Chapter 3

As expected, arguing like that would be a nuisance for other people, so we decided to change places. The seniors took me to a back alley where there were few people.

“So, continuing our conversation, what did you say before?”

“What I said was ‘Stop getting involved with Sayuri any further.'”

“Oi oi oi, you said this even after being such a gloomy guy. You’re ready for that, right?”

I knew it. Their intent was to take us to a deserted place like this. I expected they would be a little rough with me.

Our school is a preparatory school with a fairly high deviation value. Naturally, the academic ability of the students is also high. But there are also bad students here. I say bad, but once you take a good look at them, you’ll find them cute.
[TL: Deviation value is a value which shows your ranking in a population. Also, is the author okay? There is the word for cute in this paragraph.]

I wasn’t expecting him to, but the other senpai didn’t seem to stop him, and he was looking at me with a grin.

“Please calm down. I’m not trying to fight with you.”

“Even if you didn’t, you made us want to. I have to teach my cheeky juniors well. What happens when you embarrass a senpai.”

He came up to me and grabbed me by the chest.

“Stop!” Sayuri tries to say this and steps closer to pull me, but I say, “It’s okay. It’s dangerous for you so step aside.” “But.”
I managed to convince her somewhat to stay away.

If this had been a case of being beaten to a pulp, I would have resisted. But these guys were not prepared for that. I’m sure they’d be satisfied with a few punches and go away. They’re just a bunch of jerks with a strong desire for self-expression. If that’s the extent of it, I’ll put up with it. That’s what I was determined to do.

“Don’t try to look cool in front of your girl!”

The senpai raised his fist.

At that moment, I closed my eyes and prepared for the impact… but didn’t receive it.

I slowly opened my eyes to check the situation, and I saw the senpai there, but his fist was grabbed by a hand that extended from his side, preventing him from swinging down. If you trace the hand, you will find a well-built man of about 190cm standing there.

“What? Who are you? Why are you grabbing my hand?!”

“Same question. What are you doing to my friend?”

The words that he said in a low, calm voice with a glare were strangely intimidating.

“It’s none of your business! Let me go! Oi! Ouch, that hurts!”

The man didn’t let go, but squeezed even harder.

The senpai replied with authority, but his voice was trembling and he was standing still. It’s obvious he’s intimidated. I guess most people would be scared if they were stared at by him.

“Hey, let’s go now. We can’t afford any more trouble if we make a scene.

As expected, the other senpai who was watching urged him to stop before things got any more complicated. I’m sure they just don’t want to get involved, but it’s better for us too.

“Che, can’t be helped, huh. I’ll let you off this time.”

“Not yet. You’ve been bothering Sayuri. Please apologize and promise to stay away from her in the future.”

The senpai grumbled a “Haa?”. However when the grip on his hand tightened, the senpai had an expression of agony.

“I understand! My bad. I won’t come near you again.”

Since he gave his word, the man’s grip on his hand loosened, and both senpais ran away.

“Fu… Somehow…”

With the things that happened, as expected, I felt really tired and relaxed my shoulders.

“Thanks a lot. You were a great help, Rikiya.”

Rikiya is the name of the person who came to stop them.

We’ve known each other for a long time, and he’s one of my childhood friends.

“It’s just…I’m sorry. I just wanted to check on you. Etsuji, you’ve changed since you started high school. Sayuri said it would be fine, but…”

 Rikiya nodded his head to the side. You don’t have to worry so much about me, you know.

“I found you guys near the station, and I’ve been watching you from there. I wondered what you would do now, Etsuji. But you haven’t changed at all. You were the same old Etsuji who was always there to help us.”

You’ve been watching a lot, huh. That’s embarrassing.

 Erika came up to me and whispered in my ear.

“You were cool as usual.”

I get embarrassed when Erika smiles at me at close range. Don’t tease me too much.

“By the way, Sayuri-“

The moment I turned around to look at Sayuri, something jumped into my chest and shocked me. It was Sayuri.

“It was scary…”

“It’s okay. You know I’m used to this kind of thing.”

“But… you could’ve gotten hurt…”

I don’t mind if I get injured a little. But I just realized that if I were in Sayuri’s shoes, she would blame herself if I got hurt. I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I’ll be careful next time.

I’m sorry. Because of me…”

“It’s not sorry in this case, is it?”

“Thank you…”

During the conversation, Sayuri was nuzzling her face into my chest, so our eyes never met. I didn’t know what expression she had on her face at that moment, but I could feel a slight dampness around my chest.

I patted her head in a calm manner and waited for Sayuri to calm down.

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