My Chaos City

Chapter 790: Metaphysical ceremony

Li Hanqiang drove the tractor and followed the route of Tongtianhe, patrolling the territory all the way.

When you come to Evolution Island, your civilization points will increase by 25, and there will be more [biological evolution] elements in the civilization technology tree.

Come to the grotesque pool, the civilization points will increase by 55, and the [origin of life] and [life creation] elements are added to the civilization technology tree.

When you come to the refugee camp, the civilization points will increase by 10. There is no new technology element in the civilization technology tree.

Come to Yunluo Mountain, add 5 to the civilization points, and the element of "cultivation of immortals" is added to the civilization technology tree.

When you come to Kunwu Mountain, the civilization points will increase by 25, and there will be more [ore mining] and [metal smelting] elements in the civilization technology tree.

Come to the Demon Mountain Cave House, the civilization points will increase by 40, and there are more [Demon Power], [Dave House], and [Robbery] elements in the civilization technology tree.

Come to the Jewel Temple of Dragon Slashing City, the civilization points will increase by 30, and there are more [gems], [knights], [witches] elements in the civilization technology tree...

In short, Li Hanqiang made a patrol, but he went to every place with a name. Naturally, he didn't let the eighteenth hell, the Crystal Dragon Palace, and so on. He even went to the Crystal Hall of Princess Mia Mora in the Crystal Castle. Was hammered by the evil dragon Kuntuta for several minutes.

After such a round of inspection, the civilization score of Hanqiang Civilization reached 1150, and the technology elements in the civilization technology tree reached as many as 52!

Among these 52 technological elements, there are two that Li Hanqiang attaches great importance to, namely the [Sky Selection] element opened by the [Sky Selection Tower] and the [Lucky] element opened by the [Lucky Wheel].

"Tianxuan and luck, aren't these elements of my life? It's decided that Hanqiang civilization should develop Tianxuan technology and lucky technology! Tianxuan and luck will be the characteristics of my Hanqiang civilization!"

Li Hanqiang checked the [Hanqiang Civilization Information Panel] and sighed. He did a little operation in the [Hanqiang Civilization Information Panel] and invested a hundred civilization points in the [Invention and Creation] section, and it really activated the civilization. Technology tree.

In this civilized science and technology tree, 52 science and technology elements are like 52 small stars, independent of each other, and all are dim.

"Opening the science and technology tree" is similar to adding points. It also requires the investment of civilization points. Li Hanqiang first finds the little star that represents the element of "lucky", and tries to put 100 civilization points into it. The little star immediately lights up faintly Light.

"Ding, the system prompts that Hanqiang civilization is developing towards'lucky'. If you continue to invest in civilization points, it is possible to unlock or create scientific and technological achievements related to'lucky'."

Obviously, it’s useless to light up technology, no results will be produced, and the civilization points invested are invalid. Li Hanqiang thought for a while and put three hundred civilization points into the [lucky little star] one after another, and the [lucky little star] turned on Many, but still failed to open up scientific and technological achievements.

"I don't believe it and I can't produce a scientific and technological achievement!"

Li Hanqiang was unconvinced and invested 300 points of civilization points into the [Lucky Little Star], making this [Lucky Little Star] extremely shiny, and it was about to emit golden light, but there were still no scientific and technological achievements related to luck. .

"Seven hundred points are gone! Four hundred points are left!"

Li Hanqiang secretly persuaded himself not to go up, he found a small star representing the technology of [Sky Selection], and used a hundred points of civilization points to light it up, so [Sky Selection Little Star] and [Lucky Little Star] were connected. A light spot suddenly appeared between the two small stars.

"Ding, the system prompts that the Hanqiang civilization is developing towards the'selection of heaven'."

"Ding, the [lucky] element is linked with the [selected] element. Congratulations on unlocking a technological achievement. The system calculates that the technological achievement is a special skill. It is set as a short-term state skill. It requires action to guide the display, and the guidance time is required. For more than 30 seconds, members of the Dragon Slaying Empire can learn and do not occupy the skill bar. After casting, they have a certain chance to obtain the selected state, which can be maintained for a short time. During this period, the lucky value of the skill caster is greatly increased, increasing the chance of critical strikes, Affect the outcome of random events, etc."

