My Clever Wife Is Sweet

Chapter 179 - Chen Juan's Past!

Please do use coins a very humble request~

Consider this as an extra chapter, a lengthy too!






Chen Juan passed her an assuring smile. He knew she suffered a lot and now is still doing so. But he all meant happiness for her.

"You are different, Su Xi." His eyes held some unspeakable emotions. Whereas she hadn't noticed the meaning behind his words at all.

Taking a sip of her coffee, Su Xi smiled. "You know many things about me. But till now, you never told me anything about yourself. Who are you except for being a crime branch officer?" His words gained his interest. 

Although this was never something he thought that she would ask. But as she had already opened this topic, he won't hide anything too.

"How old do I look to you?" 

"Maybe thirty?" Su Xi tried to guess his age while receiving a small smile from him.

"Quite near. But I'm thirty-two this year. But seriously, I look in my late twenties to you?" Chen Juan was a little amazed. As compared to his age, he looks mature enough from a very young age. He wasn't surprised by her guessing.

"You look young. Maybe because you aren't married till now." Su Xi replied but at the same time, she noticed his spirits dying down when he heard about marriage. From the way he reacted, he has something to tell her. Maybe something was painting him too just like her!

Keeping her hands on his hands, she passed him an assured smile. "You can tell me. I'm quite free today and it will also relieve your stress." 

Chen Juan did not know why but suddenly he felt warmth building up in his heart. Until now, no one ever dared to ask him about his past. Or what was making him this cold. 

Taking a deep breath, Chen Juan spoke, "I was once married to my long time girlfriend. And right, I'm a divorcee at thirty-two where most of the people have children at this age."

This was a surprise for Su Xi. From his behavior, attitude, it is difficult to guess that a person like him went through so much like this. Divorce is a big thing and from his expressions, it is evident he suffered from the separation.

"We met in college. Dated like other couples. Can you imagine, we did everything a normal couple should do. I supported her in her career in every way I could because her family was a little against her studying. After all, she was a girl. Either you talk about studying, fees, her makeup, I did everything. Working overtime, doing odd jobs in my college time.

At last, I got married to her. It was decided way long before and we took out oaths in the church. After that, our marriage went smoothly for the next 3 years. 

I used to cook, she used to manage the home as well as her job, everything was just perfect. Except for one thing and that was, she did not want children at that point. Maybe that was because her career was at its peak.

I agreed. But after 3 years, she started doing overtime at work. I was worried but she always said that her workload increased and might get a promotion soon! 

I let her do whatever she wanted because it held her happy. At the same time, I worked for my crime branch. But many times, I came home and did not find her. 

One day, we were eating food and she vomited and we both found out that she is pregnant. I was over the clouded moon! I was going to be a dad anyway! But…."

Su Xi can find the pain in his eyes. This cold attitude of his is just a mask that differentiates him from the rest of the world. The gentle side of gis can be seen from his words.

'He must have loved his wife a lot!' 

After taking another sip of the coffee, he continued, "But she wasn't happy at all. At last, without informing me, my wife went to the hospital and had an abortion and killed our child before he or she was even born!" 

Su Xi felt her heartbeat being skipped. An unborn child was killed because the mother did not want to be a mother at the top of her career. 

Now she knew that when she was telling him that a mother might just kill anybody in this life for her children, he had sarcastically replied to her that all mothers aren't like them!

"Chen Juan…"

"Let me complete once. Now that the talk is opened, let me for once open up what is there in my heart." Su Xi nodded her head. At least this way, he can express his pain.

"We had a big fight. But, somehow I managed to digest that she did not want a child because of her career. To gift her a flower, I went to her office and there the receptionist was shocked to know that I was her husband!

Because she told everyone that she is single!

But I also accepted that because I was her husband, she was my love! What shook me was, when I went to meet her, she wasn't there.

Instead, I got to know she has an affair outside with someone! I searched everywhere and found her in a restaurant with her boyfriend.

All her lame excuses that she had work will all go wrong. All she wanted was my support for her studies and nothing else! I filed a petition for divorce after that because it was just.. too much for me to digest."

"Su Xi, in this era, nowadays, most of the youngers gave relationship for lust. But in my time, it was purely on love. I never knew that, after so many years, she will cheat on me!" Till now, Su Xi can see his moist eyes.

Tears covered his eyelashes but it was his will power that he did not cry at that point. Seeing him like, Su Xi felt a real heartache.

'He had gone through losing a child and having a cheating wife. This is his reality behind his cold attitude?' Su Xi can't help but wonder. 

She can't understand his pain because bg God's grace, all her children are with her. But he is all alone in his life. At his age when people spend time with their family, he just tries to distract himself.

"Chen Juan.. you are just too strong to endure this. Everyone has their own problems. Either financially, mentally. But you suffered losing a child, and for me, that is the most difficult pain one has to go through." Su Xi passed him a warm smile, trying to encourage him.

"I… I don't even know if the child was my or not. Even if it was mine then I never knew the gender, whether I had a baby boy or princess." His flat time was indicating how broken he was.

"She gave you a divorce just like that?" Su Xi asked in a soft tone. Although it was not right to ask, she had some questions too in her mind.

But then there was an evil smile on his face. "No, she took half of my property from me, even the house which we brought as our own home." 

"Where is she now?"

Chen Juan raises his eyebrows and looks at Su Xi "Do you want to know?" The way he asked, made Su Xi surprised. Until now, he had not taken the name of the lady even once.

Suddenly she had a feeling that his wife was' a simple person anymore after their divorce.

"I would like to know if you are comfortable telling me." Su Xi carefully chose her words.

She didn't want to offend him at all, just a little curiosity won't cost much right? At least she will know who this bloody idiot woman was!

"She is a businesswoman too. Even at the top, of course not compared to you or the top class influential families but yes, she is no less now." 

Hearing this, Su Xi frowned. 'A businesswoman? I'm sure she wanted to leech off Chen Juan and actually never loved him. But he considered it to be love!' But Su Xi did not raise her thoughts.

Su Xi got up from her seat and sat beside him. Chen Juan had a confusional look but Su Xi just landed on her shoulder.

"Now that we are being friends, this is my drug that you are no longer sad. Here, cry as much as you want, and trust me, no will know about this.

He did not know why but her words made him emotional. Maybe because no one ever asked him till now that I can cry. He hid it all inside himself and told no one, exactly what he suffered.

Her cute and innocent look made him really think if she is so good only to him or just showing him, her sympathy?

But without thinking about anything else, he cried. He kept on crying, thinking about every memory he shared with his wife when he got to know that she aborted their baby and cheated too!

Su Xi kept on patting his back to assure him that everything will be fine in the future. As a good friend, she needs to do that.

"Don't worry. Now that she is not there in your life anymore, you can do whatever you want. You will get someone whom you will love, and also, the person I also reciprocate your feelings once."

"I hope… I just want to be happy too." His emotions were fading out now. It was enough for him to cry now.


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