My ceo wife

Chapter 73

Director Jia snorted and said, "who knows, some circles can't get in even if we break our heads. Do you understand. Even Ma Xuejun was respectful to him. Can it be ordinary people. and. I noticed. Just now, the female guest at the grassroots level in the market seems to have a close relationship with Shen Lang

"Oh I haven't seen that woman. "

"I haven't even seen it. I heard that it's the daughter of the provincial finance department. You've done me a disservice."

"Well. Don't be angry. You'll be compensated. " Zou Xiaoxu said. I thought to myself. If you have a chance to get close to the waves, maybe it's better than relying on this bad old man.

Ma Xuejun drives Shen Lang to the door of the hotel where he and Nana live. They have to go back in advance.

"Angel, I have something else to do. You can go back to Jiangling with Shen Lang."

"Well. It's no big deal. Avoid me, don't you? " Said angel.

Ma Xuejun holds the steering wheel and doesn't speak. Angel has long been used to his attitude.

Watching Ma Xuejun leave, angel clenched her teeth. Looking back, he saw Shen Lang laughing again and said, "am I that ugly?"

"Every radish and vegetable has his own love. I'm not talking about you. You're not going to change your bad temper. You're not as good as a man. "

"Go away."

They went back to the hotel, and Nana was packing her suitcase. I heard the knock and opened the door viciously.

"The waves. Do you think you are very good Nana looks at Angel outside the door and swallows back the ugly words.

The waves lay down on the bed. Helpless said: "sister Na, to tell you the truth, I didn't want to help you, just a friend passing by..."

"Oh, you mean they sell you face, and then you sell it to me?" Nana crossed her waist coldly.

"Well! I can't afford it. I promise I won't follow you when you go back for a new interview. "

Even if Nana goes back to Taiwan, director Jia will still open the back door. Nana's principle is meaningless.

Angel leaned on the sofa, wearing short skirt and trousers with long boots, laughing at the shriveled waves.

"In fact, it's not interesting to work in the county. It's better to go back to Jiangling for a better development platform." Said angel.

Shen Lang grinned and said, "my sister, what you said is only applicable to you."

Angel shook his head and said, "I don't mean that. There are more platforms in the city and more opportunities for fair competition. The more deeply rooted the circle culture is in small places, the lower the level of development. "

Nana pondered for a moment. It's really reasonable. She thinks it's OK to be a small place with high education and good grades. Now she seems to be wrong.

"And what opportunities does county TV have? It's impossible for you to get ahead. If you want to make achievements in this field, why do you focus on the low places instead of the market? Are you afraid that you can't compete with others? "

Nana blushed and went around in circles. She had to go back to Jiangling. I just don't know if Jiangling's career recruitment has been completed.

"Well, beauty, I heard that there is a personnel transfer in the news department of the city TV station, and we need a few on-site reporters who can bear hardships."

"Miss Ann..."

"Listen to me. I'm not looking for face. Hum, that son of a bitch is too lazy to ask me. Today, you threw that face at the director. I saw it very well, and I had a good appetite for it. I just provided you with a recruitment information. Whether you can enter the company and how to develop depends on you. " Angel made a point.

After listening, Nana pondered for a while and said, "thank you for reminding me. I'll think about it."

"Ha ha, I've finished my good words. It's time to hit you. I'm not familiar with you anyway. The county TV recruitment candidates, you also see, who is not better than who? But there are only a few successful people. Why? Sometimes people don't succeed just by working hard. "

Then Angel looked at Shen Lang: "I don't like Shen Lang, but I don't hate it. Do you know why. He knows how to seize opportunities and meet challenges. You have a resource platform. Why don't you use it? What you need is the chance to prove yourself, not to be stubborn. Besides, they are all friends, brothers and sisters. If you can't get along with your own people, how can you devote yourself to work? "

Shen Lang sighed and said, "sister Na, hurry to find a book to write it down. These are all warning sayings."

"Go away!" The two women swore in unison.

The three cleaned up and rushed back to Jiangling in the middle of the afternoon. Angel had a treat and went to the small theater to listen to jazz.

After being smashed, Qiao Nan country plans to open again in the next year. Thanks to angel's coordination, it saved a lot of unnecessary trouble.

In the company, a few cashiers chatted at the bar.

"Manager Shen..."

"Where's Mr. Jin?"


Shen Lang nodded and went upstairs. As soon as he entered the office, it was a miasma again.

"How much do you smoke? I don't know. I think it's barbecue."Shen Lang said, turning on the light and glancing at Jin Xiangyu, the smile on his face disappeared.

"When did you come back?" Jin Xiangyu opened the window and poured a glass of red wine for Shen Lang.

"Who did it?" Asked Shen Lang.

Jin Xiangyu subconsciously touched her side face. Although she put on her make-up, she could still see the clear palm marks on her face, and several purple and blue finger marks. It's easy to think that she was slapped in the face.

"Luo long." Shen Lang asked.

