My Chaos City

Chapter 882: Great Wall of Clouds

Latest website: Li Hanqiang didn't care about the Great Wall of Clouds, and ran to pick up the spoils immediately.

Jack Bodhisattva, Wakkan II, etc. organized personnel to go to the High Peak City Square to count the items dropped by the second siege boss Snuka.

Slippery Ghost is actually a very powerful BOSS. With seven forms and a total of 70 million health points, it is worthy of the title of Super BOSS. If it is replaced by other Chaos City, this blood volume can make people desperate.

Although the items it drops are far less than that of Snuka, they are obviously more high-quality.

After some tidying up, Li Hanqiang put away the four items happily.

The first item is a special weapon, universal for all professions. It looks like a single-soldier rocket launcher. The whole body is pitch black, named [Black Ball Gravity Gun].

[Black Ball Gravity Gun: Special weapon, universal for all professions. The fastest attack speed is once per second. After shooting, point the muzzle at ten meters to summon a gravity field from the sky. The gravity field covers a circular area with a radius of five meters. The acceleration of gravity is ten meters per second, and the power of the gravity field is equivalent to one million tons of heavy objects falling from an altitude of ten meters, which can cause an instantaneous impact and short-term suppression of the hostile target in the coverage area. 】

Li Hanqiang can also be equipped with this [Black Ball Gravity Gun], and put it on his back.

Of course, someone like Li Hanqiang who wanted to lay out his face naturally used a gold-plated scroll to plate the gravity gun in brilliant gold.

The power of this gravity gun should be good, but the range is too short, it can only attack targets 15 meters away from the muzzle, which is basically equivalent to a melee weapon.

However, the weight of one million tons is added instantly, and most people may not be able to bear it, and it may be directly smashed into slag.

Even if you can resist it, you will definitely be suppressed. Then with this gravity gun, you can easily set the target on the spot. If you can't kill it, you can shoot a few more shots.

The second item is [Split Divinity Gem], players can get the Split Divinity after using it.

The basic effect of Split Divinity is an instant clone, which turns into two or more. You can use this clone to instantly avoid locked damage. However, with the help of Split Divinity clone, blood volume, power, magic resistance, physical defense, etc. The clubs will also be divided equally, and only one of them is the real body. The clone can carry out spontaneous physical attacks, but cannot use the skills, and can only exist for a period of time. After the time limit, it will disappear and the attributes will return to the real body.

Strengthening the power of the split divinity can increase the upper limit of the number of splits and the ability of the clone, and even make the clone permanent.

This is a divine power that can be actively controlled, which is equivalent to a powerful skill.

The third item is [Sliding Scoop Divine Power Gem], which can be used to obtain the Slide Scoop Divinity.

Seeing the attribute information of this divine gem, Li Hanqiang also understood the sixth form of the ghost, that is, why the skeleton-faced ghost is so resistant.

Once possessing the divinity of the sliding scoop, you can evade and invalidate all observed or expected attacks. Even if you fail to evade, the attack is not neutralized, and it will recover quickly after being attacked.

But if you suffer unexpected damage, the damage will deepen.

This kind of divine power can also be regarded as distinctive, and has its own advantages with immortality, evolutionary divinity, forgetting divinity, etc. Once possessed, and this divine power is strong enough, it is almost invincible.

But it's miserable to be attacked.

Li Hanqiang remembered that the clam fairy suddenly appeared before, and a beam of glow cut off the skeleton face slippery ghost’s 2.2 million health points. I think it must be because the clam fairy’s attack was identified as a sneak attack. The skeleton face slipper ghost did not expect it. The effect after being deepened by damage.

This kind of divinity is a bit like a double-edged sword, Li Hanqiang can no longer use divine gems anyway, and he doesn't get entangled, so he temporarily put it away.

The fourth item is [Skill Book of Seven Transformations].

[Seven Transformations] is a very powerful and rare skill. After mastering it, you can possess seven forms to form seven deadly sins.

The seven forms require players to shape themselves, have independent levels, attributes, abilities, etc., can learn most of the common skills, of course, they also need to be leveled separately.

Each kind of transformation and death will also drop the level. The resurrection time is six hours. If all seven forms are killed within six hours, the player is determined to be completely dead, the punishment is doubled, and the resurrection time is also doubled.

In Li Hanqiang's view, this [Seven Transformation] can be called a miracle skill. Once learned, wouldn't it be equivalent to having seven numbers?

"This skill book is invaluable! If it is auctioned, it will definitely be sold at a sky-high price, and it will be a pity to get rich overnight..."

Li Hanqiang sighed, it is impossible for him to give to outsiders with such a strong skill, either for his own use or for sacrifice in the Weird Pool.

Not long after, the materials on the Plaza of Lingxiao City were also counted. There were many space gems and chaos gems, three skill enhancement gems, two skill mutation gems, and one technique gem.

In addition, there are a lot of rare materials.

It's a pity that there are no special items for Chaos City Lord.

Next, Li Hanqiang went to the city defense center to check the newly unlocked city defense building [Great Wall].

Soon Li Hanqiang discovered that the city defense mission chain had ended. The Great Wall was the ultimate city defense building, belonging to an empire-level fortification.

Under the influence of Qingming Yunhai, the Great Wall of Lingxiao City mutated into the Great Wall of Yunhai.


The Great Wall of Clouds: A large defensive building to resist foreign enemies, with clouds and fog as the wall, on which defense facilities such as artillery carts and forts can be arranged, which can effectively block foreign enemies.

Basic characteristics: twelve feet high and twelve feet wide, one gold coupon per meter.

Affiliated buildings: Beacon Tower, Observation Tower, Garrison Tower, the cost is 100 gold coupons.

Basic ability 1: [Cloudy City Wall], the Great Wall of Clouds is made of clouds and fog, immune to most physical and magical attacks, and can be adjusted at any time to achieve self-repair.

Basic ability two: [Tengyun to ride the fog], the Great Wall of Clouds is not only a defensive structure, but also a troop transport channel. All troops can ride the clouds and ride the fog on the Great Wall of Clouds. UU看书 realizes rapid deployment of troops.

Note: The construction of the Cloud Sea City Wall does not require any workers. The city owner can build and remodel it at will. Please explore the details yourself.


Li Hanqiang could not help scratching his head after seeing the attribute information of the Great Wall of Clouds.

Does Lingxiao City need the Great Wall of Clouds? It seems a bit tasteless.

The World of Clouds is not directly adjacent to the outside world, and there are no other forces in it. There is only one entrance to the Gate of Clouds. What is the significance of building the Great Wall of Clouds inside the Gate of Clouds?

But this Great Wall of Clouds has an advantage, that is, it can be built freely, which is equivalent to a building material, you can build and play by yourself.

"In the future, when you have free money, you can make something to play. It can also be used as a channel to connect the various void islands."

Li Hanqiang pondered for a while, then went to receive the defense reward for the fiftieth wave of monster siege.

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