My Chaos City

Chapter 850: Stonehenge Air Defense System

After a short while, the 47th wave of monster siege was over, and Li Hanqiang went to receive the defense reward,

"Ding, congratulations on successfully receiving the siege rewards for the 47th wave of monster siege. You have won the [Stonehenge·Air Defense Technology Scroll]. The item is evaluated as rare. Congratulations!"

"Technology scroll?" Li Hanqiang already had a golden scroll in his hand at this moment, and he quickly unfolded it to view it.


Stonehenge·Air Defense Technology Scroll: Special items, technology scroll, dedicated to the Lord of Chaos. After use, turn on the Stonehenge air defense technology to build a Stonehenge air defense system to protect an area.

Stonehenge air defense system introduction: a complete stonehenge air defense system consists of eight 1200mm hybrid guns forming a disc-shaped air defense array with an air defense radius of 5,000 meters, which can effectively intercept high-altitude strikes and destroy enemy airships and war machinery Wait for the flying unit.

The Stonehenge air defense system can be arranged in stacks, and the stacking of multiple Stonehenge air defense systems can enhance the air defense capabilities.

Introduction of hybrid gun: The hybrid gun has powerful attack power and accurate self-tracking and locking strike capability. It is also equipped with lifting device, radar device, anti-stealth device, anti-interference device, automatic repair device, huge body, a set of eight Hybrid guns can form a 360-degree high-altitude defensive network with no dead ends. Hybrid guns can replenish energy by themselves. They are usually camouflaged with boulders. When they detect high-altitude strikes, they reveal the gun body and conduct autonomous attacks.

Please note that hybrid guns cannot attack ground units.

Hybrid gun production materials: Chaos gems × 1, iron ore × 999, silver ore × 999, copper ore × 999, spar ore × 999...

Description: The Stonehenge air defense system can be built in any location, including sub-bases, temporary garrison areas, etc. The hybrid gun can also be dismantled, carried, and transferred.


"The Stonehenge air defense system seems to be pretty good. If it is set up, you don't have to be afraid of others using rocket launch towers and other long-range attacks to make surprise attacks!"

Li Hanqiang suddenly had many ideas in his mind. He felt that the Stonehenge air defense system should not only be deployed in Lingxiao City, but also in places such as Demon Mountain Cave House, Bibo Lake, Kunwu Mountain, East Factory, West Factory, Dragon City, Wolong City, etc. set.

In this way, if fish monsters attacked in a situation similar to the original nation-building mission, these void islands will also have certain air defense capabilities.

The Stonehenge air defense system can also be superimposed. As long as the resources are sufficient, a few more sets will naturally superimpose the defensive firepower.

The sub-base also has the need to deploy the Stonehenge air defense system, combined with the Taiyi Xuanguang Cannon, greatly improving the defense capabilities.

In addition, the Stonehenge air defense system can also be transferred and deployed, and it can be used in future if it is to lead troops to fight, to set up camps outside, or to seize territory.

Li Hanqiang quickly summoned [Chaos City Lord Li Hanqiang], Jack Bodhisattva, and Lord Badas, and asked them to study the manufacture of hybrid guns for the Stonehenge air defense system, and arrange them in Lingxiao City and the Void Islands as soon as possible.

Chaos gems are the most precious among the materials used in the production of hybrid guns. One gun needs to consume one. Fortunately, there are still Chaos gems accumulated in Li Hanqiang's hands. It is not a problem to make 20 or 30 temporarily.

Li Hanqiang thought for a while. He was not in a hurry to continue the 48th wave of monster siege, only to give Badas a holiday to the grandmaster of Yipin Town, let him rest, and he went to the war corridor and took it out from the looting copy. Obtained [Construction drawings of the Holy Light Tower], [Construction drawings of the Purification Tower], [Construction drawings of the Retribution Tower] and [Silver Knight Statue].

