My Clever Wife Is Sweet

Chapter 339 - Stranger!?

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Gu Yan was quite surprised by this sudden invite by his second uncle. Not because they weren't close but because he never thought that he would try to build relations with him. After all, do not live together, not were they too close to each other. 

"I...I will try to come to your place this weekend. I hope you will welcome us, after all, I'm your nephew." Gu Yan replied. 

"Obviously. You're my nephew and that is why I'm inviting you and your family to my home. Although, I highly doubt if elders will give you their blessing but I guess, after your father, it is my responsibility to bless you and your wife." 

Hearing these words, Gu Yan doesn't know who to feel. Somewhere, felt sincere in his words but at the same time, he doesn't want to lower his walls against his uncle. Despite knowing that he doesn't mean any harm against him because he is again treated badly by the Gu elders. 

"It would be a lovely occasion for us to be there at your place. I hope to see Quin there as well." Gu Yan smiled and replied back to him, hoping to have a lively family feeling once again.

"Sure. She would be delighted to meet you after a long, and truth to be told, for her, Ms. Su is her idol. She will be over the cloud when she'll get to know that you are coming and that Su Xi is actually her sister-in-law. now." Gu Ya chucked. He can already imagine Ning Quin's face when she learns about this. 

But moving the topic a little bit aside, Gu Yan told him, "I'm planning to move back into the family mansion where mom and dad used to live. I know that it has been so many years but it won't be a problem to reopen." 

"No worries. I will ask my butler to clean that place. You would be welcome there. But I am wondering, why are you suddenly interested in moving there? You see, you lived the near penthouse and when dad asked you last refused immediately." 

Each son of the Gu family was given one mansion in the elite house colony youth leaders. They said that they want their children to stay there with the family. In total, there were almost three households, one belonged to Gu Yan's father and two others to his uncles respectively. 

But when he was asked to move there, two years ago, he refused it sternly because...he has many reasons to stay the night out. At that time, he felt that the penthouse was much more to his liking rather than a single large home. 

"I'm moving in with my family, I won't be alone this time, uncle. You know that last time, I had lost my memory and I was all alone.." His second uncle understood what he meant. He was afraid of being alone in that house, which will remind him of his old memories, and that, he is all alone and with no parent. 

The second uncle brought his hand on his shoulders and patted his back, "You are old. May God bless you and hold the position tightly. Many are eyeing for it.." 

"Do not worry, I will not let it go at any cost!" Gu Yan's eyes showed pure determination. He might have to use many dirty tricks against his third uncle but he is ready for that as well.

Why? Because he will not leave his enemies alone, let it be his own uncle, who is bent on snatching everything from his hands. 

After his uncle left the company, Gu Yan made his way inside his cabin where his secretary came to him and nodded his head. "Sir, the report that you have requested earlier is now ready. Would you like to check them?" 

"Place them on my desk." Gu Yan was keen to see how the parts that he wanted to be turned out. The private investigator that he has hired, what does he have to say? 

His secretary put the file in front of him, but before Gu Yan could open it, his phone turned on and he saw that there was an incoming call from Su Xi. He picked it up and heard her worried but at the same time, relaxed tone. 

"What happened at the meeting? Was Elder Master Gu angry?" She dared not to address him as grandfather Gu. After knowing about what Elder Madame Gu has done along with Su Juan, the respect that she held for her has been now down to the ground. 

"Yeah. He just reminds me of the responsibility that I have to take as the Elder of the Gu family and I can't trust the stranger and all that, you are already aware." 

Su Xi laughed when she heard his answer. "Stranger? he was referring to me, wasn't he? C'mon, Gu Yan, you know that you can tell me everything without hesitation. I won't be hurt by their words." Su Xi laughed from the other side, and for some reasons, it gave another level of satisfaction to him.

At this statement, for some unknown reason, Gu Yan felt that Su Xi was quite understanding when it comes to holding her in-laws and his family. She was patient and never created a fuss over his family not liking her. 

With ease in his mind, he started telling her everything and when he finished, Su Xi wasn't surprised at all. She had already predicted that it would be something related to her that he will need to listen to. 

Although, she earlier kept her mouth shut when he left the home because she had no intention to add more tensions to his already surfaced mind.

"And you still want me to move in, in your family house despite the current situations in your household. Don't you?" 


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