My Chaos City

Chapter 835: Immortal Zhen Deqiang

Brother, come on, beat him! "

"President Emgrand, it's time for you to act!"

"One-punch iron man Zhen Deqiang, don't persuade you, it's up to you!"

"We have General Zhen Deqiang, who can be ranked fourth in the authority list..."

As soon as Bakuyama Kuroki took out the "color head", the fan knight and others immediately became interested, and there were many adventure players around, who gathered to watch the excitement.

"It's a good habit to show off your head in the martial arts competition, but what do you do with something that can only be used with a welding gun?"

Zhen Deqiang took the first two steps. He had the intention to compete with Bakushan Kuroki. At this moment, he was encouraged by Fanfeng Knight, Fire Sword Saint and others, and felt that "everyone's hope will return."

"Do you want to challenge me?" Bakushan Kuroki looked at Zhen Deqiang carefully, "You seem to have some strength, shall we discuss it here?"

Zhen Deqiang hesitated for five seconds, and said, "That's okay, this president is here today, in front of everyone, and overturn you. You guys who watch the excitement are all scattered, stay away, I will be fair to him one-on-one Contest, no one should intervene!"

"You are very confident!" Bakushan Kuroki laughed, he is not afraid of singles, "Let’s say it first, this is a fair duel, no one can intervene, and this is not an arena, there is no death protection, just fight Go to one side and give in."

"Take the initiative? No, let's confront each other. It is not only a victory, but also a life and death. It is a victory if you beat each other to death!" Zhen Deqiang released his silver shadow skateboard as he spoke, "This is my single-player void airship, it's a pity It can’t be used in this Aofeng realm. You took out the prize, and the president is unambiguous. If you can beat me, this silver shadow skateboard will be yours."

"There are other good things?" Baoshan Kuroki seemed to be quite surprised, "Then I will be serious today!"

Next, the two moved their hands and feet, planning to fight a battle here.

There were a lot of players around, including some anchor players who started live broadcasts.

Boshan Kuroki ranked fourth in the authority list, and Zhen Deqiang ranked forty-nine. The two have to fight a life-and-death battle. This kind of battle is rare.

But when Boshan Blackwood took out the Smashing Spear and was about to take the initiative to take the initiative, Zhen Deqiang said with a serious face: "Wait, let me warm up first!"

After that, he started the [metaphysical ceremony], took six steps clockwise, walked in a circle, and shouted: "The great **** of luck, Zhen Deqiang who rules good luck, I pray for your favor..."

Zhen Deqiang is not a fool. He knows that Bakushan Blackwood possesses divine power and is very powerful. It is difficult to win against him.

But he also has a backing, which is the [metaphysical ceremony].

And the incidental state [Fairy Mode] of the [metaphysical ceremony] just opened by the Hanqiang civilization!

Zhen Deqiang is a mechanical lifeform transformed by Wakkan II. He is unique in his profession and possesses four skills, namely [Zhen Deqiang Charge], [Zhen Deqiang Heavy Strike], [Dark Destruction Sword] and [Quantum Changquan].

His "durability" is very high, four hundred times his level, and he also has a mechanical city armor. Compared with the attribute data, Zhen Deqiang is no less than a player with the same level of golden equipment.

If you get the fairy mode again, your attributes are increased by 30%, it is comparable to having a set of top-quality equipment, and the attribute data is definitely among the top ranks among adventurer players.

Coupled with the lucky and critical strike bonuses provided by [Metaphysics Ceremony], Zhen Deqiang felt that it was not impossible for him to win the Bakushan Blackwood who possessed divine power.

Of course, if you don't get the [Fairy Mode], Zhen Deqiang will definitely not fight.

There are so many people around watching the battle, how faceless it is to lose?

Besides, this is in addition to the lottery,

As for the [metaphysical ceremony] spell, Zhen Deqiang has long seen through Li Hanqiang's "low-level tricks", knowing that it does not matter whether to call or not to call the name "Li Hanqiang", he now prays to himself.

It's just that Zhen Deqiang is not lucky enough, this time [Metaphysics Ceremony] failed to trigger the "Heaven Chosen State".

"Wait a second, I haven't finished warming up yet!"

So Zhen Deqiang went through the metaphysical ceremony again.

[Metaphysics Ceremony] There is no cooling time. If it fails to trigger the "Choice of Heaven", you can continue to perform it.

But Zhen Deqiang's second [metaphysical ceremony] failed again.

"Wait, let me warm up again."

Zhen Deqiang performed the [metaphysical ceremony] a little uncomfortably for the third time, but it still failed, so he continued to circle around.

Bakushan Kuroki and the surrounding players can't understand it.

