My Clever Wife Is Sweet

Chapter 256 - Stay Away From Her!

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Gu Yan raised his eyebrows to meet Chen Juan's mocking eyes. He was challenging not only him but also, his relationship and terms with Su Xi.

But for the very first time, Gu Yan felt of not letting his self-esteem come in between this attr. He is his wife's friend and for her, he won't do anything which will affect Su Xi's friendship with this guy and he doesn't wish to make Su Xi hate him in any manner.

After all, after so many days, they have finally reconciled and she has given him the second chance he wanted. Gu Yan can't afford to lose it at any cost, just because of his mere suspicion.

"Chen Juan, I don't have any intent. I simply ask you to stay away from Su X and if you want to maintain your friendship, go on but don't stop snatching Su Xi for me." 

"Why Mr. Gu? Who are you to her?? Are you her husband? You only said that she loves her late husband till this date, then she doesn't love you also. Right? Then by which right are you saying that I should stay away from Su XI?" Chen Juan was a crime branch officer. 

His mind was very sharp, sharper than other stops. And that's the reason, Gu Yan wanted to talk to him straight away.

He had spiked his one word from his sentence and scored one himself. But Gu yan wasn't a loose player als. He knew how to handle such a situation, especially when it involved what I love. 

'What if I tell you that I'm Xu XI's husband? Will you believe I?" this made Chen Juan almost feel that the land beneath him was shaking. He can't believe this woman's words but with a sly smirk on his face, he had no option but to doublethink of this situation.

'Her husband?1 but wasn;t he dead.' He had read the file about A family and as far he knew, Su XI's husband was Ye Huo, who was shot dead by someone at the entrance of their house. But the case was closed. 

It was never investigated and he had no idea why. But now that the person in the horn of him claims to be her husband but will he accept his bulshit?

When Gu Yan noticed the change in his facial expressions, his smirk even grew bigger, "Well, I know that this might be a little shocking to you. Es, 'im her husband and also, the father of her Chaudhry. So as her husband, I'm asking you to stay within your limits and on' even think of snatching my love from me." 

In Between his task, what Gu yan forgot was, he had declared SU XI to be his love inffornfo Chen Juan. His jealousy was raging inside him but instead, he opened and said what he felt was his heart he could feel himself falling off her as Gu yan, although his own heart and body were already in love iht her soul.

But the news was already like Haydock to Chen Juan. he hadn't expected this to be turned out. Su XI was already married and now, he understood why she said yesterday, that it is complicated for the very beginning she was never single!

But why? Why did it planned out like this? Isn't her husband supposed to be an orphan?

"Mr. Gu, are you seriously kidding or trying to make me fool? As far as I know, Su XI's husband was an orphan and also, he died three years ago! You can think that you can use your intentions on me.`` Chen Juan put forward what he actually felt and this was something Gu yan had expected already.

"I'm not kidding. And that very fact that I was shot years ago then it is some private matter that I would not like to disclose in the form of you. So please respect my privacy also." but GU Yandidnto stopped atthis. Instead, his sweet tone was now converted into a much colder one, almost dropping the tempest of the room.

Chen Juan can feel that he has something important to say to him as he had his own ear opened loud.

"As a man, I know that you have some feelings for her. I know my wife. She Is like this. Her bubbly nature, her beauty, and everything attract many butterflies around her but no one is able to have her. In the same manner, Su XI has;t find it out until yet and I would recommend you to stop those feelings inside you otherwise, you will also lose her a friend." 

For the very first time, Chen Juan felt that whatever the person into him was, tared right. If only Su Xi got to know that he meant something for her, she might make a little distance with him and as far as he meows, Su Xi likes to never let anyone go in the wrong direction.

'Inte end, I can never have Su Xi.' This was the conclusion he drove out of it. Sh ewa already someone else's wife.

"Mr. Gu, I won't interfere in your personal matter at all. everything I have for Su IX is my problem and I would request to keep yourself to you only. I will ever be any obstacle ebetwenyu and Su XI and I have my word on it. 

But remember, if you try to hurt her in any manner or maybe, she cries because of you, then don't blame me for being there for Su Xi and you weren't. I Will snatch her away from you and give her all the love she deserves!"


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PS- I know many of you might think differently about why Gu Yan told Chen Juan, but the fact that Jealousy do makes you do many things which you don't wish to and claiming what is yours is never wrong. 

If your other partner is so bent on hiding you, then there are either some really dangerous situation or maybe, they are ashamed to tell others about you. 

So, know your worth and if you are at right place! 

~ A small advice from author!

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