My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 330: Highland Hero Village

The latest website: "Do you have that kind of...that is, the experience that you know that there will be no results, but still desperately?"

On the muddy country road in Hogsmeade, McGonagall and Nelson were wearing rain boots, each carrying a long umbrella, one after the other, walking and talking like two neighbors coming home from school together.

Just experienced a moderate rain, and there are still drops of water dripping on the umbrellas of the two of them. This annoying rain is really common in this season. Nelson shakes his hands like a sword. On the black umbrella, the water droplets condensed on the umbrella surface were thrown everywhere by him, and even a few drops fell on McGonagall's face.

But McGonagall didn't seem to feel it at all, frowned and walked with his head down.

"Me?" Nelson heard the worry in her tone, and deliberately joked with Alphad's accent, "Professor McGonagall, are you discussing the topic of puppy love with your students? I'm just a child. what!"

"Nelson! You don't usually call a professor, but now you call it quite happily!"

McGonagall turned and stared at Nelson behind him, with a shy and angry expression, wishing to kick this pesky into a puddle, but she was surprised to find that she didn't know when this one turned the hedgehog into a steel ball. The struggling schoolboy is already taller than her.

"Minerva, I don't think that this kind of thing can be done by others, at least you have to look back and see with your own eyes," Nelson shook her head, "Isn't this why you asked me to come this time?"

"Yes," McGonagall's eyes showed a look of reminiscence, "I have... I haven't seen him for at least three or four years. I still feel that I left him because I didn't master the method. I don't know how he was. I think, in my plan, I will return to magic and spend time slowly forgetting him, but so many things have happened recently, but I have become more and more trapped in the shackles of past memories in my busy schedule. I can hardly extricate myself from it. No more, I want to find him, I want to see how he is doing, I want to..."


McGonagall stopped talking suddenly, Nelson hummed, stretched out his hand, and caught a drop of rain from the sky, which was the first drop of new rain.

"But I'm scared," McGonagall sighed, turned his head and continued walking, and said, "You have lived in the Muggle world for a long time. I think you can help me advise."


Nelson raised his head, feeling the touch of the tiny raindrops hitting his face. A new rain came again. He looked at McGonagall, who was about to put up his umbrella, and said softly: "Minerva, maybe you should be today. Live like a Muggle girl."


"Drenched in the rain," Nelson raised his hands, inserted his fingers into the ends of his hair, held the soft hair hanging from his forehead, and stroked them back freely. "Untie your hair and run and jump like a little girl in the country. Now you don’t look like your Minerva, but like Minerva’s grandmother."

McGonagall didn’t look back, just shook his fist, and then untied the knot of the little bun on top of his head. The soft black hair suddenly fell like a waterfall. McGonagall, in his twenties, stood in the rain, looking Just like the sixteen-year-old self.

"I'm a little hard to understand, how did you make so many hairs into such a small bun? To be honest, your original hairstyle looks really small."

"You should call me Professor McGonagall." McGonagall waved his hand angrily and walked towards the village of Hogsmeade.

"Why do you always tie your hair up?" Nelson chased up, walked over to McGonagall, and asked curiously, "If you want me to say, you look like a "Professor McGonagall" in school. NS."

"Are you saying I'm ugly?" McGonagall gave him a blank look and said, "You also said that it was the appearance of'Professor McGonagall.' Headmaster, the position of the professor of Transfiguration was inexplicably vacant, and Dumbledore inexplicably invited me to be the teacher, but how would I know what a professor of Transfiguration should be like? I can’t grow a beard and wear a purple suit. Does that look like a professor at all."

"Haha," Nelson laughed. "You said that when Professor Dumbledore came to the orphanage for the first time to see me and Tom, he looked like a nonchalant stock salesman."

"That's right," McGonagall nodded, "I just graduated from Hogwarts and I will be going back to be a professor within a few days. I still can't adapt to the change of status, let alone face the students with dignity?"

"With all due respect, I think you did a pretty good job," Nelson said. "The teaching level is no worse than Dumbledore."

"Actually it has something to do with him," McGonagall said. "Doug, have I told you his story?"

"I've heard about it. Felius once mentioned it to me and wanted me to help you out, but he didn't seem to expect you to come to me by yourself." Nelson nodded, "I heard about you There was a boyfriend before, who was a Muggle, didn’t he?"

"The day before we left him, we met in the land he had just cultivated. That day was the same as today. Just after it rained, the ground was as slippery as the road now. When he walked towards me, Doug was caught by the ridge. He stumbled and almost fell into the mud, but he didn't care that his favorite pair of pants was stained with dirt. Instead, he knelt down in front of me." McGonagall squinted his eyes, his eyelashes like diamonds. Crystal clear, "He proposed to me."

"Oh no." Nelson didn't know what to say, except for shock. "Did you propose to marry me? Merlin's wife, I thought it was just a couple breaking up."

"Yes, he proposed," McGonagall shook his head, "I didn't expect it, and... I promised him."

"Wow," Nelson raised his eyebrows. "Can you talk about it? If you can."

"Of course, during the time I first met you, my relationship with Doug began to grow savagely." McGonagall speeded up his pace, preventing Nelson from seeing her face, but his tone remained the same, "I He goes home every year during the holidays. He lives not far from my house and is the child of a farmer."

"Oh, I'm still a landlord." Nelson repeated like a tease. "I remember you said at the time that the magic wand can't determine the fate of two people, is it talking about him?"

"It wasn't at the time, but this sentence can also be applied to both of us," McGonagall continued on his first love. "At that time, I didn't expect that I would fall in love with him. What I lamented was only my parents. They love each other, but in the end they hurt each other."

McGonagall pulled out the silver cross from the collar, held it in his hand and moved it gently.

