My ceo wife

Chapter 76

Shen Lang suddenly stopped them.

Chu batian looked back and gave a meaningful smile: "little friend, you've made me have an experience of losing face. Look at boss Lin's face. I don't care about children. Why do you want to do it again now? "

"I don't want to get into trouble. It's not supported by boss Lin. It's just that. You really can't leave today. " The waves passed by with their pockets.


"Ha ha, you are an old man. Friends shed tears in front of their own eyes, I can ask why nonsense

Chu Ba snorted coldly. He said, "there are some things you can't care about, young man."

It's easy to be sentimental. This is his shortcoming. But he didn't want to correct it, so he was not a qualified bodyguard. Ye Zi was crying. The feeling of powerlessness and helplessness can be felt by the waves.

Shen Lang is a person who helps his relatives but ignores them, so whatever the reason. Even if ye Zi is unreasonable. I won't sit back and ignore myself. And the people who offend him, no matter what big people or boss Lin, are all afterwords. Listen to fate. Now let Chu batian go, I'm afraid I'll feel guilty all my life.

Shen Lang took the last step

. As soon as he frowned, he threw his fist.

Although Chu batian is old. But he's very sensitive. He's going to step aside. And it's ah Jiu who greets the storm.

Bang! Another dull noise.

Shen Lang and the dull man took two steps back and stopped one after another.

It was him last time. It's also ah Jiu. Shen Lang has seen his strength. No less than Ma Xuejun, and even stronger than Ma Xuejun and himself.

Without any pause, they exchanged hands with each other. Their fists banged. The strength made the waves a little overwhelmed. Shen Lang side kick swept ah Jiu's belly, and he also hit a punch.

There are no guests in Linfang, only employees. Looking at the fierce competition between the two people at the door, they are all speechless. It's really like acting in a movie. The collision between fists and feet can be heard.

"Bang! WOW

Ah Jiu kicked the toughened glass door, the glass broke and even the door frame bent.

When you look at the waves again, you jump up, hold the top edge of the door frame with one hand, and then turn it over. When you rotate your upper body, your feet have been hooked between the two doors as a fulcrum. This movement is a stormy fist shadow.

At this time, Shen Lang Yu Guang catches a glimpse of Ye Zi. The dead girl doesn't know where to find a steel pipe and goes to Chu batian in a fierce manner.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Shen Lang thought for a moment that he was dull, but in fact he reflected very quickly.

Ah Jiu holds Shen Lang's arm in both hands, turns around and wants to kill Shen Lang. And the waves are really hard to resist this strength.

When Shen Lang was thrown out in the air, on ah Jiu's head, a pair of knees suddenly pushed down.

Bang Dang! Shen Lang fell to the ground. Ah Jiu was pushed against the Adam's apple by Shen Lang's knee. He didn't come up in a breath and spewed out a stream of blood.

At the same time of landing, Yezi gritted her teeth and waved her steel pipe.


Chu batian, with his back to Ye Zi, lightly raises Huang Huali's crutch, then turns around slowly, and suddenly reaches for the other end of the steel pipe.

At this moment, Shen Lang was stupid.

Chu batian was leaning on a crutch with one hand, and the other hand raised Ye Zi directly.

"Well! Ye Ruhai has no brain, and her daughter is not very good. "

"Let your mother fart! You don't have brains. Your family doesn't have brains! "

Chu batian frowned slightly and suddenly released his hand.

Yezi's mother let out a cry. At this time, Shen Lang suddenly realized a strong murderous spirit.

A dark shadow swished by the door, more than two meters away, Shen Lang didn't see clearly.

What's more surprising is that at the moment when Ye Zi fell down, the shadow caught her accurately.

How fast! Shen Lang couldn't help admiring that he was faster than himself. When he looked up at this man, he was stunned again. She was a woman with short hair, leather boots, field camouflage suit for special forces, and a bulletproof vest on her upper body. She was a beautiful woman with a heroic but murderous face.

"Wow! It's a good time... " Ye Zi was shocked and said, "how did you come here?"

"I have a mission. I just came back." Said the woman in a cold voice.

"Sister Ling, he is Chu batian. Kill him quickly!"

"Don't be ridiculous, your grandfather asked me to take you back."

Chu batian looked at the new helper and said with a smile, "Oh? Is master song still healthy? "

The camouflage dress girl frowned and said in a cold voice, "Mr. Chu, even if you have great ability and dare to fool around in Jiangling, can you go back?"

"Ha ha How arrogant Chu batian waved, "ah Jiu, it's time for us to go to the airport, so as not to be driven away."

The arrival of the camouflage woman ended the struggle between the two sides.A military jeep was parked outside. The woman couldn't help but put Yezi into the car and turned her head to see the waves.

"Beauty..." Shen Lang said with a smile: "who is that Chu batian?"

