My Chaos City

Chapter 840: Corpse chaser, coffin carrier

Li Hanqiang came to Yulian's "Research Institute" and called the Sixteen Prince. After a little observation, the Sixteenth Prince confirmed that Ye General had opened up the immortal divinity.

"The power of the gui axe is magical. It breaks with a single axe, but does not hurt the origin of life. The level of this power is not under the power of the divine. This person has opened the immortal divine nature, the body is immortal, and can automatically repair, but It will be divided by the power of the cinnamon axe."

The sixteenth prince looked serious, and said: "In this way, this person is two-in-one, which is rare."

Li Hanqiang knows too much about the effect of the immortal divinity, and an idea suddenly popped up in his mind: "If you have the immortal divinity, and then use the cinnamon ax to retain a part of the body, wouldn't it be equivalent to immortality? This Is it a bug? And this ordinary Ye, if his upper body is beaten away, will it grow out of the lower body? Isn't this equivalent to binding the resurrection point to my Lingxiao City?"

At this moment, the sixteenth prince handed over to Li Hanqiang again: "Sir, can you let me study the axe? If I didn't expect it to be wrong, this axe must be a great fairy treasure."

"It's easy to talk, and I will take you to the Moon Palace until the evening."

Li Hanqiang suddenly moved in his heart and asked the question he wanted to ask the Sixteen Prince for a long time: "Prince Sixteen, I wonder if you have ever heard of the Star Soul of the Moon, the Star Soul of the Sun, the Blood of the Great Meng, and the secret treasure props, star banners. "

What he mentioned was exactly what was needed to open the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, and now the Lunar Star Soul was in place, and the other three items really made Li Hanqiang clueless.

"Lunar Star Soul, Sun Star Soul, and the Blood of the Great Mengmeng?" The sixteenth prince frowned and shook his head. "Xuan Che has never heard of these three things, but...but the secret treasure props star banners seem to be in the treasure house of the Xuanlong Empire On one side, I’m not sure if the star banner in the treasure house is the same thing as what the husband said. That star banner is quite mysterious. The banner is spread out like a starry sky. The material is unknown, water and fire will not invade, and will not be damaged. It’s bad, it’s been passed down for a long time, and no one in the Xuanlong Empire can use it. Ashamed, apart from the star banners in the Xuanlong Empire’s treasury, there is not much wealth at all. There are almost no items of invaluable value. The Xuanlong Empire, too Poor!"

"It is estimated that the Eight Achievement is the star banner." Li Hanqiang couldn't help sighing. The star banner was actually in the treasury of the Xuanlong Empire, and the difficulty of obtaining it can be imagined.

"Prince Sixteen, if I want that star banner, what can I do? Can I change lines with gold ingots, silver ingots, night pearls, etc.?"

"This..." After hearing the words, the sixteenth prince pondered for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Cheng Meng did not give up and took in Xuan Che. He taught me to live freely in Lingxiao City, but Xuan Che knew that he was just a fallen prince. , And my brothers, one by one, can’t wait to drive me out of the Xuanlong Empire. It’s true that Xuan Che’s foundation in the Xuanlong Empire is weak, not to mention that compared with my elder brothers, even many civil servants and generals are actually better than I have more real power, but... if your husband can provide massive amounts of gold and silver treasures, Ye Mingzhu, etc., to allow Xuan Che to bring them to the Xuanlong Empire to clear the relationship, then Xuan Che is willing to take the risk of returning to China, even if he loses his life. I will definitely bring back the star banners for Mr.

"That won't work, how can I let you take risks?" Li Hanqiang shook his head deliberately.

The sixteen prince hurriedly said again: "Actually, it is not considered an adventure. I am also the prince of the Xuanlong Empire after all. If my sir allows me ten boxes of gold ingots, ten boxes of silver ingots, and ten boxes of night pearls, I will be sure to retire. Take back the star flags... is it too much, then eight boxes each? Or six boxes each will do!"