Jin Xiangyu lit a lady's cigarette, leaned on the table and said with a wry smile, "it's just a small idea. After drinking too much, she passed by Qiao Nan country and was not happy to come in and find fault. Hehe, although I was slapped in the face, I'm not angry at all, which shows that he is really anxious. "

Luo long is so arrogant because he is guilty. After breaking away from Han's group, his business has been losing money continuously, and his income can't make ends meet. The deeper reason is that he promised Lin Chaoxian to throw off his wife and give him this first love bubble. As a result, he broke his promise. Lin Chaoxian also saw that it was a straw bag and abandoned it like a big snot.

Now, the only thing Luo long can rely on is Ma Xuejun. In order to hold this thigh, he spared no effort to take down the comprehensive bath center in the vice building of Jiangdu hotel. Now the price is still being calculated by several accounting firms in Jiangling.

"Ha ha, Mr. Jin's slap is really beautiful, so the next time I see him, I will have reason to pay you back two with interest." Shen Lang was a little tired sitting on the sofa.

"Take off your shoes and I'll press them for you." Jin Xiangyu lifted up her cheongsam and squatted down to help Shen Lang untie her shoelaces.

"No, no, my feet stink, ha ha."

"Ha ha, it's masculine." Jin Xiangyu said with a smile.

Shen Lang didn't say anything more. He lay there and enjoyed himself. Jin Xiangyu, a woman, was becoming more and more refined. As he said, she understood men's mind.

After pressing the socks for more than ten minutes, Jin Xiangyu went to the wine cabinet and took a few bottles of good wine.

"The new goods are selling very well in various places now."


Shen Lang sat up. For the first time, he saw Jin Xiangyu mixing wine, a half cheongsam with a bra, and a pair of Roman high-heeled shoes. They were not as charming as her age and experience. They were mature and dangerous, just like this cocktail. It was beautiful, colorful, red, blue, green and yellow, but it had a different flavor.

Jin Xiangyu showed it to Shen Lang and said with a smile, "this cup is the desert of love."

After that, I'm very particular about lighting cocktails with matches.

"It's winter now, but this cup will bring spring like warmth to chairman Shen."

"Ha ha, I said that you all come from this set."

With a smile, Jin Xiangyu said, "to tell you the truth, the new batch of drinks are all from Lin Chaoxian. In the past, Ding Bao used to sell foreign wine, but it was just a finger of boss Lin

"Oh? It seems that other places are also the goods of Lin Chaoxian? "

"That boss Lin has a wide way to go, and new wine is put on the shelves very quickly, which is much cheaper than other wine suppliers."

Shen Lang took a sip of the burning cocktail and said, "it's really spicy. It's not suitable for me."

"Cluck Yes, but young people like it. I've heard that boss Lin's wholly-owned investment in Linfang is not just for fun. On the one hand, it tests the supply of goods, on the other hand, it leads the fashion market. "

Shen Lang nodded, not to mention Lin Chaoxian, even Lin Yi is a real talent.

Jin Xiangyu opened several other bottles of high-grade foreign wine, separated them into cups and poured them into different categories.

"In fact, there have been rumors about Linfang for many years. Boss Lin has been trying to integrate the pedestrian street, presumably to take it under his command. But it's just a rumor. It's not that simple. "

Shen Lang is tasting foreign wine. No wonder Lin Chaoxian doesn't pay attention to Luo long. It turns out that his ambition is bigger. Moreover, Shen Lang had a premonition that Lin Chaoxian and Ma Xuejun didn't seem to have such a harmonious relationship. I wonder if Ma Xuejun has also set his target on the pedestrian street?

There are nearly 100 companies, hotels, shopping malls and various entertainment bases in the pedestrian street. If Lin Chao wants to swallow it in one breath, he can't eat as much as he can.

Two South Beauty bosses pour and drink from their own in the office. It doesn't matter if they drink only one kind of wine, but dry white, dry red and messy mix together, and the waves gradually get drunk.

In his sleep, Shen Lang had a fever in his stomach and felt hot all over. In his sleep, he dreamed of his dead comrades in arms. He reached for them, but they were gone. Subconsciously know that this is a dream, but hands seem to embrace a warm embrace.

I don't know how long I slept. Shen Lang was woken up by the sunlight from the window. At first glance, he was covered with a silk quilt and only wore pants. At the same time, he seemed to have some long hair beside his pillow.

Shen Lang stands up and just about to open the quilt. Jin Xiangyu comes in from outside the office.

"Wake up?"

Shen Lang awkwardly took his clothes over and asked, "didn't any accident happen last night?"

"Cluck What do you mean by that? " Jin Xiangyu seems to have sold it on purpose.

"Ah, it happened. Anyway, there was no outsider. Ha ha, I mean, if it happened, I would forget it. That's the worst."Shen Lang put on his clothes, rubbed his head and drank a mouthful of mineral water.

"When did you wake up?"

"Ha ha, there was not much meeting. Manager Wang thought I was not in the office. He pushed the door in and got a fright. I just woke up..."

Shen Lang shrugged: "well, don't forget to lock the door next time. It's all for people to see."

"I didn't see you, because you are in my..." Jin Xiangyu turned her eyes and glanced at her chest.

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