My Clever Wife Is Sweet

Chapter 358 - Like Or Love?

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Ye Nian didn't think much of the guy who just tried to give her his help. She was better off without anyone's help in this world, rather she would fight her own battle from now onwards.

Just now, she slapped the lady, the one who tried to say foul words against her mother. Without thinking about what will happen to her anymore, will the bully go to the school head and complain against her?

'I wish that doesn't happen. Otherwise, mom and dad will be disappointed in me once again.' A sigh escaped from her mouth. She only wished that everything goes smoothly in her life but she guessed that maybe this isn't acceptable by god, as more and more problems keep on coming into her life for sure!

Meanwhile, the boy just looked at her disappearing figure when she stepped out of the university campus and a smirk formed on his lips. He didn't say anything to anyone else just faced the three girls who looked quite arrogant at this point.

"You three, don't even dare to go to the head otherwise your existence will be removed from this university. Understood?" he was very cold, which almost sent the chills down their spines. They knew that this person is really dangerous. Although, as a senior, he is rarely interested in something but this time, they can feel that he is serious in this order. 

"Y...yeah. We won't go to school." Picking up their bags, they ran off from the ground while the boy looked around him and saw that most of the people were just there to see the drama, "The drama is over now! Go back to your places and do your own work!"

While Ye Nian got out of the campus area, she saw that her driver was waiting for her there. She got inside the car and was directly taken to her home where she had her new sister-in-law sitting in the drawing-room and it was like she just finished her online meeting. 

"Sister in law, what are you doing?" She asked when she moved near her and Qin Mei smiled at her, "Nothing. I had a meeting with the office staff there and just completed it. So, how is your university going on?" She knew that Ye Nian took the business management course and side by side she is also looking for some modeling stuff. 

As an independent person as well, she wished that Ye Nian can be like her as well. Not like she can force her but instead, won't it be quite good that she makes her both parents proud, either by excelling in modeling or the business world?

"Well, the campus is always good but the people and the students there are the ones who make the university good or not." Qin Mei frowned. She asked Ye Nian to sit beside her when she asked her. 

"So, you mean to say that your expectation isn't good with people around you there? Why? You aren't able to make friends?" As she attended the university herself for the doctorate degree, she knew that not all people are always good. 

Some just are too much nerd while some are too bullies. Some are just happy in their own world while some are too rich and arrogant to talk.

Ye Nian sighed, "Sister in law, I tried to get together with other people but they are just too reluctant to talk to me about anything. They consider me as the Su heir or princess and don't even converse.

"Even when I'm taking the initiative, they just ignore me like a thin air r just go away from that place, and this breaks my heart. At last, when I just concreted into my work, some bullied me and tried to bad mouth me." Ye Nian kept her hands on her face when she narrated the whole incident. 

It was very stressful with workload and handling some bullies as well.

"I tried to control but it wasn't as easy as I thought. Everyone, there was just waiting for the bullies to just beat the shit out of me.." her shoulders dropped but Qin Mei understood the inner conflict that she is going through. 

Just like others, she is facing the problems that freshie goes through in their new learning place. Qin Mei kept her hand on her shoulders and said, "You don't have to feel sorry for that. Those people are the ones wrong. just keep an opposite attitude and do not misbehave with anyone especially showing off. You don't have to get together with everyone if you don't like to. Just focus on your work and career."

"But sometimes I feel that there is a problem within me, that is why no one wishes to be my friend. I have changed, sister-in-law. I'm trying to be a better version of myself but these things make me sadder." 

Qin Mei rubbed her hair, to which she gave her some confidence through her words, "Not everyone thinks in our favor. You remember that Shi Yu always does that for you but that doesn't mean that others will think of you. We are your family and Shi Yu was your teacher so it was normal for us to want good for you. Don't expect much from anyone otherwise you will be the one who will be disappointed in the end. Maintain low status and answer back with your work on their faces!"

"But that isn't easy..." Ye Nian instantly remembered that she has to go to the other shoot tomorrow. Maybe engaging herself in work and other matters will help her? She had no idea that it might help or not but this was the only option left with her now. 

If no one wishes to be her friend, why should she even focus on making friends? And by chance, she made any fake friends, won't it be a disadvantage for her only? It was much better to leave it like this.

Ye Nian looked at her sister-in-law and asked with a confused tone, "Sister in law, can I ask you a question if you don't mind about it?" Qin Mei nodded her head. As her elder, it is her duty to make sure that Ye Nian is on the right track in her life and doesn't go somewhere wrong. 

Taking a deep breath, Ye Nain first composed herself. She even had no idea why this question came inside her mind, and about whom it was but for someone she knew that she had to ask about it and clarify her own mind. 

At last, it was a common thing to ask and Qin Mei was not that elder to her. She was her sister-in-law and asked her sister in law, she felt was totally right about it.

"Sister in law, what if we like someone? I mean what's the difference between like and love according to you." But this gained suspiciousness of Qin Mei. She narrowed her eyes and instead of answering her question, she asked her on her own. 

"Do you like someone?"


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