My cliché Love Story

Chapter 9:The Rest

So far, we have been living in this small space for three days. It is going well, but it is a bit hectic, like for instance the other day I accidentally walked in on him in the bathroom and he did the same to me once. We have also finally figured out a plan on how to make this situation work best; I cook, he does the garbage and we both; go shopping, do dishes and do laundry. Over these three days we worked out that this is what is best for us, we do not sleep on the same bed he sleeps on the couch and I sleep on the double bed, but I feel bad for him because he started complaining that his body is sore. I feel a bit bad for him. It is currently Saturday and we are getting ready to go do some shopping for the house because we need some more towels. We noticed that I take the longest to get ready so every time we plan on going somewhere or doing something, I have to start getting ready first.

Zack is currently relaxing on the bed waiting for me; 'Come on, how long does it take. Get a move on.'

'I am almost done. Don't get your underwear in a twist.'

'Okay I am done, let's go.'


This is how it has been going in our little so called 'house'. On our first day of living together it was alright, but I did make it clear to him that I want him to be himself and not anybody else. From then on it has been smooth sailing.

We were stuck at the towel shop because there was a customer giving problems but after some time we finally came home. It is currently two day's left until we must go on that stupid trip, so I decided that I was going to start and plan my packing; 'I am going to go and start packing. I think you should as well.'

'Okay, let's just do that.'

While we were getting really into packing our things, it started to get really messy in the room there were clothes on the floor and shoes lying around, it was so messy. So, I decided that I was going to put my bag outside the room and clean up a bit…


Oh no what do I do, what do I do, I am on top of him… I am on top of Zack!

I was placing my bag outside and when I came back in, he was sitting on the bed folding some clothes up, but just when I was about to go and pick up some clothes I slipped on a piece of clothing. It happened so quickly I did not know how to stop my self from falling on top of him. Oh no why. Why does this have to happen to me? As I am mumbling to myself right now, I register what is currently happening and forgot a little detail and that is that I am currently kissing him. This is now the second time.

I slowly remove my lips from his and stare deeply into his eyes and I notice his mouth starts to move; 'I need to be careful you wanted to kiss me again so badly that you jumped on me…'

Was it in the heat of the moment or is my heart actually telling the truth?

As I was staring deep into his eyes and he stared deeply into mine, with his masculine hands spread across my back I suddenly blurted out; 'I like you.'

After what felt like an eternity, I finally realised what I just said to him… My brain went into override. What do I do now? I just said it. Oh, wait I have an idea let's get off, of him first. In a scurry I tried to stand up but to my surprise he pushed me down. Now he was on to of me caressing my head and placing his perfect hand on my cheek and neck… Okay, then what is going on now?

As he is on top of me, I see a genuine smile appear on his face as he moves closer towards my lips; 'Finally you said it I thought you were never going to say it.'

We kissed again but this time there was a lot more tension and we kissed for a lot longer than the other two times, and yes, I am counting. It was quite nice I enjoyed it oddly enough, I never thought that I would like kissing him but after actually kissing passionately and being with each other for so long has made me grow fonder of him. The next morning, we had a serious chat and decided that we will go through this since we both like each other, but we do not agree with our parent's way of making us do this. So, we have decided that we are going to go and talk to them and maybe slow down the process. We arrived at my parent's house and we called his parent over as well so that we can discuss it with them.

I started of the conversation 'Good morning, today Zack and I came here to discuss the trip and the wedding with you guys. Last night we discovered or more accurately we discovered this morning that we have feelings for each other.'

But before I could continue my mom interrupted me yet again; 'Oh, that is good.'

'Not yet finished mom. Any way what I am saying is that me and Zack would like to do things the old and more traditional way and that is to get to know each other, Start to date, meet parents, propose and then finally we want to get married. We would like to ask if it is possible for us to get married at the designated age of 23 years old because after all that was the original age for us to get married.'

There was silence form everyone before my dad spoke up; 'If I may ask why you want to do this?'

'Yes, we want to do it this way because we want to live a somewhat normal life when it comes to these big things and we also want it to happen naturally.'

Back then when we made the suggestion there was a bit of an uproar, but in the end everyone agreed. Guess what, I am now a successful 24-year-old lady who is married and has a little present on the way. I know you might think that this is a very cliché love story, but it is my love story, and, in the end, we are all happy…

I am now 54 and living healthy and well, all my children graduated and now it is only me and Zack left in the house. Our eldest son took over the business and Zack retired so that we can travel and go overseas.

Currently I am 84 years old and, in the hospital, living my last few days. Zack died 3 years ago, and it was very sad for me it started then when my health decreased. All my kids are married now except for one because he does not want to get married, but all the others are, I currently have 10 grandchildren. I have no regrets in my life after living this long, I have been quite happy I just hope that my kids will also live a long and happy life. All the best in your life as well, good luck.

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