My ceo wife

Chapter 69

"Shen Lang, I always feel very strange. Of course, it's just my speculation. Ma Xuejun has not degenerated to the point of complicity with Luo long. He's so involved. It seems to be aimed at you. The waves are heavy. Have you ever met Ma Xuejun before? "

Shen Lang smiles and shrugs his shoulders. His heart is cool. What a Lin Yi. He is the only one who can see through the game.

After Lin Yi left, Jin Xiangyu rushed into the conference room.

"What does this Lin Shao mean?"

Shen Lang said with a smile, "don't worry. At least we can be sure. Chen Ziyang's business tonight has nothing to do with him. "

Jin Xiangyu also knows that the Lin family has a big business. It seems that he can't cooperate with Luo long, but on second thought, he said: "even if Qiao Nan Guo is not smashed tonight. It's hard to sustain the storm. As soon as Chen Ziyang left, Luo long withdrew his investment again. In business, many of his related customers were scattered. "

"I'll talk about that later. Let's get through this first. "

Jin Xiangyu made a preliminary assessment of the medical expenses and equipment. In addition, it is estimated that the amount of money for running another household will be around one million. That's not even the cost of emergency pr.

When this happened, Jin Xiangyu found Yang, deputy director of the District Public Security Bureau for the first time. Several leaders came to see the restaurant smashed like this. For the sake of face, everyone knows what's going on when it comes to investigating the mastermind.

In the evening. Jin Xiangyu invited a big table.

It's also an unspoken rule not to mention business on the wine table. Shen Lang patiently accompanies Shen Lang to finish the meal. When he leaves the hotel, vice Bureau Yang pats Shen Lang's arm and says with a smile:

"boss Shen, the pedestrian street is very tight recently. It means that the entertainment industry drives the tertiary industry. It's a great opportunity as well as a challenge."

"Ha ha, we private enterprises have to rely on the leadership to get rich."

Vice Bureau Yang is drunk, but his voice is still in place: "we can only be the gatekeeper of market supervision, and the market economy has to follow the economic law Yeah. Some people have also said in my ears that the vicious competition in South Qiao has affected the order. As for me, my hands are full of meat. I'm very embarrassed. "

"You can rest assured that it will not cause you any trouble."

After seeing off these distinguished guests, Jin Xiangyu and Shen Lang were left in the hotel, each puffing his own smoke.

Tonight's dinner is just a greeting. How to deal with and compensate for the losses of other companies tomorrow is a problem. More importantly, Luo long and Chen Ziyang are behind the scenes.

Luolong is in the middle of the concentric circle, while shenlang Jinxiangyu is in the edge.

However, to reach the center of the concentric circle, in addition to the path of the circle, there can also be a ray through the center of the circle to reach the most central area of the net.

This ray is from angel.

The next night, the first day South Australia closed down.

Angel calls to make an appointment. As soon as she meets in the box in the restaurant, angel slaps a bank card on the table.

"Oh? See meaning, elder sister Qi is helping me? "

"Well, the card has no money, but there is an ID card under it." Don't say angel doesn't have money. Even if she has money, it seems impossible for her, as the daughter of the Vice Finance Department, to openly photograph her bank card.

Angel squinted at the waves and said, "waves, I have something to say. I also know the predicament of South Qiao. Let's put it this way. As long as I want to know something in Jiangling, I have nothing to hide. "

"And then?" Asked Shen Lang.

"How much is 10% of the shares of South Beauty? You can count three million. Hehe, it is estimated that after Luo long withdraws his capital, Qiao Nan country will be worth this money. Well, take out 20% of your shares and transfer them to me. Although I have no cash, even if I borrow them from you, I will pay them back later. "

Shen Lang's eyebrows picked out angel's meaning. This unwilling second generation ancestor has been looking for opportunities. It seems that he is ready to speak.

"No? Shen Lang, believe it or not, my angel will walk around the pedestrian street, and no company will lose face. "

"I believe it. But... " Shen Lang said with a smile, "angel, are you helping me or yourself?"

"All of them." Angel was outspoken.

The food came up for a long time, but they didn't move their chopsticks.

Angel cocked her legs, looked at Shen Lang and said, "after the reshuffle, Qiao Nan is the cleanest. To tell you the truth, elder sister, I have a crush on her."

"You can do something about it."

"It's OK. Play bigger."

Shen Lang took angel's bowl of rice and put the two bowls together. He said with a smile, "hurry up and finish what you said. Do you really think that your brother is a soft eater?"

Angel snorted, but also laughed: "can you see the leisure center of Jiangdu hotel? Luo long is going to take down that company. I am familiar with the owners and shareholders on both sides. As long as the price is reasonable, they will definitely sell it to me, not to Luo long. "

"Oh?" Shen Lang bites huazi, and the elder sister thinks too much."I'll save the shareholders, and you and I will share the capital."

