My Chaos City

Chapter 799: Tianshan Snow Silkworm, Snow Demon Legend

The words of Taoist Yehe gave Li Hanqiang a more intuitive understanding of the huge size of the ancient evil snake.

It turns out that the snowy ridge that I climbed all the way was the body of the ancient evil snake, so it's not too exaggerated to say that its body is like a mountain.

Li Hanqiang originally wanted the two trappers to try if they could capture the giant snow mountain snake. Now he has dispelled the idea that a single scale falling can knock down a piece of people on his side. How to catch it?

Just relying on the two short knives of the dull knife and the sharp knife are simply not qualified to tickle me.

Moreover, the ancient evil snake is at least the same level as the ancient **** giant tortoise, and the ancient **** giant tortoise is already dead. Even if it does, it becomes the carrier of Acacia City. You can take out a little background and send out a magic machine. All of them can compete with Godzilla, the guardian of the Eternal Island.

This ancient evil snake is alive. Maybe it has the power comparable to the ancient gods in its heyday. If you are an enemy, you need to be careful.

Li Hanqiang is still unable to make a decision whether or not to move Gu Sha Orochi. If he really wants to move it, he must use a pool ball, otherwise he is afraid that there is no chance of winning.

The key is to be afraid that it will be a bit troublesome if you don't die.

Li Hanqiang thought for a while, and didn't act rashly for the time being. After all, he still planned to go to the summit of Aofeng to take a look at the scenery, and he had to wait until the summit of Aofeng was finished exploring.

But the rescue of the sun **** and the Taoist Xianyun can be executed immediately.

"Master Yehe, come and come. This is a specialty of the Crystal Dragon Palace of the Dragon Slaying Empire, the Dragon King Cigar. I will order one for you and restore it to state."

Li Hanqiang handed a Dragon King cigar to the Taoist Yehe, the Taoist's eyes brightened, and he drew it after a while. As he smoked, he was full of praise, and his life value was naturally restored quickly.

After a short resettlement, Li Hanqiang and his group embarked on the journey of saving people under the leadership of Taoist Yehe.

Zhen Deqiang and others still stayed in the Aquarius Palace, and the two mountain-movers took turns carrying Aquarius and walked along the winding snow ridge.

Li Hanqiang ignored the cold wind. He and Taoist Yehe walked outside the palace. The Holy Angel and the Supreme Angel followed Li Hanqiang, and the Supreme Angel kept the two mountain-moving powers up from time to time.

It is known that the snow collar under the body is the body of the ancient evil giant snake. Under Li Hanqiang's intentional observation, he can see some signs. This ancient evil giant snake is also really outrageous. It is lying on its back. It must be 200 meters high. .

The Taoist Yehe was also very talkative. Li Hanqiang deliberately made friends with him, and asked a lot of information along the way.

It turns out that Taoist Xianyun and Taoist Yehe are idle Taoists who have been wandering the rivers and lakes. They have been in this world of snow-capped mountains for more than 20 years. They have always wanted to climb to the top of Aofeng.

However, they have not been able to achieve their wishes for more than 20 years, because the summit of Aofeng is too difficult to climb. The closer to the mountain, the more serious the blood loss. Even if the two brothers are both senior bosses, it is difficult to climb. .

Coupled with Gu Sha Orochi, a behemoth that does not play cards according to the routine and harass at any time, it is even more difficult for the two Dao Masters. They evaded thousands of times, and in the end it was the Dao of the Gu Sha Orochi and was frozen.

If Li Hanqiang did not come, waiting for the so-called March 9th, these two NPCs might really belch, no one would know them, and the plot related to them would be abolished.

In addition, according to Taoist Yehe, he is proficient in [Flame Knife] and will be able to make some swordsmanship. His senior brother Xianyun Taoist is a 150-level high-level BOSS and is proficient in [Ice Palm].

"The respectable emperor, it's not a trivial thing. There are not many in the same level that can be tied..."

Daoist Yehe was bragging, but Li Hanqiang stopped in his footsteps, and he found another ice sculpture!