Li Hanqiang heard the words and said: "Prince Sixteen is willing to take risks for me! In this way, I will let Jack Bodhisattva, Irene Heavenly Official, and Turtle Spirit prepare gold and silver treasures for you, not to mention ten boxes, twenty boxes are all. No problem, what manpower do you need, I will arrange it for you!"

He knows the sixteen princes, don't look at the impassionedness he said, it is not difficult to get the star flags, he just wants to make some profit by the way.

Of course Li Hanqiang will not break this point. Items such as gold ingots, silver ingots, and night pearls are not much different from **** in his eyes. If you can really exchange gold ingots, silver ingots, and night pearls for star banners, then you can Make a big profit.

The sixteen prince couldn't help showing joy, and said: "If possible, my husband will send chief officer Huang San and Rumen Xiaoxian Luhe to assist me. I can take Luhe's red building painted boat back to the Xuanlong Empire."

"no problem!"

Li Hanqiang immediately set about making arrangements. It is rare that Prince Sixteen wanted to return to China. Although his real purpose was to fish for oil and water under the guise, it was also a good opportunity.

You must know that the Xuanlong Empire is not something anyone can go to. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a super secret realm. So many players from the Xuanlong Empire can enter the territory of the Xuanlong Empire, really few.

Li Hanqiang not only sent Huang San and Lu He, but also Zhao Bangde. Their task was to try their best to win over the senior NPCs of the Xuanlong Empire.

After some busy work, the 45th wave of monster siege is over.

This wave of monster siege is also considered to last a long time, and the harvest is not cheap. The siege monsters drop a lot of loot, among which there are five space gems and seven chaos gems!

Unfortunately, there are no special items worth mentioning.

Li Hanqiang counted the spoils for a while, then started the 46th wave of monster siege, and then went to receive the defense rewards.

Before receiving the reward for defending the city, it was unavoidable that there was another metaphysical ceremony. In the end, Li Hanqiang received another [Order of One Hundred Thousand People].

Using it, one hundred thousand people came to the refugee camp. Among them, there were a lot of mountain movers, goblin tinkers and drum warriors. In addition, there were eight special people that Li Hanqiang had never seen before. , Among them, four are named "corpse" and four are named "coffin carrier".

The four corpse chasers are holding copper bells and thick cotton robes. They can chase the corpses, whether it is the corpse of a wild monster or a humanoid NPC, as long as they fall into their hands, they can be enslaved for a short time. , Drive forward.

Carriers are good at carrying coffins. They have dark skin and wear black clothes. They can also make various types of coffins.

At first, Li Hanqiang felt that the corpse chaser and the coffin lifter were useless, but soon, when he discovered that the body of the siege monster that had died, it would quickly turn into a white light dissipated. If the light disappears, but can be driven away by the corpse-shoveler, there are different opinions.

The corpse of a siege monster is also a kind of resource. At least it can be sent to the demon mountain cave mansion for alchemy. Nowadays, BOSS-level siege monsters are very common. Not to mention medium BOSS, there are also high-class BOSS, and even super BOSS may appear. , If you use the corpse of the siege monster to alchemy pills, not to mention the third-ranked gold pills, you can get it out of the fourth-ranked and fifth-ranked ones, and you don't need to take the alien monster alchemy pills.

Li Hanqiang immediately arranged for the corpse chaser to collect the corpses on both sides of the war corridor.

As for the four coffin bearers, they were selected by the sixteen princes and collected them as personal guards.

Perhaps the sixteenth prince valued the ability of these four coffin bearers to make coffins, and estimated that this would help him bury his treasure.

It is worth mentioning that Lu He has already made a suona musical instrument for the sixteen princes. The sixteenth prince pinned it to his waist. This simple-dressed prince occasionally raised the suona and played a tune.

"Proficient in tunnel warfare, capable of burying people in pits, and blowing suona, and four black men who carried coffins were collected. The Sixteen Princes are really amazing."

At this moment, Li Hanqiang imagined that the sixteenth prince blew the suona, and four coffin lifters jumped out, put the people directly into the coffin, and then buried them in the coffin, which was very interesting.

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