"My mother is a witch, but my father is a priest. My mother didn't tell my father her identity until I showed up. This light-hearted sentence,'I am actually a witch', has plunged my father into the pain of a lifetime. ——He is an upright and frank person, but because of the provisions of the "Secrecy Act" and the love of not wanting our mother and daughter to live in gossip, he hid the rest of his life in an armor woven of lies, McGonagall clasped the cross in his hand tightly. "He never reveals his pain, but as a daughter, I can always feel...this makes me full of fear for my love with wizards and Muggles, because the tragedy happens to happen. By my side, in the place closest to me, you may be interested in meeting my parents, then you can feel their pain."

Nelson nodded silently and said, "But in the end you went the same way as your mother."

"Yes, I fell in love with Doug during the holiday we left from Hogwarts." McGonagall's brisk voice was full of bitterness, "Now think about it, the wizard is really a disaster for Muggles. Symbol, we will only bring them misfortune."

"I think you should ask Newt more about this kind of thing. He has a Muggle friend who has been in love with a witch before," Nelson said. "But for me, if I really love each other, "Confidentiality" The Law is simply a piece of waste paper, and what can be as beautiful as Romeo and Juliet?"

"It's so young...just ask you a question, Nelson," McGonagall glanced at the impassioned and talkative Nelson and asked, "Have you seen "Romeo and Juliet"?"

"No, but I know this is a love story," Nelson scratched his head and said cheeky. "It's mainly Shakespeare's English that I don't understand."

"It looks like you didn't know that they both died in the end," McGonagall shook his head and walked into the clothing store in Hogsmeade. "Let's go, let's take the Floo network from here."

"Did you connect the Floo network to your home?" Nelson followed, greeted the shopkeeper, and grabbed a handful of Floo fans.

"Of course not," McGonagall shook his head. "Let's go to the Wizarding Village in the Scottish Prairie, and from there to my house, don't make a mistake."

After all, she sprinkled the Floo powder in her hand into the fireplace, and the green fire light illuminated the entire shop. She shouted, "Highland Hero Village!"

"Good name." After McGonagall stepped into the fireplace, Nelson also sprinkled the Floo powder in and towered in, "Highland Hero Village."


"It's another, oh, it's a wizard," a lazy yawn passed into Nelson's ears, "I wish you enjoy every day in the prairie, sir, warm reminder, the people here are not very friendly, I hope this will not Affect your mood during the journey."

"Thank you, Shelby, for coming to Nelson with me."

Climbing out of the fireplace, Nelson found himself in a small wooden house whose inner wall was blackened by smoke. The smoke in the house was stronger than the smog in London, and his London-tested voice was so good. Some couldn't bear it, and couldn't help but cough, McGonagall stretched out his hand from the smoke, grabbed Nelson's sleeve, and pulled him out of the house.

"Where are we going?" Nelson followed McGonagall out of the wooden house, and found McGonagall somehow changed into a white pleated dress that Muggle girls often wear. She pulled Nelson by the sleeve, looking very anxious. What car?"

"No, didn't you tell me? Live like a Muggle girl today." McGonagall said, pursing his lips, "I'm afraid I'll stay here for a long time and I can't help but hit people with magic."


Before Nelson could get a response from McGonagall, he quickly felt the unique style of this "Highland Hero Village".

He looked around and saw that this dilapidated village was full of sloppy wizards sitting on the street and wasting their time. Vaguely he could hear them talking about "Muggles", "Grindelwald", and the "Top Three". Topics such as "Contest" seem to be talking about the second Salem not long ago.

The tattered village is the same as Hungerton. Generally speaking, when a wizard’s village and a Muggle village are next to each other, the more tattered village is often filled with wizards. Of course, the "Highland Hero Village" has its own special features-its surroundings. There is no other village at all, as if it were a place despised by the world.

Nelson followed McGonagall and walked out of the village quickly, as if trying to escape from this place with a rotten smell.

"Hey! Mudblood, you're back!" Before running out of the village, a fat wizard who was full of alcohol on the street stopped him, grinning and mocking, "You came back too soon, Xiao Bastard, we are going to hang up your old Muggle father and sell it to the black market tomorrow!"

He bared a mouthful of yellow teeth, he looked worse than the most unbearable tramp on the streets of London, and the wizards who talked with him on the street cheered, including wizards and witches.

McGonagall didn't speak, her cheeks bulged, and the gnashing of her teeth could be clearly seen, and the hand that was holding Nelson curled up unconsciously, and her nails pierced deeply into his arm.

"I discovered what we have in common, and that is that our neighbors are very rubbish."

Nelson stopped and stood still, McGonagall tried to drag him away, but couldn't move at all.

"It's okay, Nelson," McGonagall lowered his head and said softly, "I was seen by my father when he sent me to school in the second grade, but they could only say a few words at most, dare not really do anything."

"Minerva don't worry, my wand doesn't have a heald, but you can't deduct points for me anymore... I'll tell you, I'm the best at dealing with alcoholics." Nelson patted. McGonagall took the hand of his arm, took it down gently, stepped forward to block McGonagall behind him, raised his head to face the drunkard in the way, "Sir, being so rude to a lady is not what a gentleman should do. matter."

"That's just a little bastard!" The wizard laughed unpleasantly. "Are you her new boyfriend? Are you going to come out?"

"The ignorant is fearless," Nelson smiled. "Did you know? Minerva can bring down ten of you in a second."

"Hahahaha!" A group of wizards laughed strangely like drake.

"Nelson, calm down." McGonagall tugged at Nelson's sleeve and whispered, "Don't cause trouble to yourself."

"Minerva, you are too kind," Nelson held the wand in his right hand, and thrust his left hand back through his hair. The previous raindrops dripped and slowly walked towards the scum blocking the road. "But obviously, they have some Not worthy of your kindness."


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