The first level [Holy Light Tower] can launch the Holy Light Bullet, which has a small range of splash damage effect, and its power is similar to the first level [Basic Arrow Tower] and [Basic Turret], which can be regarded as both An intermediate defense tower with basic defense tower characteristics.

[Purification Tower] It can stimulate the light of evolution, purify the gain status of the enemy target, and have a stronger damage effect on the summoned unit. It is a kind of "specialty" defense tower, but the basic attack power is a bit poor.

[Tower of Punishment] is a single attack defensive tower with relatively high attack power, which can stimulate disciplinary lightning. It has a small chance of causing disciplinary effects when attacking the target. The disciplinary effects include reduced movement speed, reduced attack power, weakened defense, etc. wait wait wait.

[Holy Light Tower], [Purification Tower] and [Tower of Retribution] are actually only general defense towers, except for the "Holy Light Bullet", "Light of Purification" and "Lightning of Punishment" which have dazzling sound and light effects In addition, there is no outstanding ability. In addition, they are all low-level towers. Li Hanqiang feels that there is no need to build them.

Instead, you can use them as materials for [Tower Transformation], and when you have more drawings, you can perform single-tower mutation or multi-tower synthesis.

The [Silver Knight Statue] is a bit extraordinary, this is a rare defensive tower that can grow up to level 9!

Li Hanqiang placed this [silver knight statue] on a chaotic slab on the edge of the war corridor and said it was a "silver knight". After it was formed, it had no horses at all, just a silver armor with a mask and helmet. , With his wings folded behind him, holding the hilt of the huge sword in both hands, the silver statue with the huge sword pierced in front of him is no more than ten feet tall, but it is also affected by many city defense technologies. The statue is covered with a layer of turbid sun. .


Silver Knight: Special defense tower can grow

Level: Level 1

Kills: 0/100

Durability: 10000+20,000+1000

Attack power: 10+1.2

City A: 10+100

Attack range: melee

Attack speed: once every three seconds

Skill; [Critical Strike], there is a 10% chance to trigger a double attack when attacking the target.

Upgrade condition: The number of kills reaches 100.

Note: After the Silver Knight is upgraded, the skills will be enhanced and new abilities will be awakened. UU Reading Silver Knight can be upgraded to a nine-level defensive tower. Players are asked to explore by themselves.


Looking at the attribute data alone, Li Hanqiang would like to call this level [Silver Knight] the weakest defensive tower, with an attack power of only 10 points, and a melee attack. The attack speed is so slow. The effect of the [Critical Strike] is also a kick. Even the first-level 【base tower】is much stronger than this 【Silver Knight】.

Especially the melee attack, this is a flaw.

Fortunately, the Silver Knight is easy to upgrade, as long as you kill 100 enemies, you can generate a second level!

Coupled with the appearance of the silver statue of [Silver Knight], Li Hanqiang was looking forward to it.

"Let this silver knight upgrade first, even if it is not capable, it should be good for the material of the tower!"

Li Hanqiang decided that the next wave of monster siege would be the number of kills for this [Silver Knight].

However, with the current strength of the siege monster, even if the Badas control tower is skilled, it is not easy to kill the number of enemies for this [Silver Knight].

After all, it only has ten points of attack power. It is a melee attack. It takes only three seconds to cut a sword. It is definitely technical work to make a knife and take a head.

"Would you like me to find an Auntie of the Hanging City Lord to use a low-level monster to specifically level up the Silver Knight?"

Li Hanqiang had an idea. If it is to fight low-level mobs, the Silver Knight will be upgraded much faster. He thinks this method is good. Through the ability of Tianditang, he can use [Silver Knight] as a dowry or dowry and easily send it to the Hanging City Lord In Aunt's Chaos City, if you have completed your level, you can easily ask for it back through Heaven and Earth Hall.

Li Hanqiang was boring anyway, so he wanted to try it out immediately, so he contacted the head of the aunt, the thief, and asked him to make arrangements.

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