My ceo wife

Chapter 388

Military hospital is the exclusive hospital of the army. At the beginning, Shen Lang only said that he asked Zhou Zhengyang to send Feng Rui to the hospital. On the principle of being nearby, he directly sent the person to the military hospital.

Erlengzi ran through all the hospitals in Jiangling to find Feng Rui's ward.

I can't help it. He's been in Jiangling for a long time, but he hasn't bought a mobile phone.

The ward is small but clean. Medical facilities are complete. It seems to be a special ward for leaders.

"Ruirui. Ruirui, why are you still sleeping Stroking the pale face, erlengzi mumbled to himself for the nth time. It was midnight when he found Feng Rui, and it was noon the next day. Feng Rui didn't wake up.

The drip on my arm has been changed three times. Her arms are black and blue.

Until the nurse came in for the fourth time and planned to help Feng Rui change another bottle of drip. Lengzi burst out suddenly.

"What's the matter with you doctors? I didn't see her arm was blue and swollen. Give her an injection. What if there are any side effects? What about your Dean? I want to find your Dean. My Ruirui hasn't woken up since yesterday. How do you doctors treat her. I don't believe you. Go to your Dean and ask him to see Ruirui in person. Come on

See next to the little nurse dumbfounded, motionless appearance. Erlengzi poked a finger in the past, just in the little nurse's shoulder.

"Oh, good. I'll call the Dean right away. " The little nurse may not have seen this kind of momentum. She was so scared that she ran out and didn't even change a little bit.

The patient was sent by Captain Zhou. I don't know whose influence is behind it. The only thing I'm sure is not that I can offend easily.

When president Tang and several surgeons came in a hurry. Erlengzi was so angry that he almost took the ward.

The ventilator collapsed, and the mini CT and MRI were lying in the corner. Electrocardiograms and all kinds of testing instruments were smashed to pieces. Even the only TV set on the wall that can be used for entertainment was broken into diamond shaped patterns in the middle.

The only safe thing is lying in Feng Rui's hospital bed and hanging a drop of medicine bottle bracket.

"What happened? How did this ward become like this? Who are you? " His medical equipment. The ward on this floor is full of the most advanced medical facilities in the hospital. Now the State advocates incorruptness. In fact, leaders have authority and special care. Therefore, the military hospital is no different from the ordinary hospital on the surface. In fact, it has already built the most ordinary ward into a small sparrow with top medical equipment. It's just that laymen can't easily see it.

All kinds of equipment that have just been smashed add up to nearly one million.

Erlengzi saw that someone came in and looked like a deputy leader. He rushed over and grabbed the person's arm and tugged at the bedside. I totally ignore what he just said.

"Come and see what happened to my family? She has been sleeping all day and night. Why hasn't she woken up yet? " While talking, he pushed president Tang to Feng Rui, hoping to press his head on Feng Rui.

The paramedics nearby were shocked by his impolite behavior.

Dean Tang's whole body was already furious. He is a doctor and an elegant doctor. Although the scalpel is polished in his hands, once he puts down the scalpel, he is a gentle scholar.

At the moment, the rough man like a monk made him angry that a scholar met a soldier.

"How are you, doctor? Why doesn't Rui Rui wake up? " Erlengzi where know his behavior has caused public anger, at the moment in his eyes only Feng Rui is the most important.

President Tang stood up and took advantage of Er Leng Zi's question to shake off his restraint.

"Are you from Zhou Zhengyang?" If it wasn't for that man's relationship, it would not have given him a chance to act wildly here.

But how could Zhou Zhengyang know such a savage?

Zhou Zhengyang? Who? "I haven't heard of it. Ah, I said doctor, what are you talking about when you don't treat? What's the matter with my family? Why don't you wake up now? " Feng Rui is the biggest, the others are on one side.

No? President Tang frowned. So this man is here to make trouble? So he lost so much money?

"Go ahead, first call the security guard to come up and tie me up, and then call the police immediately."

Since it's not Zhou Zhengyang, he doesn't have to be polite to this person. Seeing that he is well dressed, he is not the kind of person who is poor in money. Since he dares to make trouble in the hospital, he has to pay the corresponding price.

First of all, he has to spit out all the losses in this room.

For the sophistication, erlengzi may not understand, but just the president's words he heard but clearly.

At the moment, he picked up the white coat of president Tang impolitely. "I'm scared to be your grandfather. If I ask you to treat me, you can treat me. It's not that I don't give you money. You have to give me something here. call the police? When the police come, I'll take you to the bottom one by one. Do you believe it

Clenching his fist, he made a circle in front of president Tang, then released his hand and pushed the man out. Then he took care of the instruments on the ground.Dean Tang fell into everyone's arms.

