My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 203: Little Newsboy Hat

"Gnar, wait..."

   When Nelson stepped out of the door of Professor Bins's office, a voice called him timidly. He looked around and found that there was no one.

   The vigilance he had developed in the face of sneak attacks for many years made him immediately put his hand in his pocket, and his body became tense.

"I'm here!" The owner of this voice seemed to be angry that Nelson hadn't found her. This time Nelson heard it clearly. He lowered his head and glanced to the left, and found a small piece behind a knight sculpture in front of Professor Bins. Newsboy hat.

"Oh? Christian?" Nelson raised his eyebrows. It has been a long time since he returned to Hogwarts, but he has not had time to talk to Christian. He scratched his head and said as he walked out of the sculpture. "Hi, I haven't had time to congratulate you in person. I found my family."

   "Congratulations," Christian walked up to Nelson and looked around, as if worried about being discovered by others, "You wrote to me about this."

Looking at Christian's unhappy face, Nelson was a little surprised. In his imagination, Christian should be happy when he heard this, but now it seems that she is somewhat resisting her. Excellent brother. Nelson showed a playful expression, nodded, and said, "I have to congratulate you face to face."

"Hmm..." Christian replied impatiently. She stood on tiptoe, her face was full of anxiety, moved closer, and whispered, "You... are you free? I want to tell you something. "

   "Okay," Nelson nodded and turned and walked towards the restaurant. "Just going to eat. Let's go together. Tom is waiting for me there. We can find a table and eat together."

   "No, no." Christian grabbed Nelson's cuff, shook his head vigorously, and said, "This is about...Tom, I don't want to say it in front of him."

   "Oh?" Nelson stopped and asked, "What do you want to say? Does it matter?"

   Christian did not speak, but she nodded hard and grasped tighter hands to tell Nelson that she had to say this.

"Okay." Nelson shrugged, took out a letter pad from his pocket, tore a page, scribbled a few words, folded into a thousand paper cranes and threw it into the air, flapping its wings towards the direction of the restaurant Flying away, seeing this scene, Christian's eyes were a little surprised, but the anxiety in his heart quickly overwhelmed the excitement of seeing the magical magic.

   Nelson nodded, put the letter paper back in his pocket, and said, "I told Tom not to wait for me. By the way, since you seem urgent, where do we go?"

   "I know a place, almost no one in the school knows." After all, Christian took Nelson and walked in the direction of the castle without any explanation.

   She chose a road that barely touched anyone, and she could see that she was already familiar with doing this kind of thing.

   "It's really Gryffindor." Nelson thought to himself, and found himself on the eighth floor of the castle, Christian stood in front of a tapestry and began to pace back and forth.

   Nelson glanced intently. The tapestry depicts the scene of the giant stick beating the stupid Barnabas. He raised his eyebrows and found the responsive house. He couldn't help but look high at Christian.

An embarrassing thing happened. After Christian pacing back and forth for three minutes, the smooth door that Nelson expected did not appear on the opposite side of the tapestry, and the expression on Christian's face changed from embarrassment to anxious, even The voice has brought a cry.

   "I...I came before, it's still... it's alright."

   "I'll come." Nelson sighed, walked up to Christian, and kept thinking "I want a place to talk without being disturbed" in his heart, and walked back and forth three times with his hands behind his back.

After doing all this, he took a deep breath and turned to look at the wall opposite the tapestry. A smooth door appeared there. Nelson was a little excited. Although he had experienced many things, this was the first time he really came to the legend. The House of All-Demand in Hogwarts, I don’t know how many important things happened here in the history of Hogwarts!

He took a step forward, pushed open the door of the Room of Requests, turned his head and said to the dumbfounded Christian, "This room is called the Room of Requests, and it can meet the requirements of users, provided that the user needs to think clearly in his mind what kind of one he needs. Place, otherwise it won’t understand your demands.”

