My ceo wife

Chapter 671

I don't know if it was because Shen Lang was in a good mood that he brought Xi Feng back to the "Shen garden" on that day. When Xi Feng arrived at the "Shen garden", he was in a good mood. The whole person just became not calm.

"I guess I'm right. Your calmness is made up. " Shen Lang shook his head. His face was full of regret.

Xi Feng was stunned. Then he realized what he was talking about. His face turned red. He was about to explain, but he stopped.

"What? You don't want to explain? " Shen Lang continued.

Xi Feng shook his head. It's just that I've been staring at Shen Yuan. It didn't come back because of the questioning.

"I never thought that one day my destiny would change so much. I haven't graduated yet. I can see so many scenes with you. But in my heart, or that carefree me. It's better to be calm. It's OK to pretend to be deep, but it's all in front of outsiders, for you. To myself. I'm still the same as Xi Feng. "

Shen Lang let out a good cry. But it didn't show up, just patted him on the shoulder, all the words were in it.

For the arrival of Xi Feng. Everyone also showed great enthusiasm, although he was familiar with fraternity. But when facing her, Xi Feng still felt different.

At the end of the day. Or with their own mentality is different. Thinking of this level, Xi Feng became relieved.

After introducing to you. Shen Lang changed his normal way and introduced every woman's social background to Xi Feng. Everyone looked at each other and was surprised to find that Shen Lang attached so much importance to Xi Feng.

I noticed everyone's doubts. Shen Lang just a faint smile, and did not intend to explain. After all, he always has an idea in his heart, which he can't tell you for the moment, otherwise it will cause a flood.

However, he also gave Xi Feng a deadline in his heart. Once this deadline is over, whatever Xi Feng can't be alone, he will certainly carry out what he wants to do.

Shortly after dinner, Shen Lang sent Xi Feng back to Haitang Bay.

As soon as Xi Feng left, several women couldn't wait to find out some gossip from Shen lang. however, they couldn't help him.

"I just want to train an assistant and let me have a good rest. That's all. You think too much."

Well, listen to him, we can only give up.

But what makes Shen Lang feel sad is that he can cheat everyone but mufei.

Clearly they all went to rest, Mu Fei language but suddenly quietly walked down from upstairs. Even Tang zirou, who was in the same room with her, did not stir.

"Shen Lang, are you going to fight against the five families?" Mufei language sits on the opposite side of the waves and asks softly.

The waves slouched back.

"Miss mu, the five families also include the Mu family."

Mufei language chuckles, deliberately represses his voice, continues to say: "but mu family does not represent me."

Shen Lang nodded yes. Then the two talked about the current situation of the five families for a while, and finally Murphy made Shen Lang's heart suddenly heavy.

"In fact, I have known my identity for a long time, but I don't think it's necessary to remind you all the time, but I have a piece of news, which makes me have to remind you of the existence of the Shen family in Kyoto."

Later, Shen Lang didn't know how long he had been listening. The only words in his mind that made him chew all the time almost made him collapse.

"Shen CONGYANG, maybe not dead."

How could it be that he saw him shot and killed with his own eyes? How could such news suddenly appear? Is it true that with the lessons of Ye Ruhai, Shen CONGYANG can also steal the beam and change the pillar?

Murphy did not give him an answer, but told him the truth and went upstairs.

Shen CONGYANG, this name has not been heard by Shen Lang for the first time. Why will people who have died tomorrow be brought up again 20 years later?

Not dead? If he didn't die, wouldn't he have been an orphan for so many years? If he didn't die, where was he when he had nothing to rely on?

Shen CONGYANG, the most famous leader of the five families in Kyoto 20 years ago, was killed by a killer secretly because he was too arrogant and powerful in the struggle among the five families.

It's said that the people who hire killers are from five families, but some people say that the people behind them are from Shangfeng. Because the Shen family's business is too big and its reputation is too prosperous, it puts too much pressure on some people.

But Shen Lang is very clear, I'm afraid there are both.

If Shen CONGYANG is just doing business, it's all right, but he should never stretch his hand too long to touch the wrong position.

It's just a pity for the Shen family. Dozens of people were killed overnight. Only he was left behind for no reason.

He clearly remembers that the person who let him leave Kyoto at the beginning was a close friend who had a good relationship with Shen CONGYANG, but that close friend disappeared more than ten years ago.No one knows whether it is life or death.

However, it's funny that Shen Lang now goes back to his father's old way, and then he can't fight with his family. What's different from Shen CONGYANG is that this time he has chosen a strong backing.

It is precisely because of the special existence of Shen Lang that those old men in the army will let him go, just because he has the strength that can not be underestimated. The most effective proof is that a face is still useful when he is with a bald man in Myanmar triangle.

