My Chaos City

Chapter 865: Cave of Heaven: Purple Bamboo Forest

Early the next morning, the City of Glory passed through the Gate of the Sea of ​​Clouds and embarked on its way to the Eternal Island.

Fanfeng Knight, Fire Sword Saint, and Zhen Deqiang who returned after completing the card game are all in the City of Glory.

Commander-in-chief of the three armies Xiang Mang, as well as the crocodile Taibao, the Jiao Taishi, the white bear commander Baiyi, the black dolphin commander Shunyu, 50 Templar gem knights, ten war drum warriors, twelve modified crocodile airships, and a large number of The white bear Yicong and the black pig Yicong stationed in the City of Glory.

This is another force sent by Li Hanqiang to the Eternal Island.

After dispatching the main players of High Peak City and dispatching the three major airships, the Golden Sword and Jade Boat, the Sphinx, and the City of Glory, Li Hanqiang felt that he had sent a lot of troops to the Eternal Island. If there was any battle, he should not suffer.

There are 9 seven-level [Infinite Sword Towers] in the City of Glory, and the defense is definitely strong enough.

Lingbo, the guardian spirit, also guards the City of Glory. She has a good combat power. If she is attached to Xiang Mang, it can increase Xiang Mang by one hundred levels. Therefore, Li Hanqiang does not worry about Xiang Mang's safety.

In fact, Xiang Mang was a war madman. He felt uncomfortable if he didn't fight and couldn't stay at home. He actively asked to go out to fight.

However, Erhei, Fatty White, Chief Officer Angelina, and 66 NPCs from the Jewel Temple did not follow Xiang Mang this time. They did not have such a strong desire to fight as Xiang Mang.

After sending away the City of Glory, Li Hanqiang immediately used the five-color warship, and he sent the Nanwu Gatling Bodhisattva to the Mire Monster Lair.

The Bodhisattva also needs to practice. Although his level has been upgraded to 90, which is considered to have reached the stage full level, the defense tower level is still 8. Fortunately, he has accumulated a lot of merit points. It should be easy to upgrade to a nine-level defense tower. .

The quagmire monster nest is a very good place for spawning monsters. The Bodhisattva can earn about 3 million merit points a day here. Li Hanqiang not only hopes that the Nanwu Gatlin Bodhisattva will become a nine-level defensive tower here, but also that he will accumulate 10 million merit points. Value, exchange for a "Da Ri Tathagata Nuclear Warhead" from the Elysium Armory.

The world-destroying nuclear bombs are now alive, and you don't have nuclear weapons in your hands. How insecure?

The Eternal Island is not the end of the five-color warship. Li Hanqiang drove it and entered a space-time wormhole after a short while.

"Ding, you have come to a barren land, please be careful of the dark creatures here!"

Li Hanqiang looked around, the sky was gray and all directions were barren. There were many ravines on the ground. The land was severely deserted. You could also see scattered withered grass swaying in the wind.

This [Desolate Land] Li Hanqiang once came, and that was when he came to the Eye of the Storm. It was very close to the original Crocodile Island and the Lair of the Iron Raven Pirates, but only from the Giant Crocodile Island and the Iron Raven Pirates. The Lao Lai has now been devastated, and the time and space wormholes appear dim.

Li Hanqiang came here this time, of course it came to misfortune.

Not long after, Lord Ling and Kunwu Mountain Five Fatty got off the five-color warship.

Li Hanqiang decided to let Master Ling hunt here, hunt down the guardian beasts of the region, and collect spirit vein jade.

Spirit vein jade is very important to Demon Mountain Cave Mansion. It can increase the aura index of Demon Mountain Cave Mansion. Aura index is not only one of the keys to increase the level of Demon Mountain Cave Mansion. At the same time, it is also necessary to open the demon cave in Demon Mountain Cave Mansion.

Of course, if Master Ling's hunting in this barren land can go smoothly, then the ecological environment, resources and minerals of the barren land will definitely suffer severe damage, and its final result is estimated to be similar to the old nest of the Giant Crocodile Island and the Iron Raven Pirate Group.

Li Hanqiang has no scruples about this. In such a bad environment, what can he do with it?