"Are you in charge?" The woman says coldly, does not smile, also has no facial expression, is very difficult to chat up.

Shen Lang shrugged awkwardly and said, "just ask. I'm afraid Ye Zi of your family has the wrong number."

At this time, Yezi's big head came out of the window.

"Bah! The enemy who killed his father, do you think I remember wrong? "

"Leaf, you dare to say half a word more, believe me to confine you?"

Yezi nuzui, holding the shoulder back into the car.

Seeing the military vehicle leave, Shen Lang looks back to see Lin Fang, but he is in a different mood.

Shen Lang has heard many people mention ye Ruhai, Yezi's father, but it's just a shadow in the wind. It seems that there is a lot of obscurity about his death more than ten years ago. It can't be mentioned or no one knows.

It seems that Chu batian is really the one who killed Yezi's father. Thinking of this, I can't help thinking that Chu batian has come to Jiangling again and again, and seems to be very close to Lin Chaoxian.

On December 28, Shen Lang was still asleep. Three girls from the beauty apartment came to kick the door in the morning.

Nana next door to open the door while scolding: "kick kick, sooner or later become a robber!"

As soon as the door opened, three girls rushed into Nana's room, then opened the door to see the waves.

"Ah! Brother, sister Na, you two move fast enough. When you fall asleep under a quilt, you will be separated as soon as you hear the knock. Zizi, wearing pants is faster than taking off pants. " Jiang Min laughs.

The three beauties are going back to their hometown for the new year. When they leave, they give something to them. What they give to Shen Lang is a small golden Buddha made of pure gold, which is estimated to be no less than 10000 or 20000 yuan. The one who sent Nana was more realistic, and bought an apple mobile phone directly, thanks to Nana's usual nagging that her mobile phone was not easy to use.

"Oh, how many girls robbed the bank?" Shen Lang came out in his shorts, opened the gift box and looked at it.

"Brother, don't be sour. It's Gilded outside and empty inside. You can't use two dollars." Yan'er said with a smile.

Shen Lang doesn't want it, and he thinks it's not suitable. He looks at Nana: "sister Nana, I'm going to celebrate the new year. I'll give you a red envelope."

"There's no red envelope. There's only one burning envelope. Whoever likes to take it will take it." Nana goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

See Nana do breakfast, everyone is a cold heart, no one dare to abuse their stomach, all panic said he had eaten.

In the conversation, Xiao Li said that she didn't want to come back this time when she went home. Her parents gave her a date, and it was time for her to get married.

"Ha ha, sister Na, if Xiao Li gets married, you'll get a big red envelope!" Jiang Min taunts Nana.

Nana Pooh, also a little sad. What state of mind? There is no banquet that will never end. Even dream of Red Mansions will wake up that day.

Xiao Li's resignation is said to be a celebration by her sisters. In fact, they all say that once one of them gets married and leaves the industry, it will be difficult for her working sisters to meet each other.

Jiang Min, a heartless girl, said to everyone, "go back to your bridal chamber."

Nana stares at her, and Xiaoli laughs awkwardly. The sisters are funny, but after all, Shen Lang is present.

"You must recognize me as a godmother then, ha ha."

Three women in a play, Shen Lang heard speechless, quickly stopped several expectant mothers waiting for pregnancy, poured them tea, and took the ticket to see the flight time.

"Xiao Li, you'd better come back for the new year and go through the resignation procedures. If you want to go back to your hometown for development, we all support it with both hands. If you want to come back, your work will be kept for you all the time. "

Xiao Li nodded.

After chatting for a while, she sent several beauties out and watched them catch the plane. Nana also had a lot of feelings. She didn't pay attention to the waves and went upstairs in a bad mood.

Just as Shen Lang was about to go up, a khaki Volvo car stopped and the window rolled down. Ma Xuejun was still in a silver gray suit.

"When I say boss Ma, people say that rich people open their doors with three sets of clothes. It's good for you to trade around like this."

"Ha ha, I didn't feel comfortable, so I bought one. I've been doing more activities these days, so I've been wearing human skin all the time. "

Ma Xuejun got out of the car, opened the trunk and took out two cases of Maotai.

"I bought it. I've never been so generous. Ha ha, happy new year." Ma Xuejun said with a good smile.

At the end of the new year, there must be a lot of new year's gifts piled up in Ma Xuejun's home. They all borrowed flowers to present to Shen Lang, but this one was just bought. Because the invoice label was still attached, Ma Xuejun was embarrassed and quickly tore it up.

Shen Lang picked up the wine and went upstairs. By the way, he asked, "do you know Chu batian?"

All of a sudden, Ma Xuejun's steps stopped, his smile disappeared, and he frowned deeply.

"He?""Have you seen him?" Ma Xuejun is a tough, low-key and introverted master. This is a very guilty question.

"See what you mean, do you know this man?" Shen Lang asked.

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