"Didn't you just say you didn't have money?" Shen Lang said with a bitter smile.

"Excuse me, Luo long is talking about it over there. It's estimated that he will be able to make a decision in a month or two. Let's deal with the predicament of South Qiao first. Let's bid on the eighth day of the first month. You can go over there and find out the wind direction first."

Angel has accumulated so many years of social experience and contacts that she has long wanted to do it. Now is a good opportunity. Although she is suspected of being a white wolf with empty hands, sometimes she has deeper connections than money.

They talked until late at night, and left when the hotel closed.

Angel is the second generation father who looks arrogant and overbearing outside. He is not as scheming as Lin Yi, nor as calm as fraternity. He may have been trained in society, but he has a rebellious personality and is well-informed.

Angel has connections, but no money. Shen Lang has no way or money, but he has the ability to cooperate with angel.

As angel said, the big business owners in the street, looking at the company's booming business, can't get so much money. They don't work step by step while borrowing money.

Shen Lang told Jin Xiangyu the next day about the transfer of angel's 20% shares in South beauty.

Jin Xiangyu was surprised, but more surprised. She has also seen the face and interior of the official market. Most of the development prospects of a company depend on the size of its backers.

Shen Lang is a newcomer, and Jin Xiangyu is from the bottom. She has a small backer. This is the biggest hidden danger of South Qiao. A little loser can make a trip, which can make South Qiao fall.

Therefore, every company has a lot of shareholders, it is not lack of people to invest that little money. There are different levels of backers behind the involvement of these shareholders, so that a company can develop for a long time.

In less than a week, angel helps South Beauty get rid of foreign invasion. Other bosses in the same industry don't want to give face any more. Who will have trouble with angel.

On the 23rd of December, the evening of the lunar new year, Shen Lang, angel, Jin Xiangyu and others had a meal to deal with, and finally settled the claim amount. Jin Xiangyu was relieved and began to transfer the license from industry and commerce, as well as the renovation and opening of South Qiao during the new year.

Nana was packing when Shen Lang returned to the rental house.

"I don't say when I'll be back for the new year."

Shen Lang took a sip of cold water and lay down on the sofa.

"I'm not coming back."

"What?" He sat up in the sea.

Nana continued to put the clothes on the sofa together and said, "Hey, the rent is due this month. You can pay it later."

"Stop, stop, stop, what do you mean you just said you won't come?"

Nana gave him a white look: "go to Nanchuan county TV station, where the interview notice came down, it's tomorrow."

Shen Lang suddenly realized that she was too busy these days and forgot about Nana's going to Nanchuan.

After sitting for a while, Shen Lang suddenly said, "I'll go with you."

"What are you doing?" Nana asked.

"Hey, hey, what's the point of being at home all by myself? The company has been closed these days. I'll go out with you."

"Whatever." Nana white his eye, "at their own expense, ah, I do not have so much money to support idle people."

The next morning, Shen Lang said hello to Jin Xiangyu. He said that he would come back a few days later, so he went to qiaonanguo parking lot to pick up the BMW and took Nana to Nanchuan county to interview her first job.

When the interview notice came down, Nana went to meituan Express Hotel online ahead of time. Most of the time, she went to the hotel and asked, it's the rush hour recently, and the rooms are full. But she had to let Shen Lang live in the same room with her.

After entering the room, Nana washes herself and goes to bed. She opens her notebook and connects it to the wireless network. She looks up the interview information of Nanchuan TV station.

Shen Nalang and Shen Nalang are sitting on a pile of chairs.

"Sister Na, it's unreasonable for you to take a picture in front of the interviewer with all your miscellaneous certificates. CET-4, TEM-8 and putonghua-1.... "

"Cut, our software is hard enough, you know the first day." Nana leans on the head of the bed and taunts Shen Lang.

With a smile, Shen Lang said, "the software is hard enough. Let's see if the hardware is soft enough."

With that, Shen Lang stood up, went to the bedside and quickly lifted the quilt. The software is hard enough. The hardware naturally refers to Nana's physical condition. It's really soft enough and flexible.

"Go away! When will you be able to change your bad habit? " Nana gave him a white look.

"I can't change it. Otherwise, I can't stand the prejudice of Nana, right?"

"Cut, the dog cannot change to eat excrement." Nana scolded.

Shen Lang laughs, climbs on the bed, kicks his shoes and pours on him angrily: "Nana, you can call me a dog, but you don't look like shit, do you? Forget it. I have a strong taste today. I'm sure I'll eat you. "

Who knows, at this time, Nana swished out a fruit knife from under the duck down pillow.Shen Lang was startled: "fuck! You still have a knife? "

"How? It's against you. "

Shen Lang was sitting by the bed, embarrassed and helpless: "sister Na, if you take out your conscience, if I plot against you, do you have a hundred chances? Come out with me with a knife. Are you strong? "

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