My Chaos City

Chapter 821: 9-pin lotus

The second-rank life lotus can continue to be upgraded, and Li Hanqiang used another chaos gem to raise it to the third-rank.

And the third-rank life lotus can provide 400 points of life bonus, opening the third ability: [Lotus Transformation].

[Lotus Transformation: Consuming the current life lotus, you can reshape the physical body for the target that has lost the body or the ghost, ghost and other intangible units, so that they can obtain the body of the lotus. Those who have the body of the lotus are naturally not affected by the negative state, and Having a certain life connection with you, it can hide in your body like a life lotus. The higher the grade, the stronger the body shaped by the lotus of life, the higher the attribute growth. Please explore the details by yourself. 】

The effect of [Lotus Transformation] is to reshape the body for others. This may not have much practical significance, and there are restrictions on use. Li Hanqiang can use this [Lotus Transformation] ability to create a body for the gem king with the life lotus. , But I am afraid that the king of gems will look down upon it.

The Gem King definitely needs a strong body. Even if he is willing to accept the body of the lotus flower, Li Hanqiang will not agree. He will definitely find a strong body for him, even if it is not comparable to the body of the abandoned Sulu of Lord Ling, at least he will find a strong body. The body of BOSS.

Li Hanqiang took out the Chaos Gem, continued to strengthen this life lotus, and directly raised it to the 9th rank.

The ninth-grade life lotus flower was released. The flower had a diameter of one foot, and it was still a green lotus. The center was a lotus platform, and the edges of the petals were full of crystal mist, very mysterious.

Li Hanqiang found that a chaos gem can raise the life lotus to the next level, and the seventh-rank lotus appears on the lotus platform, and the ninth-rank lotus possesses the characteristics of a void airship!

Under normal circumstances, the highest grade of Life Lotus is level 9.


Lotus of Life: Special Items

Grade: Nine products

Health value: 25600

First-grade ability: [Life bonus], blessing 25600 points of health.

Second-Rank Ability: [Lotus Space], store an item, which can be artifacts or even creatures.

Third-rank ability: [Lotus Transformation], to reshape the body for the goal to obtain the body of the lotus.

Fourth-Rank Ability: [Experience Acquisition], providing an additional 9 points of experience per second.

Five-Rank Ability: [Life Giving], provides 900 health points per second for healing, and can also release life lotus flower as a designated target for healing.

Sixth-Rank Ability: [Lotus Light], immune to most negative states, and can also release life lotus as designated target to dispel negative states.

Seven-Rank Ability: [Life Lotus Terrace], sitting in the lotus heart of the life lotus, recovering 1% of the health value per second, while being protected by the life lotus.

8-Rank Ability: [Lotus Explosion], release the life lotus, detonate it, and cause 256000 points of real damage to all targets around 900 meters.

Ninth-Rank Ability: [Flying through the Void], obtain the characteristics of the Void Airship, release the lotus of life, and use it to travel through the void, traveling the farthest 900 miles at a time.

Note: The life lotus can grow up to twelve ranks. Players should explore the specific upgrade conditions by themselves...


A ninth-rank lotus flower can provide 25600 points of health bonus, 9 points of experience per second, immunity to regular negative states, and 900 points of health regeneration per second...

With this one flower, considering that you need to use eight Chaos Gems to upgrade it, it seems a bit of a loss.

But the great thing about the lotus of life is that a player can not only have a lotus of life to provide health bonus, but can also have a lot of life of the same level to provide health bonus.

If Chaos Gem or Life Gem is enough, this [Life Lotus] can be amazing.

Li Hanqiang is now at level 110. In theory, he can have 110 ninth-level life lotus flowers to provide health bonus. If they are all ninth-level lotus, then he will have 2816100 health points in total.

In addition, it is equivalent to carrying 110 priests with you, and you can get 99,000 healing points per second!

Do nothing and gain 990 experience points per second!

