My ceo wife

Chapter 51

In the evening of the next day, late autumn was already the tail, and some of the coldness in winter.

Shen Lang looks at the sunset from the railing of the beauty apartment. With a cell phone in my hand.

"Industrial Park, isn't it?"

"Twenty seven. Room 408. Is there anything else for manager Shen? "

"Who else knows about it?" Asked Shen Lang.

"Don't worry. I had a drink with a friend just now. He said that he had gone away. Ding Bao knows that you are still alive. Now she dare not go out. " Huang Mao said that. I can't help admiring Shen Lang.

"Well, you go to work. By the way, Liu Yong is one of his own. Take care of it. "

After Jiang Min and them go to work. Shen langcai dragged his way to the industrial park for a "walk". There was a cold wind at night. The clean leaves on the trees are falling, the moon is dark, the wind is high, and the sky is full of murder and arson.

Look at the time. It's early in the morning. Skillfully over the fence of the community, by the way, put a food bag on the camera and walked towards the unit building.

The sewer outside the building. A figure rubbed up to the fourth floor. Shen Lang took the fruit knife in his mouth and poked it into the window.

Creak! A slight movement.

The waves jumped into the balcony. Pull up the curtain and turn on the light.

The pattern of the house is not big. Shen Lang came directly to the master bedroom door and kicked it open. At the same time, the light in the bedroom is on.

A man and two women were lying on the bed and suddenly sat up. He quickly pulled the quilt to cover his shame.

Since Ding Bao knew that Shen Lang wasn't dead, he was living in a state of anxiety. Someone had promised to let him go abroad, but Shen Lang came to see him before he got his passport.

A woman was shocked to hide in the quilt: "you What are you doing? "

"Don't worry, I don't like you. The taste is not as strong as Dingbao."

Another woman wanted to slip out with her clothes in her arms. Shen Lang grabbed her arms and threw them on the bed.

Ding Bao knew that her address had been exposed. She was not so afraid today. She lit a cigarette and threw another one to Shen Lang.

"Shen Lang, I'm ordered."

Shen Lang snorted, "go on."

"Can you change it for another one?"

"No Shen Lang refused very simply.

Ding Bao glanced at the two women around her, of course, she had no feelings for them at all.

"Wait a minute. I have something for you."

Ding Bao got up from the bed and kicked the quilt that fell on the ground. Suddenly, he pulled out a bright machete under his pillow.

He raised his machete horizontally. Ding Bao took advantage of the heavy waves and turned around to chop.

In fact, when Ding Bao did this, he already felt guilty and expected the result.

Shen Lang grabs the back of the knife and swish his backhand. Poof! A stream of blood came out.

Ding Bao subconsciously turned her eyes and looked at the knife handle beside her neck. She didn't have time to close her eyes. It was too fast.

Shen Lang picked up the cigarette end and put it into Ding Bao's mouth.

"I used to smoke your cigarette, but now I give you one."

With that, Ding Bao fell to the ground with a bang.

The two women trembled with fright. In their eyes, Ding Bao was the boss who could defend himself. He didn't even have the chance to fight back.

"Don't look. Get down." Shen Lang looks at the bed.

The two women thought that they were scared, that they were taken in by Shen Lang, and that they didn't hide their shame any more, but they didn't wait to look back Two hand knives were knocked on the back of a woman's head. The position and distance were enough to make her lose her memory.

After cleaning up the scene, Shen langcai disappears in the room with a cigarette end that is about to burn out

According to the time estimation, Jiang Min and her family should just be off work. Shen Lang hurried back to the beauty apartment. As soon as he opened the door, the security door opened itself.


"Nana, Nana?" Shen Lang looks at Nana awkwardly, "aren't you going to be discharged tomorrow?"

"You want me to die, don't you?"

Jiang Min is right. Nana is white and a little fat. She is wearing a purple sweater. She looks like a peony.

Shen Lang's mechanical chair door, staring at Nana, suddenly hugged her.

"Nana, it's so nice that you're ok "I'm not a slouch!" Shen Lang was about to sigh when he found a dead man's head jumping around the house.

It turns out that Yezi is also in the apartment. Halloween is coming. She has a pumpkin like face on her head and waves.

"Hello, Hello! Nana sister, do you hear me? Shen Lang is going to fuck me

Ye Zi was wearing a very festive dress, especially with a red scarf several meters long around her neck.

Nana pushed away the waves with a red face and glared at him: "borrow money."

"What do you borrow?" Asked Shen Lang.

"Ha ha, sister Na will treat you tomorrow. If you don't want to borrow it, who can I borrow it from?" The leaf posture jumps to jump to come over, pretty face two big dimples always want to let a person pinch.Shen Lang suddenly realized that no wonder Nana was discharged ahead of time. It turned out that she couldn't clean her face and came back to collect money first.

"I'll take a bath first, so you don't have to worry about the money. Jiang Min and they all ordered the table. Just take your mouth."

Shen Lang threw his coat on the sofa and went to the bathroom for a shower. He was relieved to see Nana was OK. However, this incident also sounded the alarm for Shen Lang.

