My Chaos City

Chapter 824: Good corpse: Li Hanqiang, Lord of Chaos City


Li Hanqiang is now very worried that the system will pit himself!

What chance task, what only benefits and no harm, the key is that the "good or bad" the system **** thinks is not necessarily the same as the "good or bad" he thinks.

Perhaps the system thinks that "giving up fame and fortune and becoming a lotus flower" is good, but if that is the case, then play a game of hammer and simply plant yourself in Bibo Lake.

Quite a bit, the system sent out the same system prompt as before.

Li Hanqiang struggled on the spot for a long time, pondering and pondering the content of the system prompt, and gradually shaken.

If, as the system prompt says, the three corpses that are cut off can become a avatar, and they can share skills without losing their current identity information, then they can take this opportunity.

"Why do you cut a corpse and have a try?"

As soon as this idea came up, Li Hanqiang became a little unbearable and wanted to try more and more.

What if there is really only good and no harm?

"Gan, this great emperor is so afraid that he will cut off a corpse today, and hope that life will turn into a lotus flower, and all his fame and fortune will be put down!"

Li Hanqiang suddenly persuaded himself, strode to the [Gate of Reincarnation], and then walked, the lotus flowers that had flown out of him flew back into his body automatically.

But when he walked to the [Gate of Reincarnation], Li Hanqiang stopped.

After thinking for a while, he took out four chaos gems and promoted the second Ninth-Rank Life Lotus.

This can be regarded as an insurance. If the [Chaos City Lord Li Hanqiang] that you cut off can really be [Lotus Transformation], then use this more than 9-rank lotus as your body.

Then Li Hanqiang walked into the gate of reincarnation as if death was home, but he felt that he had walked into a radiance, and suddenly he couldn't see anything.

"Ding, you have entered the gate of reincarnation!"

"Ding, your military rank information and hatred value information are cleared!"

"Ding, your arena data and various titles have been cleared!"

"Ding, you have lost your identity as the lord of Chaos City! You are no longer the lord of Lingxiao City!"

"Ding, you have lost your identity as the Dragon Slayer Emperor of the Dragon Slaying Empire!"

"Ding, your floating walking skills have been stripped away!"

"Ding, your Taiyi power cannot be stripped!"

"Ding, protected by the lotus of life, you don't need to re-select your career!"

"Ding, your good corpse [Chaos City Lord Li Hanqiang] was beheaded!"

"Ding, your benevolent corpse [Chaos City Lord Li Hanqiang] inherits your identity as Chaos City Lord, Dragon Slayer, etc. and perfectly inherits the ability to walk in the air!"

"Ding, under the shelter of the lotus of life, [City Lord Li Hanqiang] can be transformed into a lotus. Please reshape your body after completing your rebirth!"

"Ding, congratulations on completing your reincarnation! Your level remains the same, you can inherit all the items in the original storage space!"

"Ding, congratulations on your successful killing of one of the three corpses. The fairy realm has been improved. You have gained medium BOSS attribute growth, and your health has been increased to a thousand times your level!"

"Ding, your life is purified and your spirit is sublimated, and it will be more difficult to obtain hatred points. Your nickname [Li Hanqiang] will not be queried, and various lists cannot be displayed. You cannot be locked by any means through nicknames. Below level 90 The wild monsters will not actively attack you..."

Li Hanqiang continued to walk forward, suddenly his vision returned, and he had already walked out of the [Gate of Rebirth], as if he was walking in the door of rebirth.

But he is now wearing a rookie outfit, and all the props on his body are piled on the ground.

Li Hanqiang hurriedly put away his belongings. He put on a cloud sea fairy suit, a black dolphin crown, and a lucky revolver...

After checking his own information, Li Hanqiang was finally relieved.

Sure enough, just as he expected, the [Floating Walk] skill was gone. Except for the power of Taiyi, now I only have one [Life Lotus] skill, and he is not the Dragon Slayer. It is estimated that since then From now on, it is no longer possible to directly order ordinary soldiers and generals.

But the system did not cheat him.

First of all, by cutting off the good corpse, Li Hanqiang's fairy realm is improved, and he directly gains the attribute growth of the medium BOSS, and his health is a thousand times his level.

His level has not changed, now he is still at level 110, and his life value has reached 110,000, but his attack power is still only a little, no improvement.

But this gain is already very good.

Secondly, Li Hanqiang also got a chance to upgrade the Ninth-Rank Life Lotus.

With a thought in his mind, a Ninth-Rank Lotus of Life flew out from the center of his eyebrows. At first it was just a bud. It bloomed quickly and became bigger. Finally, it floated in front of Li Hanqiang. .


Li Hanqiang pointed at the life lotus flower, and a cyan light flew out of his fingertips and merged into the Ninth-Rank life lotus flower, immediately causing it to spin and gradually grow larger.

That is, ten seconds later, the life lotus floating in front of Li Hanqiang was already the tenth rank.

Li Hanqiang quickly checked his attributes and found that his abilities have been fully enhanced. The HP that he can bless him has reached 51200 points. He can give him 1,000 points of life recovery and 10 points of experience per second, and his [Lotus Blasting] power has doubled. [Flying through the void] The longest distance has also been increased to 1,000 miles.

To Li Han’s great joy, the tenth-grade life lotus has added the ability to "life sublimation", which can release the huaguang, so that the low-grade life lotus shining by the huaguang will automatically grow, and the probability of obtaining a promotion is highest. Make other life lotus promote the third rank!

Moreover, there is a chance that the third-rank life lotus will automatically be born around the tenth-rank life lotus.

"Finally, finally, I can have the third-rank life lotus in batches. This will save a lot of chaos gems!"

Li Hanqiang is also quite satisfied with the tenth-rank ability of Life Lotus. The first-rank lotus can only increase the health bonus by 100 points, and the third-rank lotus can increase the health bonus by 400 points, and it takes two chaos gems to raise the first-rank lotus. It is the third lotus.

Therefore, the [life sublimation] ability of Ten-Rank Lotus is worth countless chaos gems!

Furthermore, the benevolent corpse [Chaos City Lord Li Hanqiang] cut down by Li Hanqiang can really be turned into a clone of life.

At this moment, this benevolent corpse floats in front of Li Hanqiang in the form of a phantom, with only the palm of his hand, exactly the same as Li Hanqiang, with the seven small characters "Li Hanqiang, Lord of Chaos" on his head.

Li Hanqiang can still see his refreshing information. This benevolent corpse has a certain personality setting, and it perfectly inherits the [Floating Walk], which means that the secret technique, somersault cloud, and shrinking ground that he has strengthened are still there. As long as this benevolent corpse is parasitized in oneself, then oneself can still use these abilities.

Moreover, this [Chaos City Lord Li Hanqiang] also inherited the identity of Dragon Slayer, as long as he parasitized it in his body, he was also Dragon Slayer, equivalent to no loss of rebirth.

Of course, if you want this benevolent corpse [Chaos City Lord Li Hanqiang] to become a avatar and be able to parasitize it in your own body, you need to make it into a lotus flower first.

Li Hanqiang has prepared a ninth-rank life lotus, which was prepared for the transformation of a benevolent corpse. After some operations, [Chaos City Lord Li Hanqiang] was born. He looks exactly like Li Hanqiang. He has a lotus body and is naturally immune. Part of the negative state, because it is the ninth-rank life lotus metaplasia, his upper limit of life will be 900 times his level, and he has the same storage space and secret treasure bar as ordinary players.

It's just that, like Li Hanqiang, his offensive power is still weak, only one point!

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