Li Hanqiang felt that he had seriously underestimated the ability of [Lotus Transformation]. Through this ability, Life Lotus can develop into a portable barracks!

However, Li Hanqiang felt that the eight-rank ability of Life Lotus Platform [Lotus Blasting] was a bit tasteless, and he was reluctant to explode Life Lotus.

As for the Ninth-Rank Lotus's ability to fly through the void, it is also very practical, stronger than most void airships, and it is very suitable for driving or running.

"Provides a bonus to health, and there are so many abilities. This life lotus is really necessary for killing people and setting fire to the house. I don’t know what powers the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth life lotus stands have, but unfortunately they need it. Explore by yourself."

Li Hanqiang sighed, and then he shook the Taiyi Profound Light wildly, and at the same time collected the lotus of life happily.

When the Taiyi Xuanguang ran out, Li Hanqiang turned somersaults, and occasionally he was able to turn out a lotus.

In addition, when Taiyi Qingqi is activated, the lotus of life can also be born.

In short, after some operations, Li Hanqiang warmed up 222 life lotus flowers in his body. In addition to the 9th-rank one, he also promoted two fifth-rank ones. Unfortunately, he can only accept the life value provided by 110 life lotus flowers. Bonus, finally got 38500 points of health bonus, can be healed by 1900 points per second!

In this way, Li Han reluctantly gained some confidence.

When Li Hanqiang sat crouched on the lotus heart of the Ninth-Rank Life Lotus and returned to the High Peak City Square, all 33 NPCs with unknown identities had been unblocked by the highest angels. Among the 33 NPCs, the lowest level was 120, and the highest even reached. 200 levels.

And these 33 NPCs are not all NPCs with personality settings. Among them, 23 people have no personality settings. They are all from the pirate camp. As soon as the ice crystals outside of the body are destroyed, they shout again and again. Thanks, and madly attacked everyone.

Among them is the NPC who has reached level 200. He is a cyclops with a scar on his face, a hip machete, and a **** beard. The name is "Pirate Captain Edward". He is a high-class BOSS. There was only a trace of blood.

These guys were naturally killed on the spot, but dropped a lot of loot, many of which were mission but Li Hanqiang no longer looked down on these mission props, so he chose them at will Save it and prepare to hand it over to Fanfeng Knights to deal with it later.

Among the remaining 10 NPCs with personality settings, seven are inferior BOSS, one is medium BOSS, one is superior BOSS, and one is just an elite.

They are all "adventurers" without any faction. They all went to the Aofeng realm to explore. Unfortunately, they were frozen by the Gu Sha big snake. After being rescued, they were grateful again and again. Some took an oath to join the Dragon Slaying Empire on the spot. Quite a few items.

Among these items, there are two that surprised Li Hanqiang. The first is a [Building Drawing of Daxue Mountain], which can open up space and build a Daxue Mountain after use.

And this snowy mountain is not a source of resources, nor is it a monster nest, a scenic spot, or something. It is actually a special void airship, or an eagle superior, but this snowy mountain is equivalent to a large mountain that can fly in the air, with abilities and five-color warships. It can’t be compared, it has no combat effectiveness, but it is much larger than a five-color warship, its durability is hidden, and its maximum flight speed can reach 600 meters per second!

Taken together, this Daxueshan airship is still very good.

The other one is [the route map of the Mysterious Skull Island]!

"There is the King Kong Giant Ape on Skull Island. It is the magic guardian King Kong most favored by the little monk Huixin. Not bad. It seems that the third sub-base of Lingxiao City has been settled."

Li Hanqiang was talking silently, but didn't want to look up and saw an NPC like a pirate captain bowing to him.

"Thanks to Emperor Dragon Slaying for giving me a new life, I will use this body to serve my Dragon Slaying Empire!"

Li Hanqiang was taken aback, and the man in front of him was the "pirate captain Edward" who had just been killed. The gem king "hungry for food", actually possessed him.

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