My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 128: Attack on the Ministry of Magic

"This is really not my own wand," Nelson raised an eyebrow. "You can even see this."

"Can you show me?" Professor Twelve Trees reached out to Nelson.

"Here you are," Nelson put his left hand in his pocket and handed the wand in his right hand to Professor Twelve Trees. "This is an ancestral wand from a classmate before me."

"Let me see... hiss, Nelson, pay attention to the maintenance of the wand." Professor Twelve Trees carefully brought the wand close to his eyes, took it away disgustingly, wiped it with the charm, and continued, "Fir The wood, ten and one-third inches, is very hard and difficult to bend, suitable for transfiguration... The core is, um, the heartstring of the dragon, the third oldest in the Ollivander family, it should be their product."

"Yes," Nelson nodded, "this is indeed Ollivander's work."

"This hemming is a bit wild, not like Garrick's technique, more like his father, but it's different." Professor Twelve Trees held the wand in his hand and made it float slowly while spinning. Observing carefully, while commenting, "This should be the work of his grandfather or grandfather. This rugged and efficient staff-making technique is most suitable for the massive demand for magic wands in the wizarding world during the goblin rebellion in the 18th century."

"Is it a mass-produced wand?" Nelson asked, "but I don't think it's inferior to the new wand I bought in Diagon Alley, and it's not as rough as the general mass-produced product."

"No, no," Professor Twelve Trees shook his head and corrected. "Although mass-produced things are not necessarily shoddy...but mass-produced wands must be shoddy. To use Muggle's new words in recent years, it means poor quality control. , But when the number of products with poor quality control is large enough, there will be fine products."

"This wand looks very well maintained, and it should have been handed down as a boutique for a long time." Professor Twelve Trees passed the wand back to Nelson's hand and talked freely. "Aren't you curious why there are so few ancient wands? Except for those A legendary wand, this one may be the only one you have seen?"

"Yes, it is." Nelson nodded, "I really rarely see this kind of wand that has been passed down for a hundred years or more."

"That's because everything else has been damaged." Professor Twelve Trees said, "And the reason why you think it works is because the dragon heartstring has a characteristic that it is easy to succumb to powerful users, especially at the beginning. The owner of Fir has already passed away. On the other hand, the wand made of fir wood is one of the most suitable wands for performing transfiguration. It fits your strengths... Did you buy a wand in the first place? What material is it made of? ?"

"It's this one, Professor." Nelson took out his left hand from his pocket and drew out a clean and long black wand.

"Oh? Let me see..." Professor Twelve Trees narrowed his eyes and grabbed Nelson's wand in the air. The wand that Nelson hadn't used for a long time struggled hard under his grasp.

"Black walnut?" Seeing the wand resisting him, Professor Twelve Trees loosened his energy and let the wand fall back into Nelson's hands. He shook his head, showing nostalgia, and said, "The black walnut wand is very Special, I suggest you use your own magic wand more."


"Didn't Garrick tell you?" Professor Twelve Trees said, "In his theory, black walnut is one of the most important woods for tacit understanding with the owner. Why don't you use your magic wand? You know, that It must be the best for you."

"Professor, I rarely use this magic wand." Nelson explained, "Because I am away all the time, it is inevitable that I will perform magic and I am afraid to affect the trace."

"Zongsi?" Professor Twelve Trees was stunned, and then he took out his wand and waved it casually, and said, "I didn't expect this. After all, when I was studying, there was no such thing as Zongsi. ...You don't have to worry about it now."

"Really? Thank you," Nelson thanked with his wand, and asked curiously, "Professor, you know so much about wands, would you make wands?"

"Yes," Professor Twelve Trees led Nelson through the rows of shelves, and he took him to admire every wand placed here, "Before Iphania came to this continent, here The wizards don’t use magic wands. For a long time, even now, the magic wands in the United States have come from Ifamoni—every freshman will get a magic wand that belongs to him after the sorting ceremony, but after they graduate In the past, magic wands were not allowed to be taken out of the Ivmani-these wands were made by Ivmani's principal. Before becoming the principal, one must become an excellent wand maker."

