My Classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 636: "Found" in "Searching for Pythia"

"No need."

The hoarse and ethereal female voice drifted to the ears of the two through the cliff. This was also the first time Nelson had seen traces of magic other than himself in this era. The spear soldiers trembled in fear after noticing the fog, and the spears in their hands fell uncontrollably to the ground, but they seemed to have been hit by a petrification spell, their feet seemed to be stuck to the ground and could not move, only Can let the mist brush towards them, passing gently between the nose and mouth.

Immediately, the soldiers fell limply to the ground.

"It's interesting," Nelson pulled out his wand and stared at the mist. "Why do these people fear the messengers of God so much?"

There was a thick smell of sulfur in the mist, mixed with the smell of burning ancient spices, making people sleepy, Nelson raised his wand, and just as Tom was chanting a spell to dispel the mist, it stopped in front of Nelson. Down, thickened in agitation, and soon, a barefoot woman emerged from the fog, her skin pale and almost translucent, cyan blood vessels looming beneath the skin, high nose bridge and cheekbones, deep black wool like The curly hair is no different from the ancient Greeks on the present peninsula.

There was no trace of labor on her hands, and her fair and slender feet didn't seem to have traveled much, so that when she first fell to the ground, the soles of her feet were scratched by the gravel on the road, and the barren blood slowly It seeped out, leaving bright red footprints on the ground as she kept getting closer to Nelson.

She was naked, with only wisps of mist surrounding her, so that her body would not be undisguised. On the way to Nelson, the mist blocking her also became more and more dense and deep, a piece of black mist The woven, indistinguishable robe or dress was casually draped over the body. It was hazy and rhythmically rhythmically like a mist all the time, like an elusive fate.

What emerges from the mist is a face that is so delicate and incompatible with this savage age. She looks like a gentle young mother. It would be more appropriate if she held a clay pot with cheese in her hand. However, compared to the paleness with blue blood vessels all over her body, the cheeks on both sides of her eye-catching face were particularly dazzling. Nelson had seen such cheeks before. In the Highland Heroes Village in the Scottish Highlands, such faces can be seen everywhere on the faces of villagers who depend on "medicine" to survive.

What attracted even more attention was the blurred, drunken pupils on his cheeks, in which he could not see even the slightest reflection of himself or the brilliance of reflection, as if an unpolished object. She thought of a broken egg, cloudy and broken, her eyes seemed to see nothing, but Nelson could feel that the woman's eyes had never been taken away from her.

"Because they admire God, long for God's grace, and sing praises of God's achievements without any burden, but if God is really allowed to walk on the footpath, no one will be happy to see it," she said with a smile that is common to all ages. , her hoarse voice seemed to float from far away through a screen window, passed through Nelson's heart, and quickly dissipated, "For those who are not favored by magic, gods, demigods, heroes... Or your so-called wizards, who are very close to the authority of the gods, they are willing to hear my ambiguous oracles that can be explained at will in the temple, and they are willing to offer me treasures and massacre offerings, but they do not want to see them. By the time I personally throw a golden apple in front of them, you should know this better than I do."

Nelson looked at the woman in front of her. She was not as resolute and resolute as those statues from two thousand years later showed, but more like a delicate girl, a temptress who had troubled the court, with messy hair hanging from her forehead. Swinging like a pendulum on his cheek, he raised his wand to his chest, greeted her with wizarding manners, and blocked her progress.

"Are you Pythia?"

"Yes, as you wish, I walked here barefoot from the temple on the top of the mountain to meet you in person. Fate tells me that I can catch up with your journey when the light of the breaking dawn hits my eyes," Pi said. Tia picked up the long hair that fell on her forehead and stared straight at Nelson's face, her eyes that were exactly the same as the flowing broken egg yolk were surging with waves of mist, she bent down, knelt on one knee on the ground, softly Said, "Nelson Wiltning Williams...Fate Traveler, I've been waiting here for you."