"What kind of warm-up is this?"

"What is this iron man doing? How strange!"

"Pray before the war?"

"Do you dare to fight? What do you do in circles? Do you pray for yourself?"

"I'm afraid that the Emgrand President is persuaded..."

Many discussions sounded.

Half of the zombie Ye ordinary yelled "Quick beat, quick beat", but he was quite eye-catching, and attracted many players to wait and see with curiosity, but everyone thought he was urging Bakushan Blackwood and Zhen Deqiang to face off as soon as possible. But in fact he shouted "Hurry up"!

Ye General even secretly despised Bakushan Kuroki: "His head was caught by the door, and he stopped to fight. It doesn't take a long time to see me? It's really a pig teammate, it's over, I'm going to be pitted by him..."

Fanfeng Knight, Ignition Sword Saint and others cheerfully gave Zhen Deqiang suggestions.

"Obviously, Zhen Deqiang does not control good luck!"

"You should call the president's name, this thing is metaphysics, you can't accept it!"

"Look at me, I will show you a demonstration!"

"Brother, hold back the fairy mode first before playing, don't be impulsive, take your time..."

Fanfeng knight and others also turned clockwise around, chanting various "spells", teaching many players who watched the excitement were confused.

How can outsiders understand [metaphysics ceremony]?

[Metaphysics Ceremony] The probability of successfully triggering the "Heaven Chosen State" has increased to 50%. Fanfeng Knight and others have triggered them one after another. The word "Heaven Chosen" appeared on their heads, and many players who watched the excitement screamed Surprised.

Zhen Deqiang finally triggered the "Heaven Chosen State" after performing the [Metaphysics Ceremony] for the fifth time, but unfortunately he failed to trigger the [Fairy Mode] at the same time.

"Wait! I still need to warm up!"

Zhen Deqiang decided that he couldn't hold back the [Fairy Mode], so he would definitely not fight against Bossan Kuroki, so he needed to wait until the current "Heaven Chosen State" was over before performing [Metaphysics Ceremony] again.

In fact, since learning of the [Fairy Mode], Zhen Deqiang and others have not successfully triggered the [Fairy Mode]. This [Fairy Mode] only has a 30% chance of obtaining the "Choice of Heaven" status. When calculated, the total probability is 15 %.

Fortunately, after the seventh performance of [Metaphysics Ceremony], Zhen Deqiang's body flashed with golden light, and a round of magic rings appeared behind him, with a golden dot on the center of his eyebrows. On top of his head, in addition to the word "Tian Xuan", finally appeared "the fairy" The four words "mode".

"Ding, the system prompts, you have successfully opened the fairy mode!"

"Ding, your attributes are increased by 30%!"

"Ding, your skill [Dark Destruction Sword] has been enhanced. In the fairy mode, your right hand can change to the state of the fairy sword. The fairy sword will have an attack power that surpasses the ordinary Dark Destruction Sword. UU Reading is invincible and possesses Extremely high critical strike chance and critical strike damage, which can inspire sword energy, and have special effects such as purification, armor piercing, cutting, penetration, locking, darkening, and beheading. Please explore the details by yourself!"

"Finally opened the fairy mode!"

Zhen Deqiang was very excited. With a move of his heart, his right hand turned into a long sword with colorful radiance. The long sword screamed, and there was a fine black arc beating on the sword body.

"Baoshan Kuroki, come to fight!"

Zhen Deqiang was confident this time, and decisively launched [Zhen Deqiang Heavy Strike], rushing straight towards the Blackwood of Boss Mountain, and the long sword in his right hand lightly stroked, inspiring a long-range sword energy.

"It's so fast! Just come!"

Bakushan Heimu was slightly surprised, and somewhat panicked, but as soon as he came up, he was struck in his right arm by Zhen Deqiang's sword energy.

"Critical strike! Sunder armor!"


The damage number emerged from the top of Bakushan Kuroki's head, and his health bar was directly reduced by nearly one-half.

"Huh? How could it be possible, what skill has such a high damage?"

Bakushan Kuroki quickly stepped back and his life was not low, close to 40,000, but he was cut off so much at once!

Zhen De felt strong and excited. This was just an ordinary attack he launched with the immortal sword with his right hand. It was still a sword aura hit, not a direct hit by the Dark Devil Immortal sword, and he could actually deal such a high amount of damage!

With a damage value of more than 18,000, this sword can kill most ordinary players in seconds.

"If I hit a critical strike again, how much damage can I do?"

Zhen Deqiang immediately realized the power of the [Fairy Mode], letting him explode the mountain black wood's divine power, as long as he can attack him twice, even if only the sword energy is swept away, he will win.

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