My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 346: This is a tasteful story

"What can I do for you?"

Penguin asked eagerly.

"Do what you want to do."

Nelson lightly tapped the top of the penguin's head with his magic wand, and the mayflies all around disappeared in the gap of the shelf. "Apart from penguins, do you have anything else you like?"

"I like…"

Penguin choked, he couldn't tell what he liked for a moment.

"I think you look pretty harmonious with your camera."

Nelson poked the camera hanging from the penguin's chest with his magic wand. Soon, it melted into a piece of rapidly melting ice, dripped onto the wooden floor, and slipped through the gap without a trace. So he took out a long-closed bag from his pocket, took a delicate camera out of it, and handed it to Penguin.

"This is…"

"It's called a'desire camera'," Nelson explained. "A person may not have ideals, but he must have desires. I don't know what I want or like for a long time. Maybe you can use it to see. Think about your answer."

Penguin fiddled with the camera, moving his hand over the inscription on it. Nelson watched his behavior. He saw that the sophisticated camera turned into pieces under his hands, and the magic inscriptions hidden in the corners and even inside the parts appeared. , This scene is really shocking, just by looking at the leopard, you can feel his extraordinary magic. What's more outrageous is that these things are all researched by penguins.

Nelson even wanted to catch the two to communicate.

"Wait, give me the film." Nelson thought for a while and stretched out his hand. The next second, a half-used film fell into his palm. He held the film in his palm and stroked the center with his magic wand. , The content of the half volume fell into his hands, and then he handed the film back. At this moment, Penguin had reassembled the camera, the magic text was restrained, but it could definitely run smoothly.

"My lord..." Penguin asked expectantly, "Can I take a picture of you?"

Nelson nodded, a bright light flashed, and a photo slowly spit out from the top of the camera.

"This is-"

"This is a sock factory," Nelson glanced at the content of the photo, nodded and said, "My dream is to become a sock tycoon."

"You really are different from others." Penguin complimented.

"Sorry, I didn't have a good memory before," Nelson tapped his forehead with his knuckles. "I was attacked by a winged demon for a long time before, so you—"

"My name is Penguin," Penguin replied happily. In his opinion, it is normal for an unknown person like himself not to be remembered. "You can also call me a reporter now."

"Reporter? What do you want to do?"

"No, my lord, since I can't intervene in your plan, then I have nothing to do."

"You can do what you want, how do you understand my idea, you can do it in your own way," Nelson chuckled lightly, "I don't mind if someone misinterprets me, or if someone makes their own way, as long as you Do what you want to do, for, greater—"

"For the greater of you, I understand!" Penguin excitedly pulled out a press card from the neckline. "When I went to the Ministry of Magic before, I got a card. From a pragmatic point of view, I just lost it like this. Something was wasted, I thought, maybe I could start a newspaper and find a place for the minister on the hot pot."

"Go on."

"My lord, you must have seen that group of reporters today. You may not know that Nobby Ritchie doesn't want them to report as he said," Penguin sneered. "He has a lot of things he wants to do. The last boring person, but those boring pure blood-the British side seems to admire pure blood, they support on the surface, and secretly bad things, since that Nobby Ritchie wanted to inject new blood into this boring Ministry of Magic, They started doing this."


"They bad things about him, but touted him in the newspapers, making him a man who admires vanity and nostalgia for power," Penguin's tone was full of ridicule, "He is going to be tortured crazy, and the group of people are killing him. he."

"How did you know?"

"Penguin, my lord, when I was bored, I used to chat with Penguin like this," Penguin clapped his hands like a penguin. "He also needs help, and it's too easy to grasp the sight of others, especially those who are boring. People who only read newspapers."


"I'm going to start a newspaper, do you have any name you want?"

"That's your own business, go ahead," Nelson waved his hand gently, "Let me see what you can do."

"To make the boring guy unhappy, I can only sing the opposite."

The penguin's body twisted away for a while and disappeared in place.