When Ding Bao is killed tonight, Shen Lang responds to Luo long again. It seems that he wants to get out of trouble with Ma Chaojun.

Suddenly, Shen Lang thinks of Ye Zi outside again. This time, it's all up to her. She and Nana can be saved. What's the origin of this girl.

Nana came out of the bathroom with a straight face.

"Shen Lang, what did you do just now?"

"No, walk around, bubble girl, ha ha."

"Then I'll admire you. Don't tell me where the girls are. Why are there so many bloodstains on the clothes?" Nana threw her coat on the floor.

"I killed Dingbao." Shen Lang looked at her and said.

Nana's vigilance suddenly came up and sat on the sofa for a long time in silence. Perhaps from the edge of this life and death, Nana's feelings towards the waves have changed subtly, but she doesn't admit it.

After a while, Jiang Min and her family came back from work and went to bed until dawn. Yezi didn't leave, and they slept with Nana.

Waking up in the afternoon, Jiang Min dressed up and went shopping. She told Shen Lang and Nana that her family was free to toss, but after tossing, she remembered to eat together. It makes Nana throw high heels at them

This afternoon, Shen Lang and Nana finally moved and rented a two bedroom house in the back door of Jiangling University. I was so busy that I didn't eat anything in the middle of the night.

I didn't eat dinner. I waited for Jiang Min to get off work at 11 o'clock before driving to the downtown with Nana.

What Jiang Min ordered is a fire bar which is open for 20 hours. The barbecue hotpot KT * * is a whole process. The box is big enough. Many well-known waiters from South Qiao also come here. On the one hand, they want to see Nana off. On the other hand, they can't afford to leave. After all, Shen Lang is the manager.

As soon as she entered the box, Nana said hello to her sisters, holding hands and telling some gossip.

It's Jiang Min who pays the bill today. The girl is impatient and greets the banquet.

"Brother, you two are in a hurry to move. Don't you want to do something bad?"

"Who said no, sister Na has been coveting me for a long time." Shen Lang said with a smile, greeting everyone for dinner.

Under the table, Nana flew her foot right into the wave's thigh.

After eating and drinking for a while, Yan'er poured out the wine one by one and said with a smile, "today I'm seeing sister Na off. It's not clear what I'm eating. Let sister Na give us a few words."

Xiao Li also put the little mirror in the bag, followed by coax: "that is, Nanjie whole two chant."

Nana white a few people, not angry said: "don't pretend, this meal I treat OK."

"Ha ha, I heard right, sister Na, this Iron Rooster. No, it's a hen. It's bleeding at last." Jiang Min patted Nana on the shoulder and said.

Nana blushes and scolds Jiang Min in a low voice.

Everyone here is in a circle. The fire bar turns into a water table. One table goes down and another table comes again. The more wine you drink, the more you play. Jiang Min proposes to play husband and wife card, that is to say, if you lose, you take off your clothes. All the people boo her, and finally propose to play the most earthy truth adventure.

In the first game, Jiang Min fell down and chose to take a big risk. As a result, the dealer asked her to kiss Shen Lang.

Shen Lang quickly waved his hand: "elder sister, I'm almost OK. How could I have been so powerful at the beginning? If this game goes on, I'll be in a mess for a while."

"Brother, you have to make a penalty. What's wrong with a big man who sells himself well when he gets a bargain? We girls are not afraid, drink it quickly A beautiful woman came to persuade me to drink.

Shen Lang had no choice but to drink a cup: "just play, even if it's really beautiful, I don't want to talk."

Jiang Min giggled wildly and came with all kinds of flowers. She put the waves under her body and went up. She looked at some beautiful women and decided to kiss them.

Halfway to contact, Shen Lang glances at Nana, who is singing, and quickly takes a sip on Jiang Min's face.

"All right, it's over."

"No, no!" Several beauties began to coax.

Yan'er gives them a wink. She has a good time and catches up with all the moves. She doesn't pay attention to her mood at all.

We all have a tacit understanding. With a smile, it's over.

In the fourth inning, Nana finally lost.

But Nana's gambling is not so good. If you throw the dice clock, you don't want to play. She is not stupid. She knows that these sisters who have suffered a thousand swords deliberately want to shame themselves.

"Sister Na, do you mean it or take a big risk?" Jiang Min asks Nana meaningfully.

"The truth." Nana reluctantly said, joking, choose big adventure, the presence of a man, to Jiang Min their scale, what tricks dare not play.A few beauties are a bit of a wet blanket.

Instead, Jiang Minji was smart and asked Nana with a smile: "sister Na, you are honest. Are you in love with Shen Lang?"

"Cut!" Nana disdained white her one eye, "energetic, a few years old also play children's things."

"Answer the question head on, Nana." Jiang Min emphasized that he was not serious.

"I don't like it, OK. If you are rare, take it. "

Jiang Min is also a draught, may be drinking too much, take a bottle of beer pop open in front of Nana: "drink!"

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