"Have you met my visit?"

"You announced your itinerary in advance." Pitia seemed to repeat Nelson's question in a different way. She looked at the wreckage of the large silver ball that had been smashed into the ground. The mayflies that collected the waste had long been before her arrival. Having completed their work and hid them around Nelson, her knees and calves were also scratched by rubble, and she asked reverently, "Will I be lucky enough to ride in the chariot of the sun god?"

This kind of piety does not point to Nelson, on the contrary, it confuses the two of them.

"All right."

Nelson and Tom looked at each other, shrugged, and waved their wand. The mayfly, which had just hidden, flew out of its hiding place in dissatisfaction, and formed a carriage in front of Pitia. Nelson looked at Pitty with **** feet. Ya, shook her head helplessly, her attitude was extremely humble, she was even willing to express her sincerity by shutting herself in Nelson's deformed carriage, which left him with nowhere to shed his anger, so he could only make a "please" gesture , a hand formed in the air condensed into the air, picked up Pitia, and sent it to the carriage.

Nelson looked at Tom, tilted his head in the direction of the carriage, and said, "You—"

But before he could say anything, Tom shook his head and rejected him. Neither of them wanted to sit in the car with Pitia, so they had to stand beside the carriage like two door gods. Nelson thought for a while. He waved his wand, and the four flaming horses stood neatly in front of the carriage and neighed. Seeing this, Tom put the reins on them, waved his wand vigorously, and a crisp whip. There was a sound of thrashing, and the four horses kicked **** the ground and stepped into the air.

The flame pattern on the car body lit up, reflecting it like a big fireball. The more clearly visible sun **** carriage rose in the eyes of the citizens who were just shocked by the spectacle, and two suns appeared in the sky at the same time!

People were running around to tell each other, and there were countless citizens kowtowing and praying in the streets and alleys. They looked at the carriage heading for the temple with awe, but other people's eyes showed different expressions.

"Thanks to fate, He sent you here, and the dead end of the disaster can finally be opened."

On the way, Pitia sat in the carriage and sighed like the rest of her life.

"I'm curious," Tom asked softly, looking at the window of the carriage, "if Nelson was the one who resolved the disaster, why should you thank fate instead of him?"

Pitia lifted the curtain of the car and stared at Tom with empty eyes. For the first time since she received Nelson until now, she was looking directly at this young man who said nothing but was ready to attack her with a dead hand at any time.

Tom's eyes were immediately attracted to Pitia's eyes that were very different from ordinary people. He felt that something deep in his soul seemed to be exposed. Ya took the lead to avoid his gaze, and with a long sigh, the curtain of the car fell.

No one saw the stormy waves in Pitia's eyes, her chest was constantly heaving, and the mysterious momentum was swept away in an instant. As a natural prophet, she has absolute confidence in her own vision. , but at the moment of prying into Tom's fate, looking back from the unchanging starting point, a small side branch deviates from the established path and extends into the distance. She observes the path curiously. Not far away, it is as dense as a world tree. The branch-like bifurcation almost blinded her eyes.

They were born from the day Nelson appeared, clinging to the sturdy tree trunk like a vine man, but with infinite possibilities, at a point infinitely close to the current Tom, they were reborn as a girl who should have died. The new life is a turning point, but these different futures have counterattacked the ending of the devil and occupied the path of true destiny.

This is a man whose fate has been changed.

Before Pythia, there were also excellent prophets in the world. Divination was one of the earliest uses of magic. The history of prophets is as long as that of wizards. Everyone has a unique way of reading fate, but She had never seen a way to challenge or even change Him. She clenched the handrail in the carriage tightly and turned her face slowly to Nelson's direction, but she never dared to lift the curtain and look at Nelson like Tom. This time-travelling visitor would give her a huge impact, but she didn't expect that just the first contact would challenge her cognition of fate so strongly, the carriage fell silent, and the two outside the carriage also Without saying a word, driving a flame strong enough to compete with the sun to cut through the sky, galloping towards the temple in the mist on the top of the mountain.