Nelson stepped into the room. It was clean and almost empty. Only two simple chairs and a smooth table were placed in the middle. He greeted Christian to come in and added, "What I think Disturbed communication place, Christian, don't worry, this room is really unknown, I just happened to have heard of it."

Christian did not speak, but walked towards the room with her head down and sat opposite Nelson. There was a silence of several minutes between the two, until she raised her head, staring into Nelson's eyes, and asked softly. "Can I trust you?"

"?" Nelson was stunned by Christian's question. All of Christian's actions today gave people a sense of abnormality. Even her temperament was very different from the girl who was gritting her teeth in his heart. He even doubted what he saw before his eyes. The girl who looked very haggard had some evil curse that caused her brain to be hurt, but for the sake of being familiar with each other, he considered his tone and said patiently, "Of course, what happened? Is there anything that can help you? ?"

Christian lowered her head and moaned her lips, and the suffocating silence between the two entered again, until Nelson was about to draw out her wand to try to solve the spell for Christian, she suddenly raised her head and swallowed. Said, "Gnar, I really don't know if I should say this... I have struggled for a long time, if you don't come back, I may have to tell Professor Dumbledore..."

Nelson was irritated by Christian's conscious or unconscious betrayal. He tried hard to find a comfortable posture on this simple chair under his ass, but he ultimately failed, just when he wanted to start again. When it was out of date, Christian suddenly said: "Tom is practicing black magic."

   "Hmm." Nelson nodded, spread his hands, and motioned to Christian to continue, "What then?"

   "Then..." Christian continued with her mouth open, but suddenly stopped, she said excitedly, "Tom is practicing black magic! There is no more!"

   "Uh..." Nelson felt a little speechless, your God mysteriously called me here for this? He finally found a comfortable position, leaned back in the chair, and asked, "Didn't Tom tell you? That's right, you are not in a high grade, and I told you that you might not understand it."

"No no, Gnar, you got me wrong," Christian anxiously defended. "What I care about is not that he doesn't tell me, but that he is practicing dark magic. Gnar, I think you must I know, dark wizards are all proficient in dark magic."

   Nelson finally understood what Christian was trying to say. He waved his hand and said, "But people who are proficient in dark magic are not necessarily dark wizards."

"No, Gnar, Tom has been practicing dark magic secretly since you left," Christian said, biting her lower lip. "One time I went out in the middle of the night to find food, and no one went downstairs. I saw him at the door of her ladies' bathroom, and that day he held a little mouse and used it... against it..."

   "Death curse?" Nelson raised his eyebrows. Tom seemed to be unskilled in this business, which could be hit by anyone.

"No," Christian shook his head and said with a horrified expression, "It's... Imperius. He manipulated the little mouse to do a lot of unbelievable things. The professor said when he was in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. A wizard who uses black magic will be eroded by magic power and will eventually become a black wizard who does no evil, Gnar, you must help me. I don't want Tom...Tom to become a black wizard."

   Christian was emotionally unstable. She took off the newsboy hat from the top of her head, held it tightly in her arms, and said intermittently, sobbing.

"It's not absolute, Christian," Nelson explained patiently. "Only by relying too much on black magic can it be corroded by magic. Magic is just a tool for the strong, and Tom will not become what you think. "

   "But he used black magic!" Christian retorted, "It is illegal to use black magic, and he will be punished!"

   "After you graduate, you can consider working in the Law Enforcement Department or the Auror Office," Nelson shook his head and said, "I think your knowledge of magic is still a bit simple. Have you ever seen Tom hurt others with black magic?"

   "I asked my classmates in the same class to go to your party!" Christian raised his head, staring at Nelson, and said, "He saw the duel between you and Tom. Tom used powerful black magic. Isn't that enough?"

   "Oh?" Nelson laughed. "Did he hurt me? No, Christian. I think it's necessary to correct your perception."


   "Do you think wizards who use black magic are evil, or wizards who do evil?"

   "Aren't they the same?"

