My ceo wife

Chapter 54

A few cases of Budweiser were drunk between the cup and the cup.

Shen Lang sent Ma Xuejun out. It seemed that he remembered what he had come for tonight.

"Yes, Shen Lang. I have a lot of goods that I want to sell in South beauty. There should be no problem What Ma Xuejun said is not salty.

"There's a problem."

"Is it?" Ma Xuejun seems to know the effect.

Drugs and gambling are not allowed. Luo long didn't let Ma Xuejun's goods enter the market before. Now I don't know what deal he has reached with him, so Ma Xuejun just came to fight with Shen Lang today.

Ma Xuejun had a shy smile. It's too low-key for him.

"That's what I'm here today, this small company of Rolon. I'm Ma Xuejun. I'm very sorry to turn against you. Please forgive me

"It doesn't matter. People understand each other in the world. " Said Shen Lang.

"Well See you next time? " Ma Xuejun looked at him and said.

"Well, see you next time."

The next meeting between them is of great significance. It is also Ma Xuejun's consistent style to be courteous before serving.

Luo long handed over the business to what Ma Xuejun called "economic management company". With his affordable driving agent, he found Ma Xuejun as a backer to deal with the waves.

Security has to wear the vest of the public relations department, Ma Xuejun's economic management company. Is to replace the boss of the enterprise management, such as real estate agency is a form of expression. The owners and developers separated, let the intermediary share.

Before we leave. Ma Xuejun reminds Shen Lang kindly: "do you know Chen Ziyang?"

"Former manager of South America."

"Well, be careful of this man. If there's anything I can do to help, I'll try my best. "

"Thank you. I'll take care of it myself. "

In the eyes of all people, including Lin Chaoxian, who watched the fire from the other side. They all thought that Ma Xuejun took a fancy to Luo Long's business, so he came forward to deal with the storm for him.

What about reality? Only Ma Xuejun and Shen Lang knew that although they had never met each other, their origins could be traced back to before Shen Lang came to Jiangling.

Compared with Ma Xuejun, the leopard can't even count the hair on its thigh. The collision that will happen sooner or later is like Mars hitting the earth, but it has to be launched just in time.

In the company, Huang Mao, the foreman, knows that the person Liu Yong is fighting today is actually Ma Xuejun. He also comes out in a hurry, looks at his back when he leaves, and looks at the waves.

"Manager Shen..."

"I don't care about other people. It's absolutely impossible if there's something wrong with South beauty."

Huang Mao nodded and thought to himself, how could Ma Xuejun, such a big man, still keep an eye on Qiao Nan.

Just then, not far away, Chen Ziyang came with a beautiful woman in a suit.

"Oh, brother Yang is so interested?"

Chen Ziyang lit a cigarette for Shen Lang and said with a smile, "I just came back from Xiangjiang and lost some money. By the way, I didn't eat. It's my treat."

Chen Ziyang is also very good at business. He calls several people including Shen Lang, and there is a Cantonese restaurant across the pedestrian street.

After everyone sat down, Chen Ziyang exchanged greetings with Shen Lang.

"I just came back to hear that there was such a big event in the storm."

"Ha ha, it's hard to say. Thank you for your concern."

Chen Ziyang said with a smile: "listen to the rumor outside, you gave Ding Bao to that one, ah No, he's a member of Ma Xuejun. "

Shen Lang snorted. Don't you know such a thing?

Chen Ziyang has this kind of ability. The source of customers of the catering company has the resources in his hand, and the judgment of the spearhead of the situation is accurate. After drinking, I told several waiters that I must follow manager Shen to do a good job.

After a few drinks, Chen Ziyang took out his bag, turned out a few bags of things, and opened them up with white crystals.

"Xiangjiang's overseas markets all play this now. It's fast to get money, but let's take care of it. Don't be idle to taste it."

Chen Ziyang skillfully pulled off a dinner plate, spread several paper towels, poured the crystal, folded a bank card into a spoon, and then took a sip with a drink straw and a water cup, covering a nostril. He felt relaxed.

"Foreign new products are not addictive and have little side effects. It's only after a good relationship that we've passed the customs. "

Jiang Min's first love for Liu Yong is all low-end goods. Seeing this, his hands itch.

Liu Yong's eyes shifted in the swallow, and he hastened to drink.

Chen Ziyang saw that everyone was not interested, so he enjoyed it with his beauty.

Without Ma Xuejun's warning, Shen Lang knew that Chen Ziyang had never left Jiangling. He could tell from the tone of his voice that Sun Tzu was going to take over Qiao Nan again.

All of them finished the meal harmoniously and separated from each other.

After returning to the south of Qiao, Shen Lang squints on the sofa and looks at the graceful dance floor, but his mind has already floated to Luo long, and immediately thinks of Ma Xuejun.