"It's a very interesting phenomenon, priestess," said Tom softly, as he reached the top of the mountain, "in our time and country, every family prays fervently before dinner, and sings to their gods what he has given him. The grace of food, but no one will be grateful to the farmers who grow crops, the father who earns living expenses, the wife who is busy in front of the stove, and no one is grateful to the actual pots and pans, dishes, knives and forks, dining tables and chairs, everyone. Unanimously to be grateful to a statue that does not exist, to be grateful to the legend passed down by word of mouth.”


The carriage stopped, and Pitia lifted the curtain again and stared at Tom, but in the end she didn't finish her sentence. Tom no longer cared about her. He was staring at the magnificent temple in front of him. After making up for this knowledge, although I have forgotten about it, I still remember that this temple seems to be built by a tyrant, but I don’t know halfway through the process because the financial budget is not enough or his enthusiasm was extinguished too late. Anyway, it stopped working halfway through.

But now it seems that this temple has not been successfully built? It is grander than many modern buildings that Tom has ever seen, and the painted columns detail ancient and magical stories, singing the praises of the sun **** who was shaped by people to bring light and invent music to people. , foretelling fate, developing herbal medicine, and protecting the great achievements in migration and navigation, Tom realized that the pure white color of the ancient Greek ruins he had visited was not their architectural style, but the appearance of painted weathering and peeling.

The beauty brought by the completely symmetrical structure of the temple is enough to make anyone feel enjoyment and satisfaction. On the top of the gentle but sharp angle stands a golden sun sculpture. The sun shines on this sun and is reflected by it. Light dyed the dome of the temple golden.

Tom glanced at the story on the front column, glanced at Nelson, who was leaning the carriage to let Pitia down, with a strange look, and shook his head sharply.

"Some people's choices may be fate for others."

Pitia's voice was so low that Tom, who was obsessed with these murals, didn't even hear it. He kept looking at Nelson, adding to his doubts.

He couldn't help but doubt that the paintings on these pillars matched Nelson too well. Fortunately, Nelson was a genius who had a hundred ways to blow up cauldrons when he was making medicine. Otherwise, he would immediately break into the temple and take a look. What kind of face does the idol inside have? Maybe Nelson has come to a farther past and left his legend here.

"Come with me, you two."

The skirt swayed lightly into the gate of the temple that was large enough for the giants to pass through. Nelson noticed that no matter which direction he looked at from a high place, the thick, seemingly indisputable cloud was always shrouded in it. In the sky, only the city-state they were in could look up and see the sun.

Footsteps sounded in the empty temple. Compared to the exterior, the interior of the temple was very simple. Except for the columns that had not had time to paint murals, there was only a reclining chair blocked by a linen curtain. There was a crack on the floor, dense mist was leaking from the gap, and the smell of sulfur was stronger. Besides, there were not even statues in the temple.

"Isn't the Temple of Apollo dedicated to Apollo?"

"No, in fact, the belief in the sun **** here only came into being in the past few years," Pitiya shook his head and walked to the lounge chair behind the curtain, "I believe you have seen it, on the peninsula, this is the only place where you can see the sun. The place."

"Haier—" Nelson suddenly realized that perhaps Haierbo also has the kind of magic that can be sensed when someone is called by his name, so he stopped, "Can he hear me when I call his name here?"

"It's okay, he should already know." Pitia lay down on the chair and let out a tired groan, "He thinks that people who are not pitied by magic are worthless people, so promise me, if there is no one here Wizard, he will not conquer this place, you have also seen that there is no magic in this city-state, and the magic refugees are trying their best to hide themselves so as not to be discovered by Haierbo."

"So we've been exposed."

Tom looked at Nelson.

Nelson nodded, and then he said, "From the time we fell from the sky in a fire."

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