My Clever Wife Is Sweet

Chapter 259 - I'm His Girlfriend!

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As Ye Nian and Shi Yu heard the voice behind them, they turned around to see her demanding a dress from them, which was obvious it was of Ye Nian's liking. The Manager Looked quite embarrassed because, from his perspective, he can't afford to lose Ye Nian as their client as well, because she has appeared with Shi Yu.

The Shi Yu was one of the best, clients of theirs, and also, how can they miss how Shi Yu totally ignored the lady who was shouting on the top of her lungs just because of their jealousy factor inside her?

They all were conflicted but somehow, he ca only clear his throat and after a little bit, he can only scratch his hair with nervousness!

"Umm...Ma'am, can you please look at any other dress? The dress is already taken by the lady now. She is also liking it.." The manager looked at Quin Fei and can't help but try to convey his message through his eyes to her!

"NO! I want the same dress! I'm a VIP customer of your shop, you can't say no to me, okay?"

Only Ye Nian knew how much anger she felt at that time. She was racing like a total idiot at this time and she knew what, a catfight will be provoked in the store for sure if this lady doesn't go back on her words at the moment.

For some time, Ye Nian totally ignored her and kept on dong her work, thinking that nothing will make her impact but somehow, she can feel her body was buried in anger

Shi Yu can only sigh because e he was aware that this was all happening because of him. This lady was just too obsessed with him at the same time, he can't help but look at Ye Nian who was beside him. He knew how beautiful she looked in his dress and how much he liked it.

It was her birthday, how he let her down because of his stupid past?

"Manager, I want this dress packed right now. We don't entertain the guests who only know how to create havoc in an over beating manner!" Shi Yu doesn't wish to entertain Quin Fei anymore as he motioned Ye Nian to go inside the room and change into her regular clothes.

"Also, you see that we have some other customers as well. They would be disturbed by such noises. Aks her to either leave or just shop whatever she wants to in peace!" Shi Yu directly said to the customer, without any intention of altering anything. 

He wishes to have a peaceful day with Ye Nian, but this lady was bent on making his life hell. Already past is haunting him but here she comes, to have his day bad as well. 

'I wish I could just strangle you right now! You would be better if you were dead, Quin Fei! I wished I haven't saved you...' A frown settled on his forehead.

Ye Nian looked at him with her concerned eyes but he passed her an assuring smile. Seeing him so relaxed, Ye Nian gave him a look through her eyes and then, once again changed into her normal clothes inside the trial room.

When she came out with the outfit, the jealous Quin Fei came forward and snatched the clothing's former hands as she looked at the manager with r angry eyes.

"I'm the exclusive member of this shop! How can you give this dress to a third class girl who is actually nobody? You can't do this! Remember that!" Quin Fei shouted on the top of her lungs which made Ye Nian covered her ears. She was getting more and more irritated with this ad. 

The more she stayed here, the more she felt that her blood was boiling whe n she saw her!

Before the manager could have spoken to anyone else at the end of Ye Nian, she spoke for herself, "Who Are you calling third class? Yourself? Well, first go and see the mirror before commenting on others!" 

She knew how humiliating it was and Ye Nian won't let others degrade her just because she is younger than them. No!

Of course, there are surely some standards and some boundaries that she will not cross but somehow, she can't manage to let this go just like that!

The anger was boiling inside Qing Fei as she looked at Shi Yu, and spoke, '"Shi Yu, is this your standard? Dating a middle-class girl? She doesn't know how to respect her elders and let me remind you, I'm your senior!"

But her words did not make much difference to Shi Yu as he kept his straight face on. For him, these things were literally normal to understand and he doesn't think much about this lady. But to keep her shut, he faced her with his cold expressions as always!

"My respect depends on who I'm talking with, for me, you are no one so of course, you can't bring Shi Yu into it to understand that. And why are not talking with me directly? Feeling shy or humiliating?" hearing Ye Nian's words, everyone was shocked.

Who would have expected such a timid girl to be so brave to speak against Quin Fei, who had too much c resort in the industry?

Especially Shi Yu, who knew that Ye Nian doesn't speak for any reason was equally surprised to see her taking an std for her, but a sly smirk came to his face.

The fact that she is also replying is already making his heart feel warm and especially when she is taking a stand for him here. This was just too much for him but he controlled his emotion.

Quin Fei smiled, "Talking to you is like blowing my standards! Why don't keep yourself to yourself? I don't wish to talk to you and Shi Yu, c'mon, don't be so cold!"

"Oh, so let me remind you, Shi Yu's standards isn't you than a cheap lay fighting for others clothes. Is that what you are? Stop being dramatic in front of others otherwise be ready to face my wrath! And also, who you are?" 

Ye Nian did not keep her distinct herself; she kept on saying many harsh words to this lady for her, as she felt that that was just a headache.

From the very start, she had kept their mouth shut to let this lady speak what so ever she was saying without interrupting because, from her point of view, she considered her to be a close friend of Shi Yu but now, the water was already above her neck.

She was literally pointing out Shi Yu's character and Ye Nian can never let anyone say such hard words to Shi Yu, despite them having no relationship to defend each other but this was how Ye Man's heart and mind were working.

She selected the dress and wore it first, who is she to demand and buy it? Ye Nian won't let her have her way just because he feels that Ye Nian is younger than her.

But at the same time, Quin Fei looked at Shi Yu with her tinder eyes, "Shi Yu, I had no idea that you have such a fierce girl with you. Did you like Fierce girls? You could have told me about the college day snack then. I would ha-"

"Stop it! Who the hell are you even Miss? I'm not paying you anymore then you are so pestered to disturb everyone in the shop. Can you shut your mouth? You aren't getting dressed anymore and stop being in college now!"

Shi Yu had to limit in mind and from his perspective, this lady was crossing her limits now. 

He was tolerating everything about her and going eveyritng t keep hi clam ut for some reasons, he can't feel that his anger was reaching the neck now. It was impossible for him to let anyone understand who he exactly is!

But Quin Fei had no intention of setting herself right now, "I will speak what I wish! Who the hell are you?!"

Ye Nian's hands turned into fists when she saw how the lady was directly saying bad things to Shi Yu, she wasn't able to control her mouth at that time and shocked everyone in the shop with her words.

"Oh lady, Yes I'm his girlfriend, what will you do? His standards are way above then yours. So, either keep quiet and shop or get the hell out of here. If I hear any other word against my boyfriend, then be ready to be thrown in front of his shopping mall and mind me, I'm a lady of my words!"


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I will be adding tiers in the next month. You can buy chapters ahead after that soon, and I will try my best to give you as much chapters as possible. 

PS- Mystery will be reaveled soon. Who all are excited to know who exactly is Shi Yu?

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