My Chaos City

Chapter 873: Scourge Executive

[You absolutely can't think of it] I didn't think of any suitable trading items, and the first call with Li Hanqiang ended in such an uncharacteristic way.

So Li Hanqiang hung up in the purple bamboo forest of the lunar star until the next morning.

Although [walking in the air] has been divided by the good corpse, as long as the good corpse is possessed, Li Hanqiang can still use the "secret method of somersault and advance" and "secret method of shrinking the ground into an inch".

So his somersault training and treadmill walking training continue, which has almost become a habit.

Li Hanqiang also did not give up on clay sculpture and sculpture. After training, he would make a clay figure or make a small sculpture, which is to cultivate artistic quality.

But that hypnotism... Li Hanqiang gave up, the more he learned from the Moon God, the less he was interested in hypnotism.

This hypnotism seems to be magical, but to achieve a magical effect, it is inseparable from the aid of props and drugs, and the technical content of this hypnotism is too high, and there will be no results without much effort.

After going online, Li Hanqiang heard a long bell.

It was the sound of the golden bell on the gold and silver platform. When the bell rang, something must have happened.

Li Hanqiang didn't worry, and leisurely put away the life lotus around him.

After hanging up the phone, Li Hanqiang has already stored many lotus flowers around him, some falling on the ground, some floating in the air, all around Li Hanqiang.

Li Hanqiang is sitting on top of the tenth-grade life lotus, with silver hair, fluttering fairy clothes, surrounded by blossoming green lotus, and matched with the environment of the purple bamboo forest. If he were not wearing the gilded [Black Dolphin Crown] and [Lucky Revolver] ], it's quite a fairy.

After nearly ten minutes, Li Hanqiang put away all the lotus of life, then took out the teleportation compass and directly transmitted it to the Lingxiao City Square.

As soon as he came here, Li Hanqiang understood why the golden bell rang just now.

The Plaza of Lingxiao City is very lively. Chief officials such as Jack Bodhisattva, Lord Badas, Priest, and Li Kouhe are all here, and a large number of demon mountain little monsters and royal goblins also gather here.

It turned out that Wakkan II finally completed the transformation of [Hydra Cannon], making it a fake version of [Scourge Executive].

This fake version of [Scourge Executor] is much larger than [Hydra Cannon]. It is 20 meters high and looks like a huge tracked tank. The whole body is pitch black, glowing with metallic luster, and has one door. Very exaggerated main gun and eight secondary guns, the square deck is covered with spikes, and it feels very solid at first glance.

In this way, it is estimated that the tank can directly knock down the city gate or the city wall without firing a gun.


Scourge Executive (pseudo): super tank, ground fighting vehicle

Overall durability: 50 million

City A: 99

Natural disaster energy: 50 million

The fastest moving speed: 240 kilometers per hour

Number of troops: 0/100

Main gun: [Scourge main gun], a total of one, with a range of 100 kilometers, and a cooling time of 1 hour.

Consuming 10 million natural disaster energy, it can activate the natural disaster main gun to launch a powerful attack, causing powerful physical damage on a large scale, and induce natural disaster events such as tsunamis, earthquakes, collapses, and volcanic eruptions according to the specific environment.

The artillery of natural disasters is a non-locking attack and requires manual aiming. The main artillery of natural disasters can adjust the direction of the shelling in 360 degrees, and the muzzle height can be adjusted from minus 30 degrees to plus 30 degrees.

Secondary artillery: [Skyfire Meteor], a total of eight, with a range of 10 kilometers, independent cooling, cooling time of 10 minutes.

Consuming 10,000 natural disaster energy, it can activate the skyfire meteor sub-cannon to launch skyfire meteor bombardment, causing powerful area damage.

The secondary gun can be airborne!

Explanation 1: The natural disaster executive (pseudo) has the ability to transform and can be changed into the form of a Hydra, with the durability and city armor unchanged.

The Hydra form has strong melee combat ability, but its movement speed is slower, can adapt to the swamp terrain, and is in the submarine form, which can support underwater combat.

The Disaster Executor (pseudo) transforms into a Hydra form and can use the Hydra Cannon to attack.

Explanation 2: The natural disaster executive (pseudo) installed 2000 dragon engines, with extraordinary power, which can naturally restore 2 million natural disaster energy and equivalent durability per hour.

Explanation 3: The natural disaster executor has the capability of a troop carrier, which can carry a hundred units of conventional size. It needs a goblin pilot, and the main gun and skyfire meteor secondary gun also need at least one goblin gunner to control.

Explanation 4: The Scourge Executor has heavy armor and powerful collision capabilities, which can trigger special effects such as crushing, crushing, and smashing against the collision target.


"This natural disaster executive is really powerful, but the action is a bit troublesome. If you use it to attack the city and sweep the land, it is estimated that a five-color warship will be needed... a range of 100 kilometers. If this is shot correctly, it should be easy to destroy the city, really. I want to test its power now."

Looking at the huge natural disaster executive, Li Hanqiang had many thoughts in his mind.

The natural disaster executive also needs a pilot and a gunner, UU reading www. is readily available. Jack Bodhisattva, royal goblins, and members of the royal guard of honor of the goblin are all competent, and these goblins are very excited at the moment, and they treat the natural disaster executives as the goblins' artifacts. Regardless, Jack Bodhisattva has already begun to select pilots and gunners.

Judging from its appearance, it seems that Jack himself wants to be the driver of the natural disaster executive.

Wakkan II was relieved at the moment, and when he was gone, he was boarding a raiding airship with his goblin tinker.

"Vakan, what are you doing?"

Li Hanqiang caught up with Wakkan II and praised the great hero.

Wakkan II is a workaholic. A fake version of [Scourge Executive] has just been created here, but he is thinking about the transformation of the "Snakehead Chariot".

The "snake head" is the head of the Snow Fiend Demon. Only this head is even larger than the fake version of [Scourge Executor]. Its ability is also extremely powerful, and it can sigh ice crystals.

"There are 1652 dragon engines left, and Wakan wants to install it on the Snakehead." Wakan II said seriously, "Vakan will definitely be able to build the Snakehead."

Li Hanqiang said: "Then you have to be more careful, after all, that snake head is alive!"

"Well, Wakkan will pay attention."

So Wakkan II left, Li Hanqiang also left, but he went to the Leifeng Pagoda in Yunluo Mountain, and found that Leifeng Pagoda had stripped an [Indestructible Divine Gem] from Snow Demon’s snake body. .

Li Hanqiang put away this divine gem, but couldn't help thinking about it: "If Leifeng Pagoda strips off all the powers of the Snow Fiend, what will happen to its snake head? Can I still sigh the ice crystal? Snakeheads are not so powerful anymore. It seems that the Snakehead chariots are time-effective and must be manufactured as soon as possible and used as soon as possible. It will be cold when it is late."

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