My ceo wife

Chapter 99

After listening to her introduction, Shen Lang realized that the flavor of the game had changed. All these second generation ancestors or bosses, without exception, are treated by Qian Jinxiu. More or less linked to real estate. This makes Shen Lang doubt the motive of angel's trip.

"I said, sister. You are really engaged in equipment resources for our Wangjiang family. Or do you have another plan? " Shen Lang asked.

Angel shrugged, with a feeling of being caught in the waves: "since it's all for fun, I don't expect to talk to them about anything serious. It's just that. Haitang Bay phase III bidding is around the corner, and the son of a bitch named Ma comes back from prison. I have to guard for him. "

"Sister Qi. Even if it's upside down, it doesn't have your way Shen Lang said helplessly.

The meeting place is the private villa of Haitang Bay. All the people who come here are beautiful men and women who are in pairs. There are some shady activities behind them, some of them don't tell themselves.

"They play their game. I've already said hello. If we don't get involved, we'll have a free day. Find a chance. I'd like to hear about the bidding of Haitang Bay phase III Said angel.

"To put it in a bad way, you have to worry about eating radish first. Ma Xuejun will naturally have his plan. You can't do anything with it. Besides, he can't do anything that Ma Xuejun can't do. Are you so confident? "

"I don't care." Angel was very stubborn, like she didn't shed tears when she didn't see the coffin.

Qian Jinxiu, the second rich generation, is quite different from Lin Yi. Play what you can and make what you can't. According to angel. Their circle is not clean and they play too much.

Angel is not talking about the purchase of equipment for the company at all, but to inquire about the real estate trend of Haitang bay for Ma Xuejun in prison.

The car to Haitang bay a phase of the most sea villa, two people stop talking.

There are several cool luxury cars in the garage, the most important one is the Bentley muzanne from angel. Of course,

I borrowed this car from my friends.

European style small western style building, floor to floor windows are frosted, inside you can see the outside, but outside you can't see the inside. Villa side door has "room card" certificate, angel a brush, beep two sound to open.

The hall of the villa is very spacious. Shen Lang's first thought is Yang Guangxiu's palace. The huge Crystal Palace lamps are crystal pendants.

And hundreds of square meters in the hall, surrounded by sofas and valuable mattresses. The most subtle thing is that there is a hot spring in the middle of the living room, which is bubbling with heat. There is a unique tray floating on it, and there is red wine on it. Qian Jinxiu's eyes are closed inside.

"Oh, sister Qi is coming." As soon as Qian Jinxiu looked back and saw the waves, he laughed: "Oh, ah, ah I said, "sister Qi, your boyfriend is Mr. Shen. As early as I said, we all know Shen Lang."

As soon as angel saw the people coming, he knew almost all of them, and the unfamiliar ones also touched glasses on the dinner table. Strange is, according to Qian Jinxiu's virtue, should not be the beauty of wine mountain meat pool, there are only a few not very beautiful women.

Qian Jinxiu came out of the hot spring and wore a suit of swimming trunks. Of course, if it was Qian Jinxiu's swimsuit, these pieces of cloth were chopped up and weighed, which was definitely more expensive than gold.

"Mr. Shen, why don't you hang out for a while? It's going to take a while for the show to start

"Ha ha, don't use it. You can help yourself with less money."

Qian Jinxiu sips a lot of red wine and introduces Shen Lang and angel to the sofa.

Through his introduction, Shen Lang suddenly realized why there were two beautiful women on the sofa who were older. Because there are not only men in this rich and young circle.

From the left, the Jiangling deputy of the commercial bank, named Xia Xuemei, is a woman over 40 years old, but she is well maintained. In fact, she can still see her bags under her eyes when she smiles. And the "couple" brought by director Xia is actually the little white face maintained by a rich woman. A young man in his early twenties is very tall and handsome.

The next one is the contractor of highway engineering. His name is Liu Dazhi. He is 40 years old, but he brought a girl who was 17 or 18 years old to the party. He was a middle-aged man with big arms and a round waist, but he found a little girl as his girlfriend. What he didn't know was that he thought it was his daughter.

The latter is the son of boss Bai, who is engaged in the household appliance business. What's strange is that the beauty he brings with him is the brightest. She is regarded as an angry female star in Jiangling. She looks very familiar and can't name her at the moment. Of course, Shen Lang never cares about the entertainment industry.

Finally, this is Mr. Wang of the bidding Bureau. What's funny is that it's not the second ancestor who brings his girlfriend, but the girlfriend who brings him. His girlfriend is a multinational CEO of a foreign enterprise in China. She is in her thirties and doesn't know how to fall in love with this young man.