"This guy, isn't the grid-like Anti-Phantom Shifting Curse that makes him hard to move?"

Nelson shook his head.


Don't know when Tom, who changed his clothes, walked out from the back of the shop, covering his mouth and nose with a handkerchief with one hand, and holding a watering can filled with green liquid in the other.

Nelson squinted his eyes and looked at the watering can in Tom's hand, and a strong smell of spice came over his face.

"Thyme extract?" he asked with a smile, "Are you cooking in the basement?"

"It's solved?" Tom's voice shifted from behind the handkerchief. He put the watering can on the shelf beside him, raised his wand, and used magic to outline a clean handkerchief and floated in front of Nelson.

"Well, a talented young man." Nelson smiled and stretched out his hand, but the handkerchief turned in the air and flew back. "Why are you making trouble?"

"This is not safe enough." Tom shook his head, picked up the watering can, sprayed his handkerchief into green, and controlled it to float towards Nelson again. "Young boy, listening to this tone, I thought you were better than today's Shafiq Still getting old."

"It's okay, I'm actually two hundred and thirty-five years old this year," Nelson nodded, took the handkerchief, sniffed the thyme on it, and used it to cover his nose and mouth like Tom. "What is this? of?"

"You go back to the station." Tom waved his hand, and Nelson flew up smoothly with the chair he was sitting on, and slowly backed up until he touched the door, and then landed lightly. Tom quickly stepped forward and stood by Nelson's side. "be prepared."


But the magic wand that Tom raised had answered this question perfectly, and Nelson instantly understood why Tom changed his clothes. Several people bound by the familiar yellow chains floated slowly through the small door deep in the shop where Tom walked out. In an instant, there was a stench of survival in the wilderness for twenty years. These people seemed to have fermented in the basement for a long time. The smell passed through the thyme-scented handkerchief, just like the same jar of kimchi sprinkled with cumin. Twenty years later, the sky will be seen again.


Nelson smelled like he had been stepped on his tail. He jumped up from the chair with a lunge, and raised his hand as an obstacle curse. The emergency curse was not controlled very delicately. An air cannon like the thickness of a tree trunk. It shot out, and the wind brought up overturned the shelves in the store. Bottles and jars were scattered all over the floor. Just when the curse was about to be the man in the front, Nelson came back to his senses, and raised his left hand, as if left and right. As if fighting each other, a barrier appeared above the person's head.

Tom watched all this silently. The obstacle curse hit the iron armor curse, but the barrier created by Cang Qiao was not as powerful as the obstacle curse under panic. It was quickly smashed, but it effectively prevented the wizard from being caught by a demon. The curse was killed, but the aftermath of the obstacle curse still affected him. He flew out like a dump truck head-on, hit the people behind, and flew back into the basement like a sandbag.

"Tom," Nelson taught, "Even if it is a war, we must pay attention to a bottom line. Under normal circumstances, we should not use biochemical weapons."

"What are you talking about?" Tom shook his head helplessly, "I finally got them up lightly, but you just broke the smell on them."

"What smell? Who are they?"

"Thief." Tom spread his hand and waved his wand vigorously. All the open windows in the shop opened. The strong wind pressure tried to expel the terrible smell. "The thief caught by you."

"The thief I caught?"

"Have you forgotten? Yes, you must have forgotten, even I have forgotten." Tom smashed the watering can on the ground and pointed his wand at the pool of liquid on the ground. The green mist filled the shop. "You The set of defensive magic set up arrested all the people who invaded this shop and threw them into the basement. You even disarmed them and prepared enough food and water in the basement, but since you are so humanitarian Now, why can’t we give them a shower head?"

"Oh..." Nelson thought of what was going on and couldn't help but laugh, but the bending motion caused one end of the handkerchief to **** up, and the smell immediately made him retching. "I think we need to soak up. Curse."