"Ding, please name the current scientific and technological achievements and set the action guidance method. You will become a skill instructor for this skill!"

Li Hanqiang was taken aback for a moment, and then surprised: "Scientific and technological achievements have really come out. It is actually a special skill. Isn't this, this is my metaphysical ritual? The name and guidance method are ready!"

After one pass, the first scientific and technological achievement of Hanqiang Civilization appeared.


Metaphysical ritual: special skills

Skill consumption: none

Action guidance method: Take six steps clockwise to complete a circle.

Skill effect: After the guide is completed, there is a 20% chance of obtaining the selected state, which can last for five minutes, and the skill cooldown time is five minutes.


After the setting was completed, Li Hanqiang received the system prompt again: "Ding, you have become the skill instructor of [Metaphysics Ceremony], and you can pass this skill to adventurer players in the Dragon Slaying Empire or subordinates of NPCs with personality settings."

"Haha, my metaphysical ceremony must be carried forward."

Li Hanqiang was in a good mood. He started a metaphysical ceremony on the spot, and succeeded in obtaining the "Heaven Chosen State" only once. The word Chosen appeared above his head, and the success rate of using the Tower Transform talent increased by 5%!

It's just that this "heavenly chosen state" is still a lot worse than the "heavenly chosen state" given by [Tower of Heavenly Chosen], which only improves luck.

But this is already very good. After all, this [metaphysics ritual] can be performed without consumption, and fortunately, this mysterious thing, it is estimated that no one does not want it.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, there are only three hundred civilization points left, otherwise I have to smash out a more powerful metaphysical ceremony!"

Li Hanqiang sighed. He still had 315 civilization points left. After thinking about it, he invested another 100 civilization points in the [Cultural Spirit], opening the [Perseverance Spirit].

[Tough Spirit] It can increase the value of life, and Li Hanqiang can also enjoy its influence. The two small characters "Toughness" appeared on the top of his head.

"Ding, the system prompts that under the influence of Hanqiang civilization, you gain the spirit of tenacity, your health will increase by 1%, at least 100 points will be increased, and the maximum increase will be 10,000 points!"

"Ding, continue to invest civilization points into the spirit of tenacity, and its effect will be stronger!"

Li Hanqiang thought for a while, and then invested 100 civilization points in [Tough Spirit]. Sure enough, its influence has been improved, health increased by 2%, at least 200 points increased, and maximum increased 20,000 points!

"Yes, yes, to develop civilization, you can use attributes to crush people!"

Li Hanqiang is very satisfied with the effect of [Perseverance Spirit]. He still has 150 civilization points left, but he intends to keep them first, so that he can create a career for fun in the future. Now he can't wait to carry forward his metaphysical rituals. , So he drove the walking tractor all the way and quickly came to Wolong City and found a little red riding hood.

"This Little Red Riding Hood is a step forward in all likelihood, just count him as the most homely!"

Li Hanqiang drove to the front of Little Red Riding Hood, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said loudly: "Come, come, this great emperor tells you a skill that can teach you shelter from heaven, so lucky!"


The Little Red Riding Hood gave Li Hanqiang a white look, with a look of disbelief.

"This performance is not a step forward, this guy is Zhen Deqiang? He can do it, anyway, they belong to the Dragon Slaying Empire!" Li Hanqiang was not annoyed, said: "I'm not bragging, do you know the achievements of civilization, come here? , Follow me to learn, this is called a metaphysical ritual, it can really increase luck, take six steps clockwise, make a circle... By the way, the most important thing is to say the right spell!"


"Not bad!"

[Metaphysical Ritual] is a special skill for action guidance. There is no spell at all, but Li Hanqiang fooled the Little Red Riding Hood in front of him and said: "You remember, the spell is: the great **** of luck, Li Hanqiang who rules good luck, I pray for you Favor! Remember? You must read it right!"

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