When Li Hanqiang drove the City of Glory to the Eye of the Storm, he also found [Alpha Forest], [Frost Forest], [Wanderer Bar], [Ice Wheel City] and other places along the way. The space-time wormholes in these places are close to Lingxiao City. Among them, the natural landscape is pretty good, and there are also NPCs that settle down. If it is destroyed by Lord Ling, it would be a pity. You can wait for Zhao Bangde to come back and let him visit and recruit talents for the Dragon Slaying Empire.

Soon, Lord Ling and the others started their action, and Li Hanqiang did not rush to leave. In order to kill the guardian beasts of the region faster, Li Hanqiang did not hesitate to use Chaos Gems.

In addition, in this barren land, Li Hanqiang also unscrupulously released the little spirit devouring beast, allowing it to devour spiritual thoughts.

Half a day later, Master Ling's destruction flames began to spread in the barren land, and his hunting actions were on the right track, and Li Hanqiang used the teleportation compass to return to Lingxiao City.

On the five-colored warship, there are also two unemployed righteous chiefs, as well as some royal goblins and bandits of Thieves. They will be responsible for guarding the five-colored warship and collecting supplies.

When Li Hanqiang returned to Lingxiao City, Wakkan II was still intensively transforming the HYDRA cannon. He had installed 800 dragon engines on the HYDRA cannon, but the fake version [Scourge Executive Officer 】Even a prototype has not been revealed yet.

Li Hanqiang encouraged Wakkan II, and then went to receive the 49th wave of monster siege rewards.

"Ding, congratulations on your successful collection of the 49th wave of monster siege defensive rewards. You have obtained the [Building Blueprint of Zizhu Forest]. The item is evaluated as rare, congratulations!"


The construction drawings of the purple bamboo forest: special items, dedicated to the Lord of Chaos, after use, you can build a purple bamboo forest in a designated place.

The purple bamboo forest is set as a special building, which belongs to the practice dojo and the cave world. Each purple bamboo has the characteristics of a building, which can grow automatically, regenerate after damage, etc.

Explanation 1: Zizhu Forest can become the player's training dojo. After becoming the player's training dojo, the player can summon the Zizhu Forest to come anytime and anywhere.

Note 2: Players in the Zizhulin Dojo can quickly recover their status, and their skills are more powerful, and they can control the bamboo Please explore by yourself for details!


"Another blessed land? Or a practice dojo? Is this purple bamboo forest okay?"

Li Hanqiang was overjoyed, he felt that the Zizhu Forest should not be worse.

"God gave me a training dojo!"

Li Hanqiang hurriedly took the [Zizhulin construction drawings] to find the construction site.

But I looked around, but didn't find a suitable place, but came to the "big snow mountain".

Daxueshan is a void airship.

Before Li Hanqiang brought back 33 frozen NPCs from the Aofeng realm. Later, after being rescued, 23 of them with no personality settings were killed on the spot, and the King of Jewels also occupied the body of "Pirate Captain Edward".

The remaining 10 NPCs have personality settings. They have now joined the Dragon Slaying Empire. Some settled in Dragon Slaying Village, and some settled in Jianglong Village. At that time, they presented some items, including [Mystery Skeleton Route map of the island], [building drawings of Daxueshan], etc.

The "Big Snow Mountain" that Li Hanqiang was standing at the moment was derived from the [Building Drawings of Big Snow Mountain]. It was a special void airship and had no combat effectiveness. It was just a floating snow mountain. It had deep snow, no humans, but large enough.

"I wonder if the Zizhu Forest can be built here?"

Li Hanqiang unfolded the [Construction Drawings of Zizhu Forest], and a piece of light suddenly appeared out of thin air, so around Li Hanqiang, one by one, tall and straight bamboos grew out, and soon stretched into bamboo forests, occupying the top of the snow mountain. .

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations on the construction of Zizhu Forest, the current Zizhu Forest level is LV1!"

"Ding, the great Dragon Slayer, you have the Zizhu Forest in the dojo!"

"Ding, the great Dragon Slayer, you have the ability to summon the Zizhu Forest Dojo!"

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