"Security? What about security? Why don't you come up? Come on, get the man for me. " President Tang was very angry. Seeing the security guard, he gave the order directly. Just being carried by him was a loss of face. How could he swallow it. What's more, the equipment that he thought could be repaired a little bit, now he doesn't even need to repair it, so it will be scrapped directly.

"Well, Dean, you see that miss's every drop is gone." The little nurse who just went out to call people nervously reminded Dean Tang. If you blow the air in, it will kill you.

President Tang frowned.

"Go ahead and pull out the drops for her first." After all, this man was sent by Zhou Zhengyang. It seems that he is tired, but it's not good to die in his hospital.

Though he didn't want to mind her.

Erlengzi practiced martial arts and cleaned around the old monk when he was a child. He had long been trained in all kinds of iron and steel. After he was two years old, he never got sick again. He took cold medicine occasionally. He never went to the hospital at all. The only one I've ever been to is a small clinic in the countryside. I've only seen a spanking needle.

Therefore, he did not realize that the medical equipment in the ward was life-saving for the patient. When she realized that Feng Rui might never wake up again, he thought that the reason was attributed to these inexplicable equipment.

As the saying goes, care leads to chaos.

"What are you doing? If you want to catch me, you can't catch Ruirui, Ruirui? " See the little nurse while they don't pay attention to pull out the drops of Feng Rui, erlengzi think they want to take Feng Rui threaten themselves. At the moment, without waiting for the little nurse to take off the tape wrapped in Feng Rui's hand, he rushed over and grabbed the little nurse's wrist with a "ah" sound. The little nurse had been knocked unconscious on the ground by him.

"Bandits. Come on, get him. How come the police haven't come yet? " Dean Tang was so angry that his head was in a daze. He trembled all over and pointed to erlengzi. The fire from the bottom of his eyes came out.

"Who dares?" The security guard rushed up. It's obviously only a matter of time before a group of people besiege one.

But they never thought that the fake monk had Kung Fu.

Left hook fist and right foot, a group of people could not even get close to him, so they were all left on the ground.



the security guards piled one on top of another to form a humanoid tower.

"Stop it." President Tang can see it. This man not only has Kung Fu, Kung Fu is not bad, it seems that this man is really to find fault.

"Who on earth sent you?" Ignoring the groaning security guard on the ground, Dean Tang stares at erlengzi. He has searched the person he once offended dozens of times.

Er Leng Zi didn't seem to understand what he said. He looked at him like an idiot.

"You all go out first."

After hearing this, the medical staff immediately realized that they were talking about themselves. They looked at each other and ran away with the security guard on the ground.

"Well, sir. Now it's just the two of us. You can tell me who sent you to make trouble While talking, he took off his white coat.

The second Leng son doesn't understand to stare at in front of this to have a little nerve abnormal Dean. "If you say what you say, what do you take off?"

There was a black line on the head of the Tang court.

"You haven't answered my question yet."

"No one sent me. I just came to see my family. Comrade president, can you help me to see what's wrong with my family? You see, she didn't wake up when I made such a big noise. She won't wake up forever

Feeling he messed up the ward just to make a noise so that the woman could wake up as soon as possible?

President Tang was distressed and helpless.

"I'll ask you one last time, who sent you. If you don't say it again, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

With the anger of president Tang, the murderous spirit of "if there is nothing" suddenly drifted to erlengzi.

Oh, I'm still a practitioner.

"Monks don't lie. I just come to see my family."


With one move, the Dragon explored the sea and beckoned to erlengzi.

"It's interesting." Er Leng Zi was not ambiguous, and he didn't want to lift up his internal power to meet him at the moment

"Hua La"

the two people who just contacted each other turned to the door at the same time.

"What are you doing here?"

At the door, a woman in a small white dress just looked at two people with strange posture.

Seeing the visitor, Dean Tang quickly took back his hand. He thought he could have a good fight.

Er Leng Zi blinked, rubbed and blinked again. Just when they thought there was something wrong with his eyes, he suddenly yelled:

"you are Tang Wenliu." The Ferrari woman who was almost cheated by herself.

Tang Wenliu looked at him with a smile, without nodding or shaking his head.

Tang Qiuren scanned two people suspiciously."Do you know each other?" Tang Qiuren was very confused. When did this little sister know this kind of person?

Tang Wenliu walked to the ward with a smile on his face. He saw that the woman on the bed first picked her eyebrows in surprise, and then turned to a dull face.

"Erlenzi, did you come to the military hospital by mistake?"

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