"It's not the same. Dumbledore can also use black magic, but he doesn't use them. On the contrary, I know some guys who have ordinary magic skills. Not to mention black magic, even simple evil spells don’t understand it. But they can hurt others with their scarce magic. Do you think their kind is evil?" Nelson said solemnly, "Chris, I remember the first time I met you, you used magic to steal... Took my wallet."

   "I stole it," Christian gritted her teeth and admitted her fault, she said, "I admit that I was a thief, but—"

"You probably didn't know what magic was at the time," Nelson interrupted her, and continued, "You unconsciously mobilized magic power at that time, and used magic similar to the floating spell. This is not black magic at all, but Do you think what you are doing is good?"

   Christian lowered his head thoughtfully, her expression a little confused.

"I can also black magic." Nelson took out his wand and waved it. A small black snake crawled out of his hand. He waved his hand, and the snake turned into a cloud of black smoke and dissipated. "Sorry, use it. I'm not very familiar with this kind of magic. You can learn this magic with just a glance. Did I suddenly become a dark wizard?"


"The so-called boundary between the black wizard and the white wizard shouldn't be determined by what magic they know-I'll take a look at it, do I suddenly become a black wizard? This is obviously unreasonable," Nelson shook his head, he learned from Christie An’s stubborn expression saw that he had not convinced her, but he continued, “What kind of behavior is even more hateful to kill people with ordinary spells and protect others with black magic? Of course, I am not encouraging others to learn black magic. It's just that this kind of quick and powerful spell can really help a lot in some cases."

"I don't intend to expose your scars. Why don't you let me expose my own scars," Nelson sighed and said, "The first time Tom and I used black magic, we went to find the murderer after Jonas died. The black magic of blood and human tracing has given us a lot of help. Without it, the murderer might really quietly die from excessive drinking in a few days... There are many magic in the world, and there are many, many wizards, important. It’s not what magic you have learned, but what you did, and the result is the most important."

Christian frowned and continued to maintain the expression of biting his lips. Nelson sighed secretly in his heart. He understood that he was not good at persuading, and Christian, who was already a stubborn character, would not listen to his shocking speeches. He stopped talking, just stared blankly and sat on the spot.

   After an unknown period of time, Christian suddenly stood up from his seat, leaned forward, looked at Nelson, and said, “I have done wrong with magic, so I don’t want people I care to cry because of magic.”


"I won't tell the professor, but I will use myself to prevent you from using black magic," she said, looking at Nelson with scorching eyes, "since black magic can do what white magic can do~www.readwn .com~So why not strictly demand yourself? Nar, you are right, I am going to work in the Auror office or the Law Enforcement Department, and I will let you see my determination."

   Nelson was speechless, he couldn't understand the logic through which his words made Christian get such a strange result in his heart.

"I'm very happy that you can have your own ideas, but rest assured, you won't have the opportunity to interfere with us," he shook his head, stood up, and took out a brand new Thunderbird newsboy hat from his pocket. Put it on the table, "This is a birthday gift for you, but you can change it when you were away before. Thunderbird is regarded as a symbol of the law in many places."

   Put down his hat and walked to the door. Christian sat where he was, picked up the newsboy hat, and carefully rubbed the Thunderbird's winged badge.

Nelson walked out of the room of responsiveness and laughed at herself. Christian is just an ordinary girl. She has not experienced the things that she and Tom have experienced. For many people like her, black magic is already a taboo topic. , Not to mention other things that are more deviant. It is conceivable that as this momentum develops, the resistance between himself and Tom will not only come from the enemy. His footsteps have become heavier, but he quickly turned into a brisk trot— —Lunch is not over yet.


   ran to the restaurant, just in time for a hot meal, Nelson sat down next to Tom, and when he wanted to talk about Christian, Tom handed over a closed note.

   "Professor Sykes has something to do with you," Tom said vaguely with food in his mouth, "she asked Dwight of Ravenclaw to hand over a note with the time and place written in it."

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