As soon as he finished his voice, Tom, who was writing "unhappy" on his face, swung his spell. Two bubbles appeared on their heads. Nelson felt that his nose was numb, and he ran away because of his expensive clothes. Go to the small door behind, raise the magic wand, and the bright light suddenly illuminates the gloomy stairs.

A group of shaggy, haggard-looking wizards like walking corpses were tightly bound by golden chains and piled together like goods.

Nelson secretly said in his heart that it is not good, this chain is obviously silver and can become this color, and I don't know how long these people have been locked here.

The obstacle spell just now cannot be said to be completely useless. At least two people have opened their eyes. Although they are numb, they at least wake up.

"Didn't I give you a sight glass?" Nelson turned his head and asked Tom.

"Isn't that broken? It has been spinning since I put it on the table the next day."

"That means your secret base has been invaded."

"Ah, is that right?" Tom shrugged. "Fortunately, I was caught."

"What's the name? Merlin's panties...maybe Merlin's **** are not so smelly, right?"

Nelson rolled his eyes. Even though he knew that the greater reason for this happened was his own body, as long as he was the first to make a noise, he did not need to bear the responsibility. He raised his right hand to his ear, pressed his fingers, and moved the mayfly away from him. Flying out of the gaps in the stairs, they blinked and flew towards the thieves piled together.

It may be that the taste was too shocking, which gave Nelson a feeling of facing thousands of horses. When he saw only three mayfly flying out, he realized that the seemingly large pile actually only had three people.

The two who opened their eyes are also obviously different. One face is a little cleaner, and the eyes looking at the mayfly are full of terror. The bloodshot eyes seem to be talking, filled with a strong desire to survive.

The other person is completely different. His face is too dark to see the color, but the wooden eyes have completely lost the desire to survive.

As for the person hit by the obstacle curse, he slept peacefully.

After a while, three mayfly flashing steady red lights, Nelson turned his head and said with joy, "Fortunately, they are all alive."

"I would rather they are all dead." Tom is still a little unhappy, and has been holding the watering can to spray around in the shop, constantly thinking, "I originally wanted to be here if I couldn't get out of it in the future. Opened a small shop, now it seems that our sign is stinky before it stands up, it stinks, it’s so stinky!"

"It's okay, just clean it up," Nelson shrugged. "When I was there, the owner of the restaurant downstairs taught me a lot of home magic. Believe me, I already know them well, and it's not good, I You can ask Zweig to knock down this house and rebuild it, and then build an 18-story basement, how spacious!"

"Are you going to build hell?" Tom cupped his face with a toothache expression, "What are we going to do with these guys?"

"What to do? Out of humanitarian concern, wash them!"

Ten minutes later, five people stood in the basement where even the wall was stripped. Three people were hung from the wall. Nelson held two magic wands and sipped water at the three people on the wall, like a car wash years later. The worker, and Tom shrank in the corner, manipulating the used dirty water, stuffing them all into an inconspicuous cabinet.

"What's that?" Nelson turned around and asked curiously.

"The Vanishing Cabinet." Nelson's house magic works well, which makes Tom's face a little better. "I got it from Borgin Bock. It worked well when I was Chamberlain, as long as Note that it is usually sealed and don't let things come out of it."

"Good guy... where does it lead?"

"I don't know. UU reading" Thinking of someone else suffering the same as himself, Tom's mood suddenly improved and his expression became richer, "But who cares? After all, someone doesn't care about himself. The shop is not clean."

"Let me see, what do you want to do." Looking at the three thieves who were cleansed by Nelson, Tom raised his wand and leaned over. Money! Although I didn’t put money here..."

"It's also a skill to be able to come in and tell the truth." Nelson stepped aside. "The average thief can't get in."

"I'm an adventure novelist...not a thief..."

The cleanest and youngest man's whimpering lips, his throat is like an engine that hasn't been lubricated for a hundred years.

"Boom boom boom!"

Nelson and Tom turned their heads, and there was a knock on the door.

"Tom! It's me!"

It's Dumbledore.

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