Chapter 13

TL: Kanenashi
ED: GoldStarVFX

As I thought, the courtyard is comfortable. There were not many people here today, making it a calm space. It’s not a bad place to eat until it gets a little hotter. If it weren’t for these two, I would have come here…

So, why is Erika here?”

Sayuri who said that is laughing… but for some reason it gives me chills. I’m afraid and don’t want to let her in my sight.

“Ara, I’ve been trying to eat here with Etsuji-kun for a while now. I mean, why is Sayuri from a different class here?”

When I left the classroom with my lunch, Erika followed me as if it were a matter of course. It was so natural that I didn’t dare to mention it. No, I couldn’t have done that.

“I’m the one who invited him today! It doesn’t matter what class we’re in, we’re eating together!”

Sayuri’s smile quickly disappeared without a trace.

“Is that so? But this place is a place of our memories. It’s just me and Etsuji… just the two of us.”

So you’ve only been here once… No, since you’re saying this much, maybe you’ve been to this place a few times without me knowing? I’m thinking about the possibility of memory manipulation, and that might be a bit weird.

“There’s no such thing as a dedicated place! Who cares where you eat?”

Yes, it is as you say. So, why don’t we eat quickly?

I had already started eating, ignoring the two.

After that, they continued to argue about something that I couldn’t quite understand, but from the middle of it, I couldn’t get the content at all, and the exchange continued as if it was passing through me.

As I looked up at the sky, caught in the middle of this pointless exchange, I felt a sense of emptiness as I tried to force myself to relax, thinking that it was a beautiful day.

“Hey, hey! Are you listening to me? Etsuji?!”

Apparently I had gotten caught up in it while I was in a daze. “What do you think?” ,but I hadn’t heard anything about it, so I replied, “What do you mean?”


That was a mistake… I was afraid of what would happen if I tried to cover it up with this response, so I told her that I hadn’t heard it honestly. Not only Sayuri but also Erika stared at me, but I managed to get her to forgive me.

“Hey, weren’t you supposed to keep this to yourself?”

“We’ve already met my classmates, they’ll find out. Besides, I’ve gotten over the singing thing, so I don’t mind telling you now.”

That’s Erika. I can’t get over how she acts arbitrarily without regard to my thoughts or hardships.

I muttered cynically as much as I could in my mind.

“Hey, what are you talking about?”

“Ah, no, not much.”

“So, what is it?”

“I did go… but it was more like singing training.”

“It was a lot of fun.”

Why are you adding fuel to the fire? Last time we talked about hanging out, Sayuri didn’t like it when we both were hanging out together! Please don’t say anything…

After that, for some reason I was the one who complained, not Erika. She proceeded to eat her lunch without paying attention to me. I wonder if it’s okay for her to be so unreasonable.

No matter what I said, she wouldn’t listen to me, so I gave up and just accepted it.

After a while, my rage subsided and I resumed eating.

No one was talking anymore, so I tried to talk about something else.

“By the way, Sayuri, do you make your own lunch?”

“Yes, I do, although there are some leftovers from last night and some frozen foods.”

I looked at Sayuri’s lunch. It’s colourful and nutritious, and most importantly, it looks delicious.

If Sayuri were to make lunches for us, there would be a war for them and the school might collapse.

“No, no, I think it’s great. And it looks delicious.”

“Really?” Her expression brightened. At times like now she seems like a normal girl.

“Ah, especially that tamagoyaki, it’s so beautifully made and absolutely delicious.”

“Yes, it is! I made it this morning, and I thought it turned out well myself.”

“If it weren’t for the morning practice, I’d make it myself.”

Erika was quick to compete with her. It has always been the case that when Sayuri and I get involved, we become childish. I smiled because I knew we were good friends after all.

“Ah, is that so? It’s a shame we can’t see Erika’s homemade bento.”

What a monotone. I don’t think she looks sorry for Erika at all.

“By the way… Uh… if you want, you can eat it… the tamagoyaki…”

“Are you sure? Then I’ll take one.”

When Sayuri said she would give it to me, I decided to take it without hesitation. I made a space in my lunch box where I could put the tamagoyaki. However, the egg roll that Sayuri picked up with her chopsticks was brought to my mouth, not to my lunch box.

“H-here, Aaaah…”

“Eh? No, um…”

Is this okay? This is? We are close but as expected… This also happened before with Erika, I wonder if I’m being overly conscious? I get nervous no matter how much I’m with Sayuri though…

“What? You don’t want it? Or was it just flattery…?”

Sayuri’s face turned sad and there was no way I could not eat it.

“It’s not like that! I want it, I want it! I’ll take it!”

“Thank god… Here, Aaah…”

Ugh, c**p, I’m so nervous. The hurdle is too high for a plain guy like me! Clear mind. Let go of your evil thoughts!

Namu Amidabutsu Namu Amidabutsu…. (TL note: Heart sutra)


“Ara?! It’s surprisingly good!”

It was Erika who took a bite of the Tamagoyaki.

“WAIT! What are you doing?!”

“I’m sorry. I suddenly wanted to try it too.”

“I’m sorry. Etsuji-kun.” She apologised to me as well, but I couldn’t feel any remorse… It was the same with the bread, did she have such a gluttonous character?

As for me, I feel like I got saved, but I also feel like I’ve lost something

“Aah mou! What’s wrong with you? You’re always getting in my way!”

“What do you mean by interfering? Do you have any evil thoughts?”

“I-It’s nothing like that! I just gave it to him because he wanted to eat it!”

“Then isn’t it okay? Etsuji-kun said it was okay, too. Right?”

Here we go again… Don’t drag me into this please…

“If you need more, I’ll share mine. Here, Aaaah.”

“What are you trying to do?!”

“Aah I’m so full! If you guys don’t eat soon we’ll run out of time you know.”

In the end, the two of them continued their conversation until the end of the lunch break. I wondered how long they would talk if there was no time limit.

They went back to their respective classrooms, leaving each other frustrated. I decided to stop by the restroom this time as well.

As we parted, Sayuri said, “Sunday, shopping.” again with a wrinkle between her eyebrows and left a cryptic message.

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