"Is there any difference between these wands?" Nelson followed Professor Twelve Trees. The old man's movements were a little vigorous, and Nelson was struggling to follow.

"Of course there is," said Professor Twelve Trees shaking his head. "Every wand maker has his own habits. The countries they live in have different products. This also makes them different in the choice of materials. The impact is There are so many aspects, so that there will be no small differences after passing down from generation to generation. For example, as you know, Ollivander, their family only uses three cores."

"Phoenix tail feathers, unicorn hair and dragon heartstrings." Nelson said.

"Yes, according to Garrick, these three cores are the most suitable and typical three cores that their family has tried to find for generations." Professor Twelve Trees shrugged, "but I don't think he is enough. Boldly, the wand of Ifamoni is willing to try any magical animal material and any wood. We believe that no matter how rare the wand is, it can also wait for its destined owner."

"Just like this one," Professor Twelve Trees picked up a dusty wand on the shelf near the exit, and gently brushed the dust on it, and said, "Mao Lizi's beard and watermelon vine, do you think this Is a magic wand okay?"

"This sounds cute..." Nelson tried to remember the appearance of the cat raccoon.

"It's quite weak, right?" Professor Twelve Trees raised the wand that was crooked, as if it was pulled down from the bushes by the roadside, and whispered to the gate, "Fluorescence flickers."

A bright, even dazzling light was released from the tip of the rod, instantly turning the world in Nelson’s eyes into a white one. He covered his eyes and heard Professor Twelve Trees on the side say: "This is an increase in the lighting spell I have seen. The biggest wand, isn't it?"

"Yes, Professor," Nelson saw nothing, and was dragged forward by Professor Twelve Trees, staggering to cater to him. "It's really bright."

"Right, magic wands have their own strengths, just like people." Professor Twelve Trees covered Nelson's eyes with his hands. Soon, a cool feeling filled his eyes. Nelson blinked, everything in front of him It's clearer.

He looked around and found that he was in a confined space two meters square, and the trembling walls told him that the space was moving at high speed.

"Professor, what is this?" Nelson thought of the healing magic that Zweig had used, and felt a little familiar, and asked, "Healing magic?"

"Yes," Professor Twelve Trees nodded, "I graduated from the Goblin Academy. The teaching there is more inclined to some of our unique healing magic. These magics were born out of the witchcraft that was once spread among the native American wizards. Communication, this special "witch doctor" magic was introduced to Ifamoni. Under the organization of James Stewart, the founder of the Goblin Academy, a group of outstanding young wizards and wizards spent more than ten years turning them into wizards. The magic used."


"There is something more powerful, Professor Stewart is a hemp."


"Muggle is what the United States calls Muggles."

"No, no, professor, I'm just curious about why Maji became the founder of an academy of Ifamoni.

"He is the love of Principal Aesop, and the person in this school who advocates teaching European magic to local wizards," Professor Twelve Trees showed admiration. "He is the person I respect most."

"Really worthy of respect, but professor, confidentiality law..."

"What was the secret law at that time?" Professor Twelve Tree's mouth twitched when he heard the words "Secret Law", as if he recalled some bad memories.


"Hello, this is Tom Marvolo Riddle who applied for the use of a transnational fireplace before."

In the reception hall of the Department of International Affairs of the British Ministry of Magic, Tom, who had just got off the train, stood at the counter with Nelson's schoolbag on his back to register.

"Mr. Riddle, please confirm that you are going to use the Floo Net to go from the fireplace of the Department of International Affairs of the Ministry of Magic in London to the fireplace of the Department of International Affairs of the Ministry of Magic in Paris at 5 o'clock this morning?"

"Yes it is."

"Okay," the clerk used a quill pen to write forcefully on a thick book, and asked, "Do you want to make some adjustments to the itinerary?"

