My Clever Wife Is Sweet

Chapter 98 - Have You Considered My Offer?

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When Su Xi opened up her eyes, she saw a ceiling above her. Her eyes were half opened and it looked like if she was lying on her soft bed. Her eyes quivered when she remembered what all happened in the office. Everything happened how she had predicted, but she never expected Father Su to hit her. That paperweight was damn heavy!

But when tried to get up, she felt a sharp pain hitting her head and as if her body was not reacting much. Even lifting her hand was now difficult for her. Her waist and legs were paining like hell! body ache was spreading now. What exactly is happening to her?!?!?

"Young Miss." She heard a voice coming and calling her name. Opening her eyes fully, she saw Secretary Wan sitting on the bed, and on the other side was a man wearing a white coat. It must be a doctor.

"W...aa..tter." Su Xi felt as if her lungs were dry and throat almost not there. It was like a raw dessert to feel. Even though her voice was not audible, Secretary Wan somewhat understood and brought the glass of water near her mouth so that she can drink from it.

"Ms. Su, it was your luck that while collapsing, your head did not touch the corner of the meeting table, otherwise with an excess of blood and an injury, we might have to do operation on you." Hearing this, Su Xi felt a shiver. Just by her carelessness, she would have to undergo an operation? Even thinking about this, gives her goosebumps! But it was not under her control, as it was all like a sudden expression.

"Doctor, what exactly is madam's condition. Why she fainted?" This time, Secretary Wan asked on her behalf.

"Well, Ms. Su, is not eating much of the food recently. She needs nutrition and I think you have drunk last night so this affected your stomach too. Plus, no proper rest result in fever also. So, in short, you need to take extreme measures to take care of yourself." The doctor fully explained and gave a medicine receipt to Secretary Wan.

"Make sure, Ms. Su take these medicines on time. Otherwise, it will result in more infection in her stomach and brain clotting also." Su Xi just silently listened to what he said. Though she least cared what he was even saying!

As soon as the doctor left, Su Xi tried again to stand up. She has to do this so that she can stop Gu Yan's engagement today. With a lot of failures and strong will, Su Xi finally got up on the bed with the support of her hand. She looked around saw one medicine lying there. She stretched her hand and took it, swallowed it fast!

As she did this, Su Xi took a nap of five to ten minutes hoping the medicine to show its effect.

After 10 minutes, Su Xi felt her energy coming back. The medicine she took, was actually energy boosting medicines! Her wish was fulfilled and she felt that she can at least lift her body a little.

Though it ached still she tried and stood on her feet. Then, she took a look at herself in the mirror and found that a bandage was wrapped around her forehead. It was maybe because the bleeding was continuous. Su Xi was still feeling very dizzy but she did not have any other option.

Taking support from the various objects, she somehow managed to come out of her cabin.

'Su Xi, you have to stay strong!' She some how managed to come down, in her car and picked up her call and dialed Gu Yan's number. But what she received was, 'The number you have dialed is currently busy.'

She was feeling and hoping that it was not too late to stop his engagement. Her heart was beating so fast thinking that she made a grave mistake and time was now running out of her hand.

She drove her car in the direction of the venue, where the Gu family as well as Lin's family is holding the engagement party. Her head was constantly burning from fever and her throat was now again dry. Stomach ache and God knows all the things happening with her right now but she was least concerned about her own health.

If Gu Yan is engaged to someone else, she might not be able to face her children anymore. Maybe, she will carry down her life with all the guilt she has!

As soon as Su Xi reached the venue, she saw her own appearance. It was not at all suited for an engagement party!

Su Xi knew it was not of any use in calling her secretary because he will not do as she says this time. Her health was already bad enough and she did not know for how long she can open her eyes as her dizziness might take over her anytime.

The only option left was to ask her designer to deliver a dress to her. What else she can ask for? Su Xi picked up her cell and dialed the number of her designer. The other hand did not pick the call at one go. She dialed it again and again, and her designer picked it up after four rings.

"Hello? Su Xi! It has been so long. How are you?"

Su Xi cut short the formality this time and came directly at the point, "Listen to me carefully, I want a perfect dress in five minutes. I'm sending you one address and come there as soon as possible!" Saying this, she hanged up and messaged her the address.

All now, she wanted was to go inside and find Gu Yan and tell what she has to offer. But where will she find him in such a large location?!?

Su Xi called up again a certain person. Although she was exhausted, she can't let her will be down at this moment when she was so close to stopping his engagement.


"I wanna know a certain person's room number. His name is Gu Yan. Extract that person's data as soon as possible." The other side agreed but as always, there is a cost of everything.

"How much are you willing to offer?" Su Xi knew nothing in this world can be done in free. Especially if the work is of such a top person. 'Why is everyone so greedy nowadays? One side, Gu Yan wants power and money, and here this person!'

"Enough to last you for a long period. Just come to the parking lot with the room number of his. Also, if someone gets to know this, you can kiss goodbye to your job!"

"Nothing will be exposed. Wait for me there!" The other side hangs up first. Su Xi just wanted her work to be done as soon as possible otherwise she is going to be doomed!

Su Xi laid back on the seat of her car and waited for her things to be done. She was so exhausted right now but she can't lose her hope at this moment. Everything is at stake right now. Can she afford to lose? No!!

While Su Xi waited in her car for her dress, Gu Yan was trying his tuxedo in one of the rooms of the best hotel. It was also the venue for today's engagement.

Gu family and Lin family does not lack money. Yes, the Lin family's shares dropped at a massive decrease but with the help of the Gu Family, the Lin family stayed stable. With Gu Yan, Shi Yu was standing at the balcony of the room, and smoking while looking at the scenery.

"Well, it is surely my engagement and it is me who is going to be going down by marrying Lins, why are you the one who is smoking?" Gu Yan asked with a sarcastic tone. Shi Yu came to his engagement after a lot of talks and discussions. But it was evident from Shi Yu's face that he was not happy about it.

Shi Yu just ignored his rude words. It does not affect him anymore. He was wearing a navy blue color coat with a white shirt inside, looking just as a pretty and gentlemen. But his eyes spoke anything else. They were deep and dark as a well and the aura around was a dark one. No one will even think of approaching a person like him. He was such young in age but was already competing with adults at his age.

He was called the best teacher but no one knows the real him except the fact that he is Shi Family's heir. His real story? Known to none! As well, he was not interested in revealing it also.

Gu Yan knew it was a waste of time in saying him anything. He fixed his bow and made sure his hair is all straight and fixed for the party. Today, even the press was called to record this event. No one was going to miss this massive engagement!

Two influential families coming together and this will surely break all records today!

"You can go now." Gu Yan said to his hair stylish as he was ready to attend the engagement at any moment. Today was the official day when he will come in front of everyone and expose his face. Till now, many people of high-class families had seen him but never witnessed his face. He was just like a secret! Gu Yan walks to the balcony where Shi Yu was smoking.

"Have you considered my offer?"


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