But Shen Lang himself knew that sooner or later he would be torn down.

On the surface, the silence of platinum Dan seems to be due to the reason of yu'er, but in fact it is not the result of being manipulated by the people behind the scenes. When he knows the truth, how can he continue to work for them? As he said, he was reluctant to come to Jiangling.

Now he just broke the pot, right?

Shen Lang sighed with deep pain. Looking at the completely dark night, his mind suddenly drifted further.

Shen Lang thought all night about the fact that Murphy knew her identity and finally understood it. He remembers Tang zirou saying that most of the old people in the Mu family support the Murphy language, so she can naturally hear about the deeds of the Shen family from those old people's mouths.

Although the Shen Family Massacre caused a nationwide sensation in the 20th century, under the deliberate control of the government, it did not cause much impact. It was just broadcast as a general killing news.

For this, Shen Lang still admires the Murphy language.

The next day, when everyone was still sleeping, Shen Lang had already left.

For now, Haitang Bay has entered the formal stage, Wangjiang is also at the peak of its career, and even Lin Huina's qianma media has begun to develop abroad.

Among his women, Han Bing, Mu Feiyan, sun Jingjing, Chu Wanjun, Mu Rongyi and others all have careers. Even Ye Zi has a strong economic backing.

The only thing that worries him is fraternity.

She has always been a liberal teacher, but her career is unexpected. She even wants to be indifferent after graduation.

Fortunately, he now has a nominal spokesman for the Education Bureau.

At this time, it's natural to

make good use of this spokesperson's identity.

After informing Bai Jindan in advance, the latter made a happy call to the Secretary for education. After hearing the news, the latter busily managed the things to be done within two hours.

Therefore, when Shen Lang returned to "Shen Yuan" and handed over a stack of documents and a bunch of keys to Bo Ai, Bo Ai was almost stunned.

"Waves? How did you do that? " Bo Ai looks at the information on the file, and his eyes become moist.

Shen Lang smiles Money can make the ghost drag, this sentence applies for a lifetime. "

murongyi also saw the contents of the document, raised his head and asked in disbelief," will Hugo agree? "

The waves shrugged. "He can't do it if he doesn't promise."

In a word, Murong Yi knows what kind of relationship he must have used. Otherwise, with Hu Ge's stingy character, how could he change the ownership of Jiufeng kindergarten? Of course, the generosity of the waves should also play a role.

Thank you, Shen Lang Fraternity rushed forward excitedly, holding the waves and shed tears.

Shen Lang patted her on the back. "When did you become so sentimental? Well, don't cry. It's a good thing. We should be happy. Come on, I asked Rongbo to prepare a big meal at noon today. Let's have a good time. " Then he took a few women to the kitchen.

It just occurred to you that just before the storm came in, you were still wondering how could the smell come from the kitchen today.

Several women followed Shen Lang into the kitchen, except Han Bing and Murong Yi.

"Sister Bing, what do you think happened?"

Han Bing shook his head difficultly.

"But I don't think it's a good thing. You go back to Tianya villa in the afternoon to inquire about the news. " In addition to the five families, Han Bing really can't figure out what other reasons can make him so suddenly.

"Sister Bing, are we thinking too much?" Murong Yi felt that he was making a fuss.

Han Bing shook his head. "I don't think so. If I guess correctly, the recent waves may send us all out. If one day "

" Hey, what are you two muttering about? Why don't you come to dinner? " Sun Jingjing suddenly came back and said to them.

Han Bing stops talking and smiles to Murong Yi. They just walk into the kitchen.

However, a heart can not calm down, but somehow trembled.

That night, Shen Lang went to Huo ling'er.

But he didn't go at the right time, because Huo ling'er was filming in an abandoned train car.It's a fight, but because the train car is too narrow, it always bumps into Huo ling'er's head. Huo ling'er is depressed and scrapes off a large part of the car skin as soon as he makes a move. As a result, the play can't go on shooting.

Even Shen Lang thought Huo ling'er's temper was too thin, but the director comforted her in turn.

It makes Shen Lang laugh and cry.

"How did you come all of a sudden?" Huo ling'er pulls Shen Lang away from the crew and leaves a group of people to hang around there without any sense of guilt.

Shen Lang didn't answer her question until he was sure to go far away.

"Huo ling'er, how about I talk about a business with you?"

Huo ling'er was stunned and looked at him in surprise. "Talk business with me? Boss Shen, do you think about money every day? I have no money to earn for you. " The fire spirit is about to turn and leave.

In her opinion, Shen Lang is the virtue of having nothing to do.

"Don't you want to know the whereabouts of lengshuanger?"

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