My Clever Wife Is Sweet

Chapter 292 - Never Exposed?!

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"Sir, l I know that many things have happened in the past and I'm very much later to ask you out for them but finally when I'm on the verge of knowing things. I request you to please support me, legally as well as personally." Su Xi spoke in a begging tone.

Although she knew that she was superior but at this time, it was he, who is her senior. He was one of her father's friends and here comes the family relations as well.

For this makes her sees him as someone close to her and her heart. from his words as well it was easy to guess that he was giving her some signals and hints to understand.

Not directly, but indirectly that she is on the right track and his words, were already a big guess to her. Suddenly, everything happened after her mother died, why? Was her mother literally killed like before?!

She knew that she had been late to understand everything but in the end, she started discovering things. How can she leave it in the middle way out?

They have found out the things already and now, the key is to expose the fake father Su and who exactly is he?! if he is really her parent's brother then why is he doing this?!

But the lawyer did not answer her, instead, he turned to Gu Yan as he said, "I heard that you were dead long ago. But here you are, it seems like your father played you on this as well. Anyways, these are your personal matters and I can only help you with legal things." 

He kept it straight and clear as glass. In this meaning, he doesn't wish to Mendel in her personal space and internal family matters but at the same time, she can't help but ask him once again, "You also feel that my father was murdered a long ago and now the person isn't the actual Father Su and your friend Su Zian?" 

Su Xi had many fears inside her when she finished those words. It was almost a strike to know that she was on the right way to discover things. 

It was understood by her that this person knows many things about her family but he will disclose them to her? She has merely made any guess.

A faint smile came on the lawyer's face. His eyebrow twisted as he looked at Su Xi with his deep eyes trying to read through her soul.

"You are doing a great job. Trust me, your father died a long time ago. He is no more there in this world and the one who killed is also someone you don't know. Mostly, the killer's existence is none in this world before he took over your father's identity"


The glass of water that was offered by his wife fell from her hand when she heard that. Although she had already guessed it well but still hearing it say from someone else is also a different feeling.

On the other hand, Gu Yan squeezed Su Xi's hand and tug tightly after hearing from the lawyer himself. He knew that something is big planned behind everything isn't any type of coincidence.

Although, Su Xi is being a little emotional he has to think rationally from his eyes and mind. No one will come to them and explain things easily as the lawyer made it clear that he doesn't wish to come in their internal matters at all.

"Don't worry sir, we won't force you to tell us anything but I would say that hearing this from you is a big help to us." Gu Yan replied to which the lawyer nodded his head.

But Su Xi can't keep her level of claims anymore. She was curious to know about the person who was pretending to be the fake Su Zian!

"C...Can you please tell us who that person is? Who is he trying to gain and why did he kill my parents?" as crura and the stubborn girl she was now being in emotions.

Her memories had taken control over her senses because waiting for more wasn't in her hands. If the lawyer knew something about her parent's death then she wished to know that instant itself.

The lawyer stood up from his seat and came closer to Su Xi. Patting her head lightly, he smiled and replied to her.

"I'm not in any position to reveal anything like this. I have made a promise to my friend as well and he must be watching us from heaven. But yeah I will say that if he can tell me something like this then he must have left something for you as well. 

There must be any proof to tell you everything, all you need to do is to find them and go through them. This is a very sensitive matter and you won't win against them too easily but you have my back through legal matters."

Till now, Su Xi's eyes were wet. She knew that this is also true. they have left something for her and that is those videos that they have seen on that day. The evidence she needs must be there only.

But at least, she is the one who is on the right track and this gives her a little bit of feeling of relief. She has her hands over the things she waited for, those video clips and all they need to do is to watch them carefully.

"I..I.. can't tell you how much help you are proving to me. Despite knowing that.. thank you so very much… but I do have a question in my mind. Why did you do that? I mean, if you knew that he isn't my father then what happened? You could have revolted like this as well. And exposed him to everyone. Then why did you not do anything?" 


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