Then came Qian Jinxiu, who recently became a popular singer in Jiangling. He is said to be the chief model of Jiangling station. With his support, he received a lot of advertisements, so his reputation became even more popular.

Shen Lang and angel were also introduced by Qian Jinxiu. In the conversation, we can see that these people often get together. It's just that it's not a general private party, but the people in the circle who come to participate must bring their true friends and girlfriends. No matter who they are, why do they come to this villa? They want to be fresh and exciting and have a big rotation with each other.For the usual circle to play skating and horse racing and so on, you have no surprise, so obsessed with this kind of alternative heart limit challenge.

Shen Lang sat on the sofa and smirked, not to others, but to Nana. The girl friend led by Bai Gongzi, who is in the household appliance music industry, was once a big star. Although she is over the top now, there are many fans, such as Nana. Nanjie's bedroom is basically full of posters of this woman. She is eager to get her autograph one day. If she knows her idol is here, she doesn't know how to feel.

Whether they are husband and wife or not, after all, they are girlfriends and girlfriends. Even if they are acting on occasion and being held by other men, they are certainly uncomfortable. Qian Jinxiu and his family have such an uncomfortable feeling. It's hard to be happy if they have money.

Because Shen Lang angel came here for the first time and had something to say, they didn't exchange friends with others, and they sat next to each other chatting and drinking. After a while, under the leadership of Qian Jinxiu, they all changed their partners. The female singer he just started with gave other men away, while he held the multinational CEO to drink with him.

After a few drinks, the doorbell rang outside.

"Coming, ha ha, the protagonist is coming!" Qian Jinxiu stood up and went to the door to meet him.

When the door opened, a white girl in the shape of a nun came in with a violin on her back. Shen Lang recognized it as soon as he saw it. Last time he went to a bar, Chen Ziyang turned to a small box and said that it was this girl, the teacher or director of the orphanage, who had a private concert.

Qian Jinxiu welcomed the girl in and introduced her to you. This is Su Yiyi, a music teacher in Jiangling No.3 orphanage. She is proficient in musical instruments. Because she grew up abroad, she is also excellent in several foreign languages.

They all sat silent and looked at each other with glasses. It was very pure. It was unfortunate for Qian Jinxiu to take a fancy to it.

At this time, Qian Jinxiu took a glass of orange juice for the nun Su Yiyi and said with a smile, "Miss Su, we are all friends. Don't be constrained. Just relax."

The girl named Su Yiyi is a little shy, holding a glass of water and taking a sip.

Qian Jinxiu continues to talk with everyone. It's all love affairs. She just takes it out and laughs.

After a while, Su Yiyi finally began to speak: "Mr. Qian, don't you mean to talk business and let me be an interpreter? I think you all know Mandarin, don't you need me? "

"No, ha ha. Of course, if you spend money, you will be asked to translate. Just a moment." Qian Jinxiu was a little displeased.

Ms. Xia, the banker next to Shen Lang, looked at Su Yiyi contemptuously and joked with Shen Lang: "she can stand it later."

"Oh? What do you mean Shen Lang asked with a smile.

"Don't you know? Qian Jinxiu didn't spend a lot of money to get through with the orphanage. It's said that she is a jade girl. No, I want to see you face to face with the public today. " The deputy director seems to be familiar with such things.

Shen Lang nodded thoughtfully.

The angel next to him pinched him and said in a low voice, "I asked you to come here to support me. Don't make me uncomfortable. Don't think I don't know what you are thinking."

Shen Lang shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "where do you think you are? I just know this girl, but I haven't said anything."

"Just know. Qian Jinxiu asked her to be an interpreter. It's 300000 yuan a week. Girl with a little brain, who doesn't know what this means? Are you kidding me? What translation can't be invited? If she can come, it means that she is prepared in that way. In other words, she recognizes the money and has to bear whatever happens. " Angel whispered in Shen Lang's ear.

Xia Xuemei, the deputy director of the bank on the left, heard this and said to Shen Lang with a smile, "handsome guy, don't worry about it. These smelly men are all players. I saw them last month. The female college student I was looking for yelled like a howler. He was beaten up. He was honest. He was not normal. At the end of the day, guess what, ordinary women don't play these games. "

Don't say don't know, originally angel said Qian Jinxiu's circle is dirty, is this meaning. Of course, in the bottom of my heart, Shen Lang admired Lin Yi who was so clever and good.

During the chat, Qian Jinxiu was almost ready to get down to business when he saw that it was almost time. He pulled the hinge window outside and dropped a projector from a wall. Directly opposite was a large screen of more than ten square meters.

After the curtain of the villa was closed, the room fell into darkness, and then the big screen unfolded in a curtain like manner. The projector behind clearly illuminated the screen, and an action movie was playing.

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