My Clever Wife Is Sweet

Chapter 139 - Lack Of Blood!?

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Su Xi was still sitting on the bench with her hands folded and praying that nothing happens to her son. While Gu Yan was pacing back and forth. The person he asked to come, did not come till not. He was waiting for his arrival but it seemed that he was late.

He looked at Su Xi, who was still looking dull and pale. He understood that she was stressed by her paleness was a much more significant concern of worry. But that wasn't time to think about her but about her son. If Ye Shing wakes up and is all right she will instantly be happy and fine.

But then, they both saw that the door of operation theatre opened and two doctors stepped out. "You both are the family of Ye Shing?" The senior doctor asked while Su Xi vigorously nodded her head. Althoygh he wanted to say that he isn't a family member but stayed quiet.

"The patient has lost a lot of blood. We have removed the clot in his brain and major injuries might heal but what is needed at this moment is blood. Your son's blood group is rare, A-. Very knew people have that blood group. Being the parent, anyone among you must be A- donner?" 

The doctor had assumed them to be a couple, the parents of the child but Gu Yan interpreted him and said, "I. I'm not the father of that person. Only she is the family, I'm just her friend." 

"Oh, I'm sorry for my misunderstanding. But what we need right now is blood doner otherwise it's really difficult to make Ye Shing survive." The Doctor explained and it gave Su Xi almost a heart attack! 

After two hours also, her child is not saved and still lingering on the thin thread of life and death. What can she do now!!

" want a donner?!? I'm A-. Take my blood but please save my child.. sobs..sobs… please I request you." Su Xi was now out of her senses. She does not know anything anymore except about saving her child even if she dies at this cost.

"Ms. Su, we will need to do a test of your blood, if it fits to be in his body or not." Su Xi understood and went to the medical lab with the nurse. While Su Xi was gone, Gu Yan looked at the doctor. "Don't you have a blood bank?"

The doctor replied with a confused face, "We do have a blood bank but as I told you that this us rare blood, not found anywhere just like that. Although our hospital is reputated, all of the sudden, someone else needed A- in the morning, and now it's empty there."

Gu Yan raised his eyebrows when he heard this. 'All of a sudden, Ye Shing is involved in an accident and is in a critical situation and in the morning only, someone needed A-?' It wasn't making sense at all to him, but suspicions as raised at the same time because this was something he never expected.

After giving it some thoughts, Gu Yan again spoke up but this time, with a questioning tone, "Does that means that the person who took A- yesterday. I mean for whom you used it, will be also having A-, right?"

The doctor nodded his head, "You are right, Mister. The person who took that blood must be an A- donner." Gu Yan stayed silent. There were many possibilities of this but this wasn't a time to think about it. Instead, what needed was Su Xi to give her blood and save Ye Shing.

But their life wasn't easy. The problems were never ending for them. Su Xi returned back to the Gu Yan with a sullen face. Gu Yan looked at her with shock. 'What happened to her? Just now she left the place to give blood and came back so suddenly?' Walking towards her, he asked her in a soft tone, "What happened? Did you give blood?"

"M..My. blood isn't perfect to be given because… w..we had wine just a few hours ago."

Su Xi was now losing her will. If it was possible she might faint any moment but she kept herself strong for her child. He was her precious baby who was now fighting with death.

Hugging Gu Yan all of the sudden in front of everyone, Su Xi let go of her emotions. "Wh..hat I'm going to do now?!? will we save Ye Shing now!?!?" Gu Yan brought his hand on her back and patted her back. He knew she is trying to act strong but they have to quickly think of any option otherwise it will be game over for them.

But then, something clicked in Gu Yan's mind. "Su Xi, what is the blood group of your daughter? Is she also A-?" She looked at him with her bewilderment and confused eyes and then at this thought, her eyes widened!

"Yes!! She is also A-! Let me call Ye Nian! Where is my phone?" While Su Xu called Ye Nian, Gu Yan took out his phone and called Shi Yu, "Hello?"

"Ah Yu, where are you now?"

"Home! Normal people sleep at this time for your information." Gu Yan ignored his sarcasm instead came to the main point.

"What is your blood group?" On the other side, Shi Yu frowned. Why is this person asking his blood group all of the sudden?! Especially this late when he was already asleep.

"Its A-. But what happened? Tell me now!" 

"Come to XXX hospital." Saying this, he hanged up. The reason he called Shi Yu was that he remembered that Shi Yu's mother's blood group was also A- before she died a horrible death.

"Su Xi, Shi Yu is also coming."

"Ye Nian us also coming with the driver," Su Answered while looking anxious. 

"Make it fast.. Because Ye Shing won't be able to survive for long." The doctor suddenly said who received a glare from both of the kind and queen!

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