If we remove the influence of other factors, Shen Lang and Ma Xuejun will be able to draw.A few years ago, Shen Lang went south with the commander of the army to check the triangle poison road in Myanmar. At that time, he was a famous black panther special brigade. There was too much chaos there. He really made full preparations in advance.

However, in a small mountain village at the border between Myanmar and China, he fought with a group of criminals. In that war, the special forces were almost annihilated.

According to later investigation, it was a group of professional mercenaries wandering around the world. They were cruel and outspoken. The combat methods of mercenaries were all based on their regular combat forces, even including firearms.

When it comes to firearms, we have to say that the copper bullet with a special number that Ma Xuejun gave to Shen Lang that day was originally a life preserver that Ma Xuejun gave to the lower order, but Shen Lang knew him because he had been hit by such a bullet in his abdomen.

Therefore, Ma Xuejun and Shen Lang had a conversation that Jin Xiangyu didn't understand that day.

"Brother! When are you so dedicated? "

Thinking of this, Jiang Min puts her arm around Shen Lang's shoulder and asks playfully.

"Dead girl, if you dare to say that you have no business, I'll strip you off now. Believe it or not?"

Shen Lang is very speechless. Sister Na asks herself to take care of Jiang min. everyone in South China knows that even if the company has only one deal, it should be given to her. If you complain to yourself again, you are welcome.

"I'm too lazy to make money. I have to pay attention to maintenance. Ha ha." Jiang Min waves to the waiter and asks Shen Lang for a bottle of wine.

"Come on, sister, I've done all I have to do anyway. Don't complain to Nana that I didn't care for you."

Jiang Min wants to earn money quickly. Her basic salary of more than 10000 yuan is higher than that of ordinary white-collar workers. Her daily tips, performance commission and even the boss's care benefit her a lot.

"Haha, too much wine hurts my stomach. I've had a bad stomach these two days. What's more, I also look up information on the Internet and say that I have too much contact with men, so I have immunity when I really fall in love. Maybe I will have problems with my orientation in the future. "

"Go away." Shen Lang laughs and scolds, knowing that Jiang Min is coming soon.

"By the way, brother, it's a gossip in South China that Chen Ziyang is likely to come back and continue to be a manager. It's not true."

Although Jiang Min's head is too big to hold anything, she is worried about it. In her words, Chen Ziyang's triumphant return is likely to affect her career future.

"Why do you care so much? Just do your job well. By the way, how is your relationship with Liu Yong? I think that guy is not bad. Give him a chance to reform. "

Sure enough, Jiang Min forgot to worry about Chen Ziyang and began to curse her first love.


At the end of the semester, Shen Lang had to go back to class to deal with it.

After class, the student union of the Department organizes a party before the winter vacation, and each person charges 100 yuan.

Li Yonggang took the money to Shen Lang and checked it over and over again before he put his name on the table.

"Ah, Shen Lang, you work part-time outside school. Although the school doesn't care, you can't always be absent from school."

Shen Lang said awkwardly, "yes, I'll coordinate the time, ha ha."

Li Yonggang snorted, glanced at Bo Ai and Ye Zi in the back seat of Shen Lang, and deliberately raised his voice.

"By the way, Shen Lang, do you have a girlfriend?"

Shen Lang didn't understand him.

Li Yonggang continued: "I went out for dinner the night before yesterday to see who you and who rented the house in the back area."

"Yes? I didn't see you

Li Yonggang saw that all the students in the class and department were there, pretending to be envious and praising: "everyone knows that girl, who is a senior in the College of Arts, and her name is Lin Huina."

She said that Lin Huina didn't react to the waves. She only laughed for a long time. She had known Nana for such a long time and seldom called her this name.

"Lin Huina is very powerful. She has won the national inspirational scholarship for seven semesters, and she gets more than 20000 scholarships every year." Li Yonggang continued to introduce to the students.

This is also Shen Lang's admiration for Nana. She goes to work outside, but never delays her homework.

Suddenly, Li Yonggang's words were harsh.

"I've told the school's teaching office that Lin Huina doesn't deserve the scholarship at all."

Shen Lang frowned and said nothing.

Seeing the situation, Li Yonggang sneered and said, "it's not clear why Lin Huina has been working part-time in a hotel for a long time. She dresses well and has so many poor students. Why should she be given scholarships and have bad conduct?"

There was an uproar in the class. Nana was indeed a former school girl, but she didn't communicate with her classmates at all. She thought she was a lesbian, so she worked part-time outside

Li Yonggang's complacency not only satirizes Shen Lang, but more importantly There is only one place for the highest scholarship in the university every year.

Of course, this is not his purpose. How can we investigate for such a long time without harvest.

Another meaning of Li Yonggang is to tell Bo Ai that Shen Lang, a scum, actually has a girlfriend chasing you. Moreover, his girlfriend is not very good and loves money like a dog. How can he be better.Shen Lang took a breath, looked at Li Yonggang and said, "say it again."

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