"You can set the time to... well," Tom asked, taking a look at his hand, "A quarter past four?"

"No, sir, due to the tension, our Floo network can only be opened on the hour."

"..." Tom frowned and asked, "Can the end of the journey be set in a hidden place?"

"No, sir, due to the tension, we are only connected to the Ministry of Magic branch in France."

"Can I not use the fireplace?" Tom was angrily smiled, and he asked jokingly, "Can I use a flying carpet to send me to France?"

"No, sir, our only means of transportation is Floo Net."

"Then why are you asking me?" Tom leaned on his forehead and walked to the sofa at the entrance of the reception hall. He was about to sit on it for a while. He found that the number of people in the Ministry of Magic outside the door suddenly increased. It’s not like the Ministry of Magic at five o’clock in the morning. “Since this can’t be changed, it can’t be changed. Why would you ask me if I want to adjust the schedule?”

"This is our service rule, sir." The clerk showed eight teeth and showed a stiff smile, "In order to let you experience our homely service attitude."

"Yes, I used to live in an orphanage," Tom sat in a chair, hugged his schoolbag in front of him, picked up the newspaper on the side, and said, "If I feel at home, I do feel it."

"Thank you, sir, I hope you can give my service ten points." The clerk continued to show off his eight white teeth.

Tom laughed "hehe" and ignored him. The clerk seemed to have misunderstood what an "eight-tooth smile" looked like. He showed four teeth in the upper and lower rows, which looked weird.

"What?!" After a while, Tom screamed, waking up the others waiting in the reception hall.

"Boy, what are you calling?" The old lady got up a little angry and spit out her dentures.

"There is war on the French side!" Tom did not care about her rudeness, but patiently explained to her.

"What about the war?" The old lady put on her dentures and said disdainfully with her crutches on the floor. "I have lived for more than a hundred years, and France fought with others in three days, and it often ended very quickly."

"It's not that France is going to war with others," another middle-aged wizard who picked up the newspaper frowned and said solemnly. "We and Newmontgard went to war in France. The man who started the war was the principal of Hogwarts. Professor Armando Dupete."

"Where?" The old lady said nothing, and another witch who had just woke up asked, "Where did they go to war."

"In the beginning, it was in a hidden place. Now Principal Dippet's people have penetrated into Numontgard," the middle-aged wizard's hair was visibly lost, and the tone was a little restless, he said with a vibrato. "The Auror in Paris has closed the city under martial law. The newspaper said that Numontgarde claimed:'This kind of undeclared warfare is a shameful sneak They will retaliate in the cruelest way. ', and the Ministry of Magic issued a statement three hours ago:'The most elite Auror team has been sent to assist Professor Dipeter'... It looks like a war is really going to happen."

"It's good." The witch who asked the question was even a little excited, "I can't stand the secrecy law a long time ago! I hope the Dark Lord can kick these officials in the ass."

"What a shit, what do you know?" The wizard who read the newspaper laughed, "Besides, the Dark Lord hasn't come forward yet."

No one spoke, and everyone was thinking about their own affairs. On the benches in the reception hall, with two wizards as the center, the wizards waiting to use the Floo net formed two distinct camps.

Tom quietly left the reception hall, found the owl shared by the Ministry of Magic, and quickly sent a note.

Half an hour later, Tom called the name of the Department of International Affairs of the French Ministry of Magic and got into the big fireplace.

At the moment he left, the street outside the Ministry of Magic building was instantly crowded with black-robed wizards. They surrounded the building from heaven to earth. A tall bald wizard led a special team to squeeze through the crowd and stand. At the foot of the Ministry of Magic building, he took out his wand and lightly tapped his throat, followed by a deafening noise.

"Master Grindelwald never breaks his words." My classmate who is jumping to Hogwarts is Voldemort Chapter 128: Attacking the Ministry of Magic Green Reading-Hogwarts My Classmate is Voldemort-Novel Reading Net..., if there is no automatic jump, please click [Jump]

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