man's head and was stunned. He was excited. At the same time, his eyes were envious of killing the waves. How could this son of a bitch make the goddess fall in love with him.

At the end of the song, passers-by put in some money. They didn't lack a hundred yuan bill. In fact, they just wanted to make a lot of money in front of mufeiyan.

Mufeiyan gave the erhu back to the blind man and said with a smile, "are you playing here every day?"

"Come on rainy days, or there will be no food for that day."

"It would be a great honor to have you as my teacher." Mufeiyan pious said, layman listen to the door, although mufeiyan never touch erhu, but this song caused her great interest.

Blind people are also very realistic, smile and say: "so there is a salary?"

"Yes, he pays you, cluck."

Shen Lang is pushed to the front by Mu Fei smoke, have to embarrassed way: "five insurances one gold, treatment interview."

Mufeiyan giggled: "I'll come here to see you tomorrow."

Maybe the blind man has not realized that the song "Er Quan Ying Yue" he played will become the background music of the movie that will be shot with an investment of 200 million yuan. And his erhu student will be playing in the opening ceremony of the 36th World Cup at Jiangling workers' Stadium one year later.

After several people get on the bus again, the full moon can't help sighing: "the blind man is lucky."

"Brother, it's not that he's lucky. The premise is that he first has the ability to attract sister Yan. What's more, he has the perseverance to play erhu here for so many years. Jiang Taigong is willing to fish. If Jiang Ziya doesn't fish by the river for decades, he won't have the 800 year foundation of the Zhou Dynasty. "

Shuiyue tilted her head and laughed again: "but I think sister Yan and he are Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi. They are friends in high mountains and flowing water."

After a long silence, the full moon asked, "who is Yu Boya?"

"It's terrible to have no culture." Shen Lang said with emotion.

"Hum, it's a cultural difference. Do you understand?" Full moon, a Japanese, is not easy to speak Mandarin fluently. He has never been to any famous university, so he has to be familiar with the basic language communication of many countries.

"Yes, there is a difference between culture and no culture."

A few people in the car all laughed, full moon full face black line, said with a smile: "it seems that I have time to read two more books."

The wedding was hosted by Murong Han. After seeking Shen Lang's advice, the wedding date was set on July 7 of the lunar calendar. It happened that magpie bridge would meet each other in a lucky way. Naturally, the wedding place was Tianya villa.This will be the first time that Tianya villa has come into public view, and it also means that the focus of Murong family will return to China.

"Shen Lang, after you and Qimei get married, you'd better live in Tianya villa." Murong Han said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I have money to live in, but I don't have money to refuel. It's tens of kilometers to and fro the city. I think it's better to forget it. When you come back to Haitangwan's house, I'll leave your sister a house she likes. "

"Well, you can help yourself. I'll go and greet Shuiyue."

Shen Lang nods and turns to see a face that deserves beating. It's Murong Ke, the fourth son of Murong family.

"Well, you're lucky this time. You'll get your life back." Murongke said sarcastically.

"Thank you for your praise. It's not only a life, but also a daughter-in-law." Said Shen Lang.

"Don't be too self righteous, if not Hehe, you can still live till now. "

Murong Ke is really resentful. Originally, Murong Yi, the seventh sister, married Abe xiangtian, but because of the fighting between the moon watchers and Abe, Abe xiangtian died. As a result, he, a representative of the pro security faction, fell behind in this cooperation with Wangyue.

At this time, Shen Lang sleeps seven younger sisters and leads Mr. Mi to make a mature meal. Because of all kinds of relations and family face, the only solution is to marry seven younger sisters to him.

"Let me hear what you say." Mufei smoke a white gift group came over.

"Aunt." Following the family rules of elders and children, Murong Ke has to salute mufei.

And Shen Lang and Mu Feiyan's relationship is so close, I'm afraid no one in the world can understand. It's strange that Murong Ke doesn't hate Mu Feiyan, a proud music elf in the world, who can be transformed into an affectionate lazy woman.

"Ke'er, in the future, when Shen Lang and Yi'er get married, don't call you fourth brother."

"Why? Forget it. I can't wait for this kind of man to marry seven younger sisters just because he likes our family business. "

Mufei said with sullen face: "wanton! You go down

"Oh." Murong Ke is unwilling to leave.

Mu Feiyan certainly knows why Shen Lang agrees with this marriage. Although he and murongyi are not harmonious on the surface, Shen Lang never regards murongyi as a tool of equal substitution. Compared with the noble count, mufeiyan hopes to marry her niece to shenlang.

Mufeiyan said with a gentle smile: "Xiao shenlang, let han'er take care of the wedding. Would you please help me compose my words?"

"You'd better spare me. You know I'm not good at that."

"Well, I'm making a theme song for your movie. Do you have the heart to let me stay alone and build a car behind closed doors?"

Shen Lang thought for a while and said, "well, I'll introduce you to the two female stars of the film later. It happens that I have a gambling appointment with them. How about you and the two actors going to consult about the theme and rhythm of the film?"

"Hey hey, to be honest, are the two actresses you mentioned that kind of relationship?"

Shen Lang sold a pass, laughed but said nothing, pretending to be deep: "they all say that marriage is the tomb of love, but who can know that the tomb is a mummy, Feiyan, do you think Murong's heart is made of stone?"

"Not necessarily. Although proper domestic violence helps to coordinate the relationship between husband and wife, you can't beat me up, ha ha."

"Don't worry, even if it's really a stone, I will knead it into dust and crystallize it into water. There are many failed marriages in Murong family, but I don't want them to fall on me. "

This marriage is Shen Lang's compromise with the Murong family. He can't fight against such a big family now. However, he never wanted to make himself and murongyi become victims.

when Shen Lang returned to murongyi's apartment, it was almost one o'clock in the morning, and the room was still as lifeless as Shen Lang described, murongyi was a mummy wrapped in white silk.

"Still pretending to sleep?" Shen Lang took off his shoes and fell on the sofa.

Murongyi doesn't know how to hate a person, because during this period, she will learn a new word, husband, a strange and confused name.

"I'm not like you. I've suffered a lot from my elder brother. Do you want to vent your anger on me?"

"You're right." Shen Lang was lying, but he was too lazy to move

"Do you have a girlfriend?"


"Lying." Murong Yi said in the bedroom.

"I mean not one. There are contradictions in quantity. Of course I have to correct them." Shen Lang is never afraid that Murong Yi will be jealous. If this woman knows how to be jealous, she will be willing to be shot.

"Well, after marriage, please don't interfere in my work and life. I don't interfere in you either. If you want money, I'll give it to you. "

"With children?"

"Child? Has anything to do with you. " Murong Yi satirized that the implication is that even if there are children, they are also the descendants of Murong family.

"So many doctorates go to the dog's stomach. Without me, would you have a child with cucumber?""You are not as good as a dog, at best you are a fool!"

"Dumb?" Shen Lang was stunned for a long time, only to find a box in the entrance. In the box, Chen Mengdie spent a month's salary to buy her a little bigger dog than a mouse.

Shen Lang laughs knowingly. It turns out that this woman gradually knows what life is. She comes to the porch barefoot and takes the sleeping dog to the bedroom.

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