It was an ice sculpture of a monster. Look at the monster, it looked like a weird giant silkworm with a lion head and horns on its head. It was more than ten feet long and had crystal white hair.

Taoist Yehe also spotted the monster and immediately exclaimed: "It's actually a Tianshan snow silkworm!"

He obviously knew something about this monster, and explained to Li Hanqiang: "Great Emperor, this is a spirit beast that can spit out tough and unparalleled Tianjun Silk, good at walking through the snow, with a gentle temperament, and can be a mount! The Great Emperor may wish to save it. Once it is rescued, this beast is usually very difficult to surrender, but it is a reward for knowing grace. If the emperor saves it, it will definitely be loyal to the emperor until death."

"In other words, if you find it, you earn it?"

Li Han was overjoyed and quickly made people lift the snow silkworm from the mountain that day. It was also frozen by the sigh of the ancient evil snake.

The snow silkworm was rescued as soon as the supreme angel operated it. It really was docile and possessed a certain amount of intelligence, just like a good baby, and became Li Hanqiang's pet.

This Tianshan snow silkworm is not ordinary. It is an inferior BOSS, level ninety. It is not affected by the cold wind of the Aofeng realm. It crawls fast in the snow, and can carry heavy loads, just like a snowmobile. It can also drill holes into the snow.

In addition, Tianshan snow silkworm is equivalent to a special population, and can produce Tianjun silk, which can produce two catties a day. Tianjun silk is probably a high-grade material.

Tianshan snow silkworm also has the ability to search for treasures and collect. Ordinary food materials can be collected. Once collected, they will be placed in a bag made of silk and carried on their backs.

It also has a control skill, which is to spit out silk to restrain the target. The restraint can last a long time, but its activation is relatively slow. As long as you pay attention, it is easy to avoid.

Moving on, Li Hanqiang picked up three Tianshan snow silkworms and rescued them all. Then he discovered a new monster.

That is the Snow Demon!

The human skeleton face has a hideous face with fangs, two arms are bone knives, and there are long white hairs behind it. It is also frozen by sighing ice crystals, leaving only a trace of blood.

Daoist Yehe saw the snow demon immediately, his expression was serious, he drew the Dao sword and chopped more than ten swords on its ice sculpture, and also used the [Flame Knife] skill to split a long knife like flames with his palm. The vice and the Snow Demon don't share the same appearance.

However, even though the Snow Demon was frozen and unable to move, it was also protected by the sighing ice layer. Daoist Yehe was as fierce as a tiger with his operations, but the Snow Demon didn't hurt anything.

"Great Emperor, this Snow Demon is an extremely evil monster, powerful and cunning. Our seniors have played against them all these years and suffered a lot. This kind of monster cannot be kept. It must be killed. Please also Break its sighing ice first, then let me kill it!"

Taoist Yehe said a word, and continued to attack the Snow Demon Ice Sculpture.

"If it's just a kill, why do you need to unblock it? The Daoist retreats, look at this great emperor's method!"

Li Hanqiang rubbed his hands together, and a piece of Taiyi Profound Light was rubbed into a spear by him, his eyes locked on the Snow Demon, and when he threw it away, the Taiyi Profound Light flew out, ignoring the sighing ice layer outside the Snow Demon. UU看书www .uukanshu. com hit the Snow Demon directly and killed it with one blow.

At this moment, Li Hanqiang actually received a system prompt: "Ding, you killed a special monster!"

Li Hanqiang raised his eyes and looked again. The Snow Demon actually dropped two items.

Go forward and pick it up. One of them is a "Military Merit Exchange Voucher", which can be exchanged for one hundred points of military merit of your camp after use.

The other dropped item is actually a [Snow Mountain Secret Scroll].

[Snow Mountain Secret: The legend of the Snow Demon, the cold spirit of the Aofeng Land Realm can condense the special monster Snow Demon. The Snow Demon is cruel and powerful. It feeds on humans. He was once the ruler of the Snow Mountain Realm. It is a demon world.

One day, a powerful giant snake descended on Aofeng's realm. It greedily sucked the evil spirits of the cold, and even feeds on the snow demon. Very rare...]

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