My Chaos City

Chapter 875: Spiritual fluctuation

Li Hanqiang first selects a [dark tentacles] to test the mutation of a single tower.

"Ding, the tower change failed!"

Unexpectedly, Li Hanqiang's ninth-level [dark tentacles] in front of him actually triggered the [invincible] special effect that was supposed to be triggered only when the blood remained. With a ding sound, the entire tentacles were covered by golden light and shadow, like Was gilded in general.

[Tower Change] The talent failed because of this.

The [dark tentacles] are not damaged at all, and stand firm, with no variation at all.

"What's happening here?"

Li Hanqiang was taken aback, he had never encountered such a thing.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Hanqiang chose another [Dark Tentacle] to continue experimenting with the mutation of the single tower, which was also the case.

"Can this dark tentacles resist the tower's transformation?"

Li Hanqiang continued to test the third root unwillingly, and it is still the same. As long as the [Tower Transformation] is activated on [Dark Tentacle], it will directly open invincible, [Tower Transformation] must fail, and the chaotic energy will be lost for nothing.

"I wait for your invincibility to end, and see if you can resist the tower change."

The invincible state of [Dark Tentacle] can only be maintained for 30 seconds, and the cooling time is three minutes. Li Hanqiang next casts [Tower Transformation] on the invincible [Dark Tentacle] that has just been used before. This time, the [Dark Tentacle] really cannot Invincible was opened, but he fell to the ground softly and began to count down to revive, still not accepting the mutation.

"It seems that the dark tentacles are indeed special. It is estimated that Heta will not be successful..."

Li Hanqiang had a premonition in his heart, but he still tried the tower with [Dark Tentacle], but it didn't work. [Dark Tentacle] either opened invincible or resurrected by counting the seconds, and did not accept [Tower Change].

At this time, the jewel king who looked like a pirate captain hurried over. With a serious face and frowning, he handed over to Li Hanqiang: "Sir, I feel a wave of spiritual thoughts passing from these dark tentacles. "

"Spiritual fluctuating? What do you mean?" Li Hanqiang was taken aback.

The Gem King said: "Spiritual fluctuations are the thinking fluctuations of spiritual creatures. Guardian spirits, destroying spirits, and some special divine creatures all have spiritual fluctuations, and I can catch them!"

Li Hanqiang frowned and said, "Then what do you mean when you feel the fluctuations of the spiritual mind from the dark tentacles? Could it be that they can grow into guardian spirits?"

The Gem King nodded, then shook his head, and said, "These dark tentacles are extraordinary. Maybe they can grow into the guardian spirit, or maybe they are just part of the guardian spirit body, or they may be someone or someone. These divine creatures that existed in different time and space passed their spiritual thoughts through these dark tentacles."

"What?" Li Hanqiang's mind moved, "Can the dark tentacles grow into the guardian spirit? The guardian spirit of Lingxiao City?"

"Of course it can, but the possibility is very small. I prefer to believe that these dark tentacles are part of the spiritual body of the guardian of Lingxiao City in the future."

Li Hanqiang was silent upon hearing this.

There are four guardian spirits in the gem empire, all of which are extremely powerful. The guardian spirits such as Lingxiao City God were born through the abilities of the gem king. Compared with the gem king and the gem prince, there is a gap in ability.

Li Hanqiang has always been full of expectations for the guardian spirit of Lingxiao City. He felt that if his guardian spirit was born, it would be very powerful.

However, the birth of the guardian spirit is not easy. According to Master Ling, it takes more than ten or twenty years for the regional guardian beast to be born, and the birth of the guardian spirit must take longer.

The Dragon Slaying Empire, the current Lingxiao City, is far from being able to give birth to a guardian spirit.

"Could it be..."

Li Hanqiang suddenly remembered the spiritual mind crystal obtained when he killed the Spirit Eater.

Li Hanqiang directly used it when he got the spiritual mind crystal, but he didn't notice any changes. Could this spiritual mind crystal speed up the birth of the guardian spirit?

The more Li Hanqiang thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. The Spiritual Mind Crystal was dropped by the Spirit Devouring Beast. It was definitely a high-level item. After using it, it was impossible to have no effect. It was reasonable and reasonable to speed up the birth of the Guardian Spirit.

"If these dark tentacles are part of the body of the guardian spirit of Lingxiao City in the future, then it will be amazing. What will the guardian spirit of Lingxiao City in the future look like? Is it a huge tentacle monster?"

Li Hanqiang was even more looking forward to the fact that he couldn't take away the depression of [Dark Tentacle] [Tower Transformation]. He chatted with the Gem King for a while, and asked him to pay close attention to [Dark Tentacle], and immediately report any findings to him.

However, the [Dark Tentacle] cannot undergo tower changes, and Li Hanqiang then began to synthesize the second eleventh level [Infinite Sword Tower].

The second eleventh level [Infinite Sword Tower] must be combined, and it must be placed next to the tower of Lingxiao City, symmetrically placed with the first [Infinite Sword Tower].

Li Hanqiang has endured it for a long time.

The tower of Lingxiao City now only has the [Infinite Sword Tower] as a turret on one side, which is extremely asymmetrical. This seriously affects the overall beauty of Lingxiao City and can kill patients with OCD.

It's just that the eleventh level [Infinite Sword Tower] can't be synthesized if you want to synthesize it. Its synthesis cost is very high.

To synthesize an eleventh-level [Infinite Sword Tower], at least 8192 first-level [sword tower construction drawings] and 81920 chaotic energy points are required. This is calculated on the premise of 100% success in [Tower Transformation], UU Reading www.uukanshu In actual operation of .com, the cost is definitely higher, more than one million [58] gold coupons and one hundred thousand points of chaotic energy are also normal.

[The construction drawings of the sword tower] There is a large amount of inventory, or left over from the last time I used the tower, more than 30,000!

However, the chaotic energy is not enough. With the current situation of Lingxiao City, it can only be combined into one.

The synthesis of the eleventh level [Infinite Sword Tower] was quite cumbersome. It took Li Hanqiang more than half an hour to synthesize it. He set it as a turret as he wished and placed it on the side of the tower of Lingxiao City. In this way, it is harmonious and symmetrical. I feel much more comfortable when I get up.

"Two eleventh-level infinite sword towers are standing, who can break through my High Peak City?"

Li Hanqiang felt that the next 50th wave of monster siege was stable, and even defense towers such as [Plasma Spark Tower] and [Goblin Scream Tower] were not needed.

But Li Hanqiang will continue to consolidate the tower.

Now there are three nine-level [rocket launch towers] in Lingxiao City. Li Hanqiang bought a batch of three-level [rocket launch tower construction drawings]. After some operations, a ten-level [rocket launch tower] was finally synthesized.

The ten-stage [Rocket Launch Tower] is undoubtedly stronger than the nine-stage, but there are no new capabilities. The capabilities of long-range bombing, space shuttles, and transport spacecraft have been improved, and it has five-stage thrusters. It supports five consecutive lift-off flights, and each lift-off flight loses 20% durability.

In addition, the ten-level [Rocket Launch Tower] can also be used to travel to sub-bases and to cooperate with the route map.

In general, if there is a route map, it can be reached directly by using the space shuttle, and on-site positioning is no longer required.

However, for special locations, such as places like secrets, the route map will no longer work, and you still need to locate it on the spot. For specific